The Simpsons Mafia - Game Over : TOWN WIN > Player Reviews

lol again with the questions :rolleyes:p

Varun's kinda like me, in that he posts little but it does help... (kinda :p). Aditya as his own ideas but vaguely expresses them and follows anyone who blatantly attacks a player in the game without really explaining why. Bevab is just annoying, doesn't really post anything helpful and makes no sense half the time... but i do think he has a important role in the game, maybe he's the old man? he tries to pose as vanilla townie but i'm not too sure.

Here is a quote from Riz.
Its been a tight game from mafia. Not really much to catch on to.
Either way
its down to varun or aditya being mafia.
Need a character and role claim from both.
Varun has been hinting his night role for some time now.
Now is the time you speak up. So we can best decide to strategy to finish mafia off.
right i'm being forced to role claim, i'm Michael D'Amico the son of Fat Tony. I have two special roles (limited to once only) one is which i can protect and the other i'll mention later. On either night 0, night 1 (cant remember) i protected User from the mafia attack since i have a 50/50 chance of knowing who they would attack. (MaD would send me a pm telling me who they would attack) but because of the bus driver i could never be sure who's role would be swapped (including mine). btw since my dad is fat tony i have the information.

The second role is that i have a small chance of tracking a cult member, i sent in bevab's name (night 2) and it came up as positive. Since it says I can never be sure i decided to state my opinions about him to which he got incredibly agressive to so that made me believe that he was cult.

Since I cant use my roles anymore, i'm just a plain townie. I would've roleclaimed earlier but i wanted to use up my roles before I did and make sure i could rat out the cult member and i think i might have although Chewie says different that's why i'm still not sure :/
Nice try mate. Should give you full marks on the effort?
Who is your fellow partner though? It would make our life easier. :p
believe it or not but that's what i have to say, you would want to get rid of me just like with yudi. hope everyone doesn't follow like last time. I'm pretty sure you're not the bus driver aswell but again the town seems to be going along with that.
If he wasn't the bus driver the real one would have role-claimed because it's a very easy way to figure out mafia members early
i'm also going to lynch Aditya because i've always had my suspicion on him and chewie's post just clarifyed that.


If he wasn't the bus driver the real one would have role-claimed because it's a very easy way to figure out mafia members early

couldn't the busdriver be a cult or mafia or something and then he would be reluctant to role claim because then that member would be found out.
Well a mafia wouldn't role-claim as another mafia role. That would just be stupid.


And how did I clarify my suspicion on Aditya? I didn't say anything with regards to him.
Well a mafia wouldn't role-claim as another mafia role. That would just be stupid.

yup. :thumbs

And how did I clarify my suspicion on Aditya? I didn't say anything with regards to him.

it clarifyed my suspicions, hmm... didn't read the last post you made properly. anyway aditya is reluctant to role-claim and as with bevab hasn't done much. Now would be the crucial time to role claim if you were townie but ofcourse he isn't doing that so that leaves him as cult or mafia.
Interesting thing going on here. Two anti-town members joining hands to lynch aditya.
Well Varun or Aditya have to role claim now. That will be the last matter to sort everything out.
Either one of the two is mafia.
This game is getting quite interesting.
There are a few things still not sorted out, hopefully the final role claims will clear the picture.


I would also be interested to know what the mods thought of the game after this game.
Must have been quite interesting leading us on a merry go chase :p
haha, yes, I've found this game annoying but interesting to watch as well. We had too many newbies which made it impossible to tell who was mafia and who was just stupid and can't play the game. The role swapper was the most annoying role though as I was confused half the time as to who was targetting who. Lucky we only kept this game simple (We had some other good roles but decided to not use them because of the amount of newbies)
It would be nice to elaborate on how everyone's played this once it's over :)
I'll role claim. I am Bart simpson.

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