Tutsi's A.I. Patches

Originally posted by straw
Hey tuts is there anyway to stop the byes problem on a wet pitch cause the keeper doesn't get down quick enough to get the ball and it really ****es me off.

When do you reckon it'll be done tuts

i'll see what i can do about the byes problem due to wicketkeeper fault.

well the patch is almost complete....i'm just gonna test it for 1 day more to see if everything is ok.
Excellent Patch

Tutsi i must compliment you. I bought cricket 2004 quite a while ago and started to get bored with the game for the reason that the game's physics was far from any thing close to realistic.

And your patch has been a major improvement if not near perfect.
Only one thing that I have noticed is that the AI sometimes sets up a field placing where there is a fielder that walks across the pitch just as the bowler starts to bowl. Making it impossible to see the ball.

Another question this might sound pretty stupid for you guys that have played the game extensivly. I do not know where to move the marker on seam bowlers / fast bowlers to get the ball to swing or move off the pitch. I have tried various positions but i am not sure of where exactly to put it for specific seam to the left or right. Sometimes i'd say 1/20 balls i get to seam on a green pitch. Is there any sort of guideline available? The help files on the game and documentation does not specify anything.

Would really appreciate help.
And once again thanks for a great patch and your efforts to improve the game.
Re: Excellent Patch

Originally posted by axxic
Tutsi i must compliment you. I bought cricket 2004 quite a while ago and started to get bored with the game for the reason that the game's physics was far from any thing close to realistic.

And your patch has been a major improvement if not near perfect.
Only one thing that I have noticed is that the AI sometimes sets up a field placing where there is a fielder that walks across the pitch just as the bowler starts to bowl. Making it impossible to see the ball.

Another question this might sound pretty stupid for you guys that have played the game extensivly. I do not know where to move the marker on seam bowlers / fast bowlers to get the ball to swing or move off the pitch. I have tried various positions but i am not sure of where exactly to put it for specific seam to the left or right. Sometimes i'd say 1/20 balls i get to seam on a green pitch. Is there any sort of guideline available? The help files on the game and documentation does not specify anything.

Would really appreciate help.
And once again thanks for a great patch and your efforts to improve the game.

thnx for the compliment and ur support.

well there is no particular position of the marker which makes the ball seam.
Only one thing that I have noticed is that the AI sometimes sets up a field placing where there is a fielder that walks across the pitch just as the bowler starts to bowl. Making it impossible to see the ball.
That's a bug, happens after you lose a wicket in Tests- to solve it just don't get out :)
Tutsi's A.I Patch Vresion 5.4 : CE

Hi....this is the latest update of my patch.

This is version 5.4 :

Well its hard to remember all the things which have to fixed or tweaked in this update. since my 5.0 version onwards the patch is near to perfection so no MAJOR changes can we observed in the updates.

In this a couple of strokes have been edited and given a new look.

The advanced strokes which used to yield massive amount runs have been edited to make then realistic.

And many other MISC. tweaks to almost all the strokes which will make a bit better.

And.................My G.F is angry with me.........OOPS how did that came over here....!!!

Installation :

The files is a 16kb file(ZIPPