Tibes"n"McPinch Takeover The DubyaDubyaEee RAW Posted!!!


International Cricketer
Mar 14, 2006
><In Your Head><
Online Cricket Games Owned
Yes thats right due to low ratings Vince McMahon has given creative control over the WWE there first move was to eliminate the company's dead weight show ECW. The rosters have also being changed as to be seen soon.

Yes we know its a crappy opener but shutit Roster's to come soon followed by Smackdown preview

Also FYI Raw = Tibes Smackdown = McPinch
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Red - Face
Blue - Tweener
Black - Heel

Raw Roster


Chris Jericho
Hulk Hogan
John Cena
Cactus Jack
Shawn Michaels
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock
Triple H

Upper Midcarders
CM Punk
Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio
Ric Flair
Samoa Joe

Mark Henry
Montel Vontavious Porter
Mr Kennedy
The Great Khali

Brian Kendrick
Super Crazy

Hardcore Holly

Christopher Daniels
Elijah Burke

Big Daddy V
Matt Hardy Version 1.0

Lower Midcarders
Ashley Massaro
Cody Rhodes
DH Smith
Jim Duggan
Jimmy Wang Yang (wth pinch?)
Kofi Kingston
Scotty 2 Hotty
The Boogeyman
Torrie Wilson
Trish Stratus
Ultimo Dragon
Val Venis

Robbie McAllister
Rory McAllister

Jamie Noble
Jillian Hall

Kelly Kelly
Maria Kanellis
Michelle McCool
Stacey Keibler

The Raw brand, although losing some potential and current stars like Randy Orton and Paul London have picked up some superstars here and will most likely keep their #1 WWE Brand title in the coming months.

Note that the Roster will continually be changing!
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SmackDown Roster

Blue = face
Green = tweener
Red = heel

Main Eventer

Bobby Lashley
Rob Van Dam

John Bradshaw Layfield
Randy Orton

Upper Midcarders

Captain Charisma
Paul London

John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin


Chuck Palumbo
Mickie James
Tommy Dreamer




Bubba Ray Dudley
Chavo Guerrero
D-Von Dudley
Gregory Helms
Kenny Dykstra
Lance Cade
Santino Marella
Trevor Murdoch

Lower Midcarders

Ace Steel
Balls Mahoney
Candice Michelle
Colt Cabana
Shannon Moore
Stevie Richards



Beth Phoenix
Charlie Haas
Curt Hawkins
Dave Taylor
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
The Miz
Zack Ryder

Non Wrestlers

Anastacia Rose
Theodore Long



Shane McMahon

Tag Teams

Cade and Murdoch
Deuce 'N Domino
Dudley Boyz
Edge Heads
3 Count (Helms and Moore)


World Heavyweight Championship:
Holder: N/A
Title Defences: N/A
Previous Holders: N/A


WWE United States Championship
Holder: N/A
Title Defences: N/A
Previous Holders: N/A


WWE Tag Team Chapionsip:
Holders: N/A
Title Defences: N/A
Previous Holders: N/A


WWE Women's Championship:
Holder: N/A
Title Defences: N/A
Previous Holders: N/A​

Smackdown Notes/News: Smackdown has got some of the companies rising talents including: Randy Orton, Paul London, Shelton Benjamin, Paul Burchill, Mistico and Carlito how will they be used on the brand? Also what effect will the Women's Championship have on coming to RAW? and what is the new title and new superstar coming to Smackdown? All will be revealed on Smackdown

Planned events:

New Title Unveiling
New Superstar Unveiling
King Of The Ring Tournament for the 1st World Heavyweight Title
WWE Women's Championship Fatal Four Way Match: Candice Michelle V Beth Phoenix V Mickie James V Melina
1st Round Of King Of The Ring Tournament
Carlito V Shelton Benjamin V Kane
Captain Charisma V John Morrison V ???
Edge V Randy Orton V Rob Van Dam
John Bradshaw Layfield V Paul London V Bobby Lashley
Mistico V Finlay V Gregory Helms
Tables Match For the WWE Tag Team Championship: Deuce 'N Domino Vs Dudley Boyz

Also a new GM will be announced.

