Tutsi's A.I. Patches

yarr u required a fresh gob file with barmy army(kit update)
install in it. then run the tusti 5.1 setup and install it where ur gob file is and than cheers.
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1. install barmyarmy's kit update on a fresh gob file.

2. install my 5.0 patch on it.

3. install my 5.1 patch on it.

and volla........Heaven.
hi guys.....well i've got some updates of the 5.1 patch.

but don worry u don't have to re-install the patches again.

i'll release this update in TXT format.

i'll provide the values in TXT files which u all can import(COPY/PASTE) into the GOB using CFG editor.

i want to ask that is it ok with u guys?
Originally posted by tutsipoppy2
hi guys.....well i've got some updates of the 5.1 patch.

but don worry u don't have to re-install the patches again.

i'll release this update in TXT format.

i'll provide the values in TXT files which u all can import(COPY/PASTE) into the GOB using CFG editor.

i want to ask that is it ok with u guys?

So.......tell me guys.
yea...thats what i'm saying......

i'll attach the NEW values(settings) of a particular shot,diff. level,etc. and then u all can jyst copy/paste that into the gob using CFG editor.
ok...ok....i'll upload some of the TXT files in a few minz.

one request from all of you guys is to plz post some sort of review, reply, comments about the patch. ur latest match with the patch or anything else. as this will keep this thread up, going, and running.

as i will try to upload updates from time to time.
Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 5.2 : Update Edition

Hi....this is the next update of my patch. as i mentioned inmy earlier posts that u do not have to install in on ur 5.1 gob file.

all the files refering to different strokes,etc are in TXT format. you just have to copy and paste the new values from the TXT file onto ur GOB file using the CFG Editor.

the pic. below is an example as to how to do it.

in this i'm replacing the old values of back steer 1 and putting new values from the TXT file. there i have only made changes to the values of "Mode Normal Keyframe 3". u will just have to copy the values from TXT file and paste(overwrite) them over the old one. as simple as that.

the pic. below is just an example to show how to do it.(u might have noticed same values in both the CFG Editor and TXT file....:D)

*The patch is uploaded in the next post.


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Hi.......u can download the patch from this post.

1. The straight drive has been given more power so that if timed correctly it beats both min-on and min-off.

2. The backfoot straight drive has also been given power - same reasons.

3. All the square cut shots have been given a little bit more height.

4. Tweaks have been made to the inside egde.

Blah blah blah blah.....ohh shut up :D

Just play and see it for ur self.....;)

If u don't get a RAR file but a file which is not associated with any program. just Right Click the file and then click on rename and you just add".rar" in the end.
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