BCCI President
It was indeed going to be a long night... a very very long night, and for (?), it was going to be their last
The clever little girl was getting very... very sus about some people in the house and tonight she'd chosen her most sus target. She had no confirmation about this target, but he was her target nevertheless. She walked around the dark hallways searching for her target. As she turned a corner, she noticed a shadow behind her, as she turned around, the shadow disappeared! It seemed to be a man with coats and a tie, she couldn't figure out the colours from the shadows, however she did notice an extremely unique moustache. Every time she turned around, he disappeared. Her target was no where to be found, but he was somewhere, where, wait a second! THERE! .... and THEN!!
Who wears a coat and tie, and a moustache? Because it seems like he was trying to kill the little girl.
Dr Nick was his name, Springfields?s reliable, affordable doctor, he performed the most Operations in Springfield, treated the most patients and earned somewhere around the middle class area, maybe slightly lower. He walked into his bed, pulled out that amazing flower, he?d found 2 days ago, from his pocket, put it on the side of his bed and went to sleep... sleep and...
Role blocked again? I'm really confused by this flower. the second time he's had it, but the first time it didn't seem to do anything.
The trusty, cool, bus driver, he was awesomeeeeee! He had his ways of doing things, and they were all controlled by that huge yellow school bus, he?d parked outside the mansion. Every night, before he went to bed, he?d look out of his unbreakable, uncrackable, unopenable, bullet proof window and smile at his bus. He slipped into bed and looked outside the window... WTF!!!?!?!??! Some fat dude was in his bus, looked like he was about to drive it away, the bus driver chuckled to himself...
?He has no keys!?
But then the car started.... WTF?!??! He looked under his bed, where he?d hidden the keys, and to his surprise, they had disappeared!!
He yelled, but it was no use, the man drove away with his bus and left behind a sign-
The bus driver cried himself to sleep.
I'd guess role blocked if anything.
She?d been quiet... the whole game, she?d sat the and watched the people die, the lives taken, the silly votes being cast, and now it was time for her to do something! She put on her cap, her boots, locked ?n? loaded, and rolled out, her hair blended with her clothes. Tonight she had a target in mind, someone who?d been acting.... well... weird. As though he had something to hide, did he? She followed him to his room, and watched from under the door, his feet, but something was obstructing her view, she slid her hand slightly under the table and felt something sharp, which she wiped away. As she pulled her hand out, it was bleeding slightly, as though she?d been cut by something... glass? But why would there be broken glass?
The other glass reference was the vial wasn't it?
He was a ninja. Silent, stealthy and possessed a unique moustache. Tonight, he had another target in mind, someone who he believed to be special, he?d never hurt a person of her type, but there?s a first time for everything, he thought. He followed her through the hallways, as they reached the corner; she turned around! He went down on the ground, as fast as light, covered himself with his cloak and hid in the shadows. As she continued walking and turning, he found the perfect chance to strike. He jumped onto the chandelier and shanked the poor little girl from behind, all in time of 2.1312 seconds, a personal best. Not a sound came, as he slowly lowered her onto the ground and escaped in the shadows.
The townspeople woke up in the morning to the sight of a little girl, dead on the ground. There was a minor mark on her neck, which seemed tiny, but had killed her.
One of the townspeople went over to check her ID?
*Cough cough
?She?s alive!!?
?What happened, little one??
She checked her neck and the mark had not penetrated her skin deep enough to kill her, she had survived?!?!
Rather weird turn of events. Proves that there are two people out there killing though. And they know who the tracker is. There's glass on a chandelier though, right? Anyone think that the person the girl was investigating was the ninja guy person?
7 people, 3 mafia? Going to be really tough for us