Trine's Cricket 10

This is the EA version.

Now that it is coming from YOU, I believe you can share a little if not lot more with us. You are not the one who would claim something before being sure about it. So, do you have other inside information on this one?
My gut feeling is that this game is the official 2011 World Cup game and might be released as soon as Nov 2010 to coincide (cash) Ashes fever and to reduce the sale of Codemasters Cricket game (if they release a 2010 Ashes game). But again you never know, EA can changed their minds and decide that Cricket games are not profitable so they can abandon the game just like they did with "Cricket 09" !
It's not 100% confirmed but that has been the speculation for some time now.

You usually don't sound like a person who goes by speculations. There is something you know, for sure. Mind sharing with us? :D
What's surprising me the most is the way Sangam Mishra is maintaining a total silence over this game. He's the CEO of Trine, and also one of the founders of PlanetCricket. It's time he speaks up in public.
Lol, if it's EA's game, EA chooses when/where he can speak up in public.

Also, Sangam's last name isn't Mishra; it might be Sohum's but Sangam's name is on the Trine site. Management
That's right. You have to wait until all sponsorships are confirmed. What if you say they are Coca-cola is in the game but it turns out the deal can't be struck. What if you show a stadium, a face or anything.
very soon guys will have an announcement for you. Still under Publisher obligations hence we are working towards a joint press release hopefully this month.

Game is definitely in development and is currently being mocapped by one of the national side player.
That's a great news
very soon guys will have an announcement for you. Still under Publisher obligations hence we are working towards a joint press release hopefully this month.

Game is definitely in development and is currently being mocapped by one of the national side player.


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