Predictions for title, superstar, GM and matches welcome
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New Title Unveiling Hardcore
New Superstar Unveiling I dunno maybe...... Brock Lesnar
WWE Women's Championship Fatal Four Way Match: Candice Michelle V Beth Phoenix V Mickie James V Melina
1st Round Of King Of The Ring Tournament
Carlito V Shelton Benjamin V Kane
Captain Charisma V John Morrison V ???
Edge V Randy Orton V Rob Van Dam
John Bradshaw Layfield V Paul London V Bobby Lashley
Mistico V Finlay V Gregory Helms
Tables Match For the WWE Tag Team Championship: Deuce 'N Domino Vs Dudley Boyz
Also a new GM will be announced. Shane McMahon
There you go pinch
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Pinchy, you have a less talented roster. No offence. But I like your ideas with Mrs Foley's Baby Boy on RAW and stuff.

EDIT: Tobes has John 'The ****' Cena! Smackdown is better!
Sorry for the delay so far guys, but pinchy hasn't been on msn for a coupla days unfortuantely so as soon as pinch comes back we'll be good to go
ok girls pinch said he'd post this up tonite so he's got 1hr 32 mins otherwise i get a free pick for Raw so girls look out for Londrick reunited
Backstage Exclusive: We have just heard that one of SmackDown!'s superstars will be given to RAW due to a bet more on this will be resolved on SmackDown!


Welcome To Hell - Sum 41 hits the arena's speakers and the SmackDown! pyros go signaling the start of the first SmackDown! under McPinch
Cole: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first Friday Night SmackDown! under the McPinch regime live from The SkyDome in Toronto, Ontario, Canada I am reunited with my co-host Tazz, Tazz welcome back buddy!
Tazz: Yeah yeah enough with the emotional stuff partner, but what a show we have for tonight

Sum 41's Fat Lip hits the speakers and a guy who looks like he's about 18 comes out to the ring

Cole:This must be the owner of SmackDown! everyone's being talking about "McPinch"
Tazz:No really? enlighten me on how you came to this conclusion Cole

McPinch:Hello, Hello my fellow chowder-heads
The crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and boos
McPinch:I am the new Owner of the SmackDown! brand "McPinch"
The Crowd cheers
McPinch: And i am out here to name the GM of the SmackDown! brand bring out the contestants
Theodore Long and Shane "O" McMahon make there way down to the ring
McPinch: And the GM is...
A silence hushes out in the arena
McPinch:Shane McMahon
Shane McMahon kicks Long as Long makes his way back to the dressing room
Shane: Thank you McPinch for giving me this oppotunity
McPinch: No problem Shane now let me clear something up earlier this week i had a bet with Tibes over an Ice Hockey game i said the Maple Leafs
Crowd cheers
McPinch: Would beat the Islanders but they didn't so unfortunately after tonight they will get Kane but... i have an announcement we have a new person on our roster and he is Kid Kash now as a new member as the team he will automatically go through to the next round of the King Of The Ring Tournament
Crowd boos
McPinch: And before i leave we have a new title on SmackDown which will be unveiled to a random superstar later tonight
Shane and McPinch walk off to the back

Cole: Wow what an opening to the show this has been
Tazz: Yeah, but dont forget Cole there is still a whole show to go
Cole: I haven't, after the break we will bring you the first match
*The show cuts for advertisements*
Cole: We're back with the first match right around the corner for the WWE Tag Team Championship between Deuce 'N Domino and the Dudley Boyz
Tazz: And this will be some contest let me tell you that
Fallaway slam by Deuce puts down D-Von Dudley. Domino hits a piledriver on Bubba Ray Dudley. I know I wouldn't let someone that bad give me a piledriver. Deuce 'N Domino whip D-Von into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Domino goes for a splash but Bubba Ray puts the knees up. Domino walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. High Angle DDT by D-Von Dudley just SPIKES Deuce down! D-Von climbs onto the table with Domino and scores with a piledriver to destroy the table and get the victory. Dudley Boyz rush forward to attack! Deuce 'N Domino get caught by surprise and brutally beaten down to the canvas. Dudley Boyz win and are the new WWE Tag Team Titles
Cole: The Dudley's pull out a win there i just wish the match wasn't so violent
Tazz:What are you a girl Cole? That was a good match and i enjoyed it
Cole:Well the next match will be a Fatal 4 Way for the Women's Championship let's see how it unfolds
Mickie hits a back kick, doubling Candiceover. Mickie James arm drags Candice over and locks on an armbar. There's a two count on the pin. Candice kicks Mickie James in the gut to reverse the momentum. Tag to Melina. Mickie James takes a knee lift from Melina. Running knee lifts always remind me of the late Curt Hennig. Melina whips Mickie into the turnbuckles...and the ref is crushed! Flying knee to the face from Melina. For the record it was more of a Rusty Wizard than a Shining one. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Mickie takes a hard, stinging chop from Melina. One word: Ow. Mickie ducks a wild right hand. Mickie tags out to Beth Phoenix. Beth Phoenix DDTs Melina, but it just looked terrible. Phoenix slams Melina down. Melina is sure in trouble now. Melina avoids a Beth Phoenix avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Melina hits an arm drag on Phoenix, follows it up with about 3 more and locks in an armbar for good measure. Melina with an enziguri. Tag to Mickie James. Beth Phoenix takes a knee lift from Mickie. Running knee lifts always remind me of the late Curt Hennig. Swan dive headbutt from Mickie but without much elevation on the move. Beth Phoenix is in trouble. Mickie-DT!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Winner and New Women's Champion: Mickie James
Tazz: We have another new Champion how exciting!
Cole: Ummm Tazz there all going to be new champions
Tazz: Yeah i new that
Cole: Sure ya did anyway SmackDown! will be back after these short messages
*The show cuts for advertisements*
Cole: And we're back live on Friday night SmackDown! and a reminder to viewers the remainder of tonights matches will be King Of the Ring Matches.
Tazz: Yes indeed they will be and this first match will be a 3 way match between Mistico, Gregory Helms and Finlay lets see how this pans out.
Finlay walks into a high dropkick from Mistico, almost losing several teeth in the process. Helms just WAFFLES Mistico with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Finlay blocks a punch. Spear by Finlay. Spinebuster by Finlay. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Gregory Helms. Nicely done. ONE...TWO...THREE. Helms defeats Finlay. Standing leg lariat by Gregory Helms on Mistico. Helms crushes Mistico with a running senton. There's a two count on the pin. Mistico reverses a waistlock. Tiger suplex on Helms. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Shannon Moore comes running down the aisle with a chair! Helms goes to irish whip Mistico into the ropes. Shannon jumps onto the apron with the chair...but Mistico reverses! Collision between Shannon, Helms, and the chair! Gregory Helms staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over!
Cole: Helms just cost his partner the match!!!
Tazz: Yeah and i bet Helms won't be to happy about that either
Cole: Wow Tazz your smart anywho this next match will be featuring Johnny Morrison, Captain Charisma and a mystery opponent, any thoughts on who this mystery opponent is?
John Morrison just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Captain. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Brock Lesnar ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Morrison reverses a waistlock. Flying cross body off the top rope! Super kick by John Morrison. Covers for a quick two count. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Brock Lesnar connects and John Morrison is down! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Brock Lesnar pins Morrison. Brock Lesnar connects with rights and lefts and Captain Charisma is down! Captain walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Brock Lesnar misses a clothesline. TIGER DRIVER~! '91 nearly crushes the spine of Lesnar! Brock Lesnar slams Captain, who rolls onto his stomach. What is Captain Charisma doing? Brock Lesnar picks him up and signals for a powerbomb. He raises Captain up...but then falls backward, getting crushed by his opponent in the process! Captain Charisma is on top! 1....2....3! Looking at the replay, it appears that Captain had taken a chain out of his tights and wrapped it around his fist! Brock Lesnar must have been punched with that chain while in mid-powerbomb! What a cheap shot!Winner: Captain Charisma
Tazz: Brock Lesnar!!! Brock Lesnar!!! is back on SmackDown!
Cole: Yes but that damned Captain Charisma just cheated his way to victory
Tazz: Who Cares!? Lesnar's Back YAY!
*The show cuts for advertisements*
Cole: And we're back live on Friday Night SmackDown!
Tazz: Yes and i believe the owner has something to say
McPinch:As you hot-chillies know i said that 1 superstar will get the a championship well i lied instead of 1 superstar getting it i thought lets put it up for grabs in a match and that match will be the upcoming match between JBL, Paul London and Bobby Lashley also the title they will be wrestling for is the newly resorted Hardcore Championship Enjoy!
John Bradshaw Layfield hits some punches. How generic. Lashley gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. John Bradshaw Layfield misses a clothesline. London hits a face jam on John Bradshaw Layfield onto a chair! Big piledriver on London. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! John Bradshaw Layfield with a spinning neckbreaker on Lashley. Lashley reverses a waistlock. London \ Lashley whip JBL into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Tiger suplex on JBL. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Lashley hits London with a plastic dinosaur! Paul London elbows Bobby Lashley in the face to break a hammerlock. Spin kick by Paul London to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Paul London has John Bradshaw Layfield down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Off the top - 450 Splash, forget about it. 1....2...3! Winner and the new Hardcore Champion: Paul London
Cole: Paul London has won the newly refurbished Hardcore Championship and let me say that this young kid will go far
Tazz: I reckon he will go far as well Cole well this next match will be between Carltio, Shelton Benjamin and Kane lets watch
Shelton Benjamin kicks the leg, knocks Kane down, and goes to work on it. Carlito hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Kane backdrops Carlito out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Kane. Spear by Kane. Kane hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. Carlito brings out a jumping powerbomb to nearly murder Kane in the ring! Pin, but Kane is out just before the three count. Kane blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Massive backbreaker on Carlito and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Shelton hits a great swinging DDT on Kane. Shelton then hits a pair of HARD clotheslines and a BAAACK Bodydrop! ULTIMATE HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Kane floors Shelton, then signals for the Chokeslam. Meanwhile, Shelton Benjamin has something in his hands. Kane comes over...and gets nailed with a set of brass knuckles! The referee wakes up to see the pinfall: 1....2....3! It's over. Winner: Shelton Benjamin
Cole: Another blasted cheap victory
Tazz: Yeah well he's leaving SmackDown! so it would be fitting that, that happened
Cole: Yeah i guess your right there Tazz
Tazz: And tonights main event will be a cage match between Edge, Randy Orton and RVD and this will be some main event in my books
Cole: Indeed it will be Tazz
Randy Orton hits some punches. How generic. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Randy Orton ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Randy Orton misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Edge drives Orton into the cage side. RVD hits a piledriver on Edge. That used to end matches, you know. Rob Van Dam climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Edge! Flying shoulder tackle by Orton sends RVD CRASHING to the mat. RVD blocks a punch. Edge \ RVD whip Orton into the corner. Edge whips Rob Van Dam in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Edge just KILLS Randy Orton! Rob Van Dam launches Edge into the cage wall. RVD drops an elbow...but Edge moves out of the way. BAAACK Body drop by Orton gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Edge climbs up and over! We have a winner! Winner: Edge
Cole: Well that's it from us here at SmackDown tune in next week

