FTP: Transfers

Little amount for me is around 10k :p And I only have 5k atm...
He'd be the perfect replacement for Clem Powell. Bit of a problem though:

Bank Balance ($564)

I'm a bit short on funds :(

Short:eek: Ask someone who's been under 100K+ debt entire season :p Sold a player and only now i hope to get of the ditch
Had a bid of 7k on this guy, turned away for a couple of minutes and I got sniped for 8k :mad

West Side Beefcakes >> Akil Hanna >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 20,534 rating | $611 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Fielding)
Nationality UAE
Form reasonable
Fatigue revived
Experience dreadful
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting poor Endurance average
Bowling ordinary Technique reasonable
Keeping atrocious Power dreadful
Fielding ordinary
My final signing for this season. Squad's pretty balanced with his addition now. Got him for 32k.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Job Huenders >> Details
Player Info
21 years old | 32,082 rating | $2,312 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Gifted (Power)
Nationality Netherlands
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder dreadful
Batting reliable Endurance reasonable
Bowling atrocious Technique reliable
Keeping dreadful Power reasonable
Fielding ordinary

Put him on fielding straightaway. Once he pops to average, should I switch over to batting or batting technique?
Despite me needing bowlers I just spent $5k on this guy lol

Golden Hacks CC >> Xavier Barker >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 21,238 rating | $640 wage
Left hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Sturdy
Nationality USA
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience atrocious
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder poor
Batting ordinary Endurance dreadful
Bowling dreadful Technique ordinary
Keeping ordinary Power poor
Fielding ordinary

5.2k spare ratings and ordinary batting summary suggest he is very close to popping batting and/or technique, as well as almost every other skill lol
I have no money :( I was going to buy Hedger's player on the TM but I can't...
Dont worry chewie they aint remotely good enough for your squads I dont imagine!!
Lost out on two gun 19yos (accomplished/accomplished) batting primaries owing to insufficient funds. Had a transfer kitty of 35k and the next thing I realize is that one goes for 36k and the other for 38k! Well what can I do if fate decided me to host a youth OD match this week, while play away from home in my ST20 match? :facepalm I really need a gun batsman within the next 24 hours. :(
Awesome, got this guy for just 11k! :D

The Raptors >> Aravinda Berty >> Details
Player Info
19 years old | 27,890 rating | $1,873 wage
Left hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin
Talents Prodigy
Nationality Sri Lanka
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder dreadful
Batting reliable Endurance ordinary
Bowling atrocious Technique accomplished
Keeping dreadful Power dreadful
Fielding average

Straightaway putting him on batting.

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