Trine's Cricket 10

the game is a long way away,so maybe we will get some answers some months down the line.
May be the publisher of this game dont want them to answer any questions !!
If its for EA and for World cup then it should have been called Cricket 11 !
the interview just convinced me that this game is a bloody Mickey Mouse project. Instead of giving us valuable information about the game he is praising some dbag who financed it. Dont bother releasing it boys, AC09 will rape you. One thing transmission games have done by working so hard on AC09 is that they have guaranteed that all half arsed cricket projects will fail.
We never knew that transmission guys worked hard until they stressed and proved their point. For the period of 2 years, they were silent & we cursed equally EA and codies, didn't we? My point is, who knows, even these guys, might be also working hard.

We cannot come to a conclusion, unless we see it. :) Remember, this game is being developed in India where cricket is followed with craze. :D
Just found an interview given by Trine's MD.

He says "At the same time we are working with a publisher from Europe and one from USA to develop games for the Nintendo, XBOX 360 and PC platforms. We can?t disclose the names now but the publisher will make the official announcement in September."

If he is talking about the Cricket title then does that mean we might see an announcnment in September ??

here is the link > Editorial > Interview with Trine Entertainment MD Somil Gupta
The other thing that one can see from the interview is that this sports title is being development for PC, Wii & 360 ... not for PS3 !!

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