Quick Results
Dudley Boyz beat Deuce 'N Domino to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions

Mickie James beat Beth Phoenix, Melina, Candice Michelle to become the new Womens Championship

Mistico beat Finlay and Gregory Helms

Captain Charisma beat John Morrison, Brock Lesnar

Paul London beat JBL and Bobby Lashley to become the new Hardcore champion

Shelton Benjamin beat Carlito, Kane

Edge beat Randy Orton and Rob Van Dam

The first Monday Night Raw after the 2008 draft comes to the Frank Erwin Centre in Austin Texas, with a at this point unnamed General Manager confirming 6 matches which include 2 title matches - A massive 20 man Battle Royale for the WWE Championship and a 4 Way Dance for the Cruiserweight Championship - only on USA this Monday at 9/8 CT!

Confirmed Matches

Big Daddy V Mark Henry

Christopher Daniels V Cody Rhodes

Kofi Kingston V Matt Hardy Version 1.0

Umaga V Samoa Joe

Brian Kendrick V Super Crazy V Jimmy Wang Yang V Scotty 2 Hotty CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP

20 Man Battle Royal - Batista V Y2J V Hogan V Cena V Kane V Cactus Jack V Michaels V Austin V Rock V HHH V Undertaker V CM Punk V Jeff Hardy V Matt Hardy V Rey Mysterio V Ric Flair V Samoa Joe V Mr. Kennedy V The Great Kahli V Umaga WWE CHAMPIONSHIP

Who will be the new Raw GM?

Who will be pinned in the Cruiserweight Championship match?

Who Will be in the last 3 in the WWE Championship Match?

Post your predictions folks!

Big Daddy V Mark Henry

Christopher Daniels V Cody Rhodes

Kofi Kingston V Matt Hardy Version 1.0

Umaga V Samoa Joe

Brian Kendrick V Super Crazy V Jimmy Wang Yang V Scotty 2 Hotty CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP

20 Man Battle Royal - Batista V Y2J V Hogan V Cena V Kane V Cactus Jack V Michaels V Austin V Rock V HHH V Undertaker V CM Punk V Jeff Hardy V Matt Hardy V Rey Mysterio V Ric Flair V Samoa Joe V Mr. Kennedy V The Great Kahli V Umaga WWE CHAMPIONSHIP

Who will be the new Raw GM? Stone Cold

Who will be pinned in the Cruiserweight Championship match? Scotty 2 Hotty

Who Will be in the last 3 in the WWE Championship Match? Cactus Jack, Kane, CM Punk

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