This is it - Ashes Cricket (Beta Feedback)

The 'merit' is that yes indeed, they were bowling no-balls when the most wide crease approach was chosen.

However, contrary to the original suggestion that this was 'missed' - it was simply a 50/50 decision on whether the exact spot the back foot landed was more important than giving a wider range of crease approaches. Underneath the release point of the ball was not any further out - just that the angle of approach meant the foot landed outside the line. Given that it is mocapped animation, it would be unnatural to solve it by changing where the foot landed, so instead to stop the back foot no ball it meant moving in the widest release point (there are still 3 either side, and it is still wider than the middle point before the change)

And yes, the decision to make the change was very much down to the fact people did notice that they were no-balls and mentioned it - however that does come at the cost of a not insignificant amount of variation of positioning, hence not taking that approach earlier.

Don't really care about the animation or spinner's animation looking like a no-ball. To me that's more of an "animation quirk" as mentioned earlier than anything else. However, I do wish Big Ant find a way to allow spinners to bowl no balls as that impacts gameplay. Spinners do bowl no balls on a regular basis and end up impacting result of the matches especially in shorter formats, and I would love to get an opportunity to face "free hit" against spinners.

Even when the game is out, would people enjoy videos of test matches/ODI and series highlight packages etc where they can follow games like a story thread.

Just curious...

As long as England comes out on top since it's clearly not happening in reality! :)
Does D/L revised target on rain shortened game calculated realistically ?

Even when the game is out, would people enjoy videos of test matches/ODI and series highlight packages etc where they can follow games like a story thread.

Just curious...

Depends if you are doing it for fun or for views. Personally I think there is a lot of depth to Batting and Bowling and some in depth guides would be more popular, especially as this iteration is likely to attract new people to BigAnt cricket games. For example showing how to execute ALL the different shots and the variations the trigger buttons have on those shots as the tutorials and instructions only cover the basics

For example, I'm pretty good at Batting in DBC17 but even i didn't realize you could execute different style leaves/padding ups until i was halfway though my career mode.

Even when the game is out, would people enjoy videos of test matches/ODI and series highlight packages etc where they can follow games like a story thread.

Just curious...

I would say yes. You can never have too many cricket and cricket gaming videos :)

Personally I loved watching @passwordistaco 's DBC 17 videos, especially the unique ones he did with sliders set to 0 and 100.
Depends if you are doing it for fun or for views. Personally I think there is a lot of depth to Batting and Bowling and some in depth guides would be more popular, especially as this iteration is likely to attract new people to BigAnt cricket games. For example showing how to execute ALL the different shots and the variations the trigger buttons have on those shots as the tutorials and instructions only cover the basics

For example, I'm pretty good at Batting in DBC17 but even i didn't realize you could execute different style leaves/padding ups until i was halfway though my career mode.

Def not for views haha! Don't care about that, just enjoy it sometimes! Putting videos together!![DOUBLEPOST=1510323252][/DOUBLEPOST]Well anyway, tonight we will see how England did in their first ODI batting efforts against the Aussies!!

Messing around on the PS4 has been a lot of fun. Be good to show that off next week!

Even when the game is out, would people enjoy videos of test matches/ODI and series highlight packages etc where they can follow games like a story thread.

Just curious...

Short answer: yes.
Long answer: Maybe there needs to be an Ashes Cricket Stories subsection when the game is out. One of the great things about the open-ended nature of sports games is that no match, league, series is the same. I know my mates will be sick and tired in no time of me sharing my experiences with them, despite being cricket fans, so maybe we all need an all outlet to share on.
Quick questions
- @MattW will there be an academy release for steam?
- @SnowyCasanova @blockerdave will we be able to edit competition names and logos for career?
- @WealeyH @Llewelynf I am assuming that not a lot of teams will be made before release, so would i be able to start career mode at club and then download teams later on? Would players download aswell or just generics?

thanks if any of these can be ansswered
Any videos comin up tonight lads??
I've said it before and I'll say it again, listening to product ideas on a forum be like...
Just wondering if replays of LBW's/nicks after batsmen given out and they don't review. Does the ball tracker/snicko auto play after the replays of the wicket? I remember thinking when playing dbc that would be cool as when watching cricket they do. I know it's different obviously :)

When playing a friend online mainly on dbc14 all lbw/possible nicks that were given out or close we'd both review just to see as if we didn't we would never know. (we had the max possible reviews in our edited match type :) ) I didn't play much dbc17 online so i don't know if that was added. It was great fun both saying 'ohhh that's plum/Never out!' Then not having that clarity especially LWB's. Always felt strange not knowing for me anyway as the replays never really showed it well enough.

Sorry if this is a stupid post :) Just remembered how I'd wish it would auto run the snicko/ball tracking after given out and no review. I know you can call up ball tracking on 17. Can't remember if you could when in online matches.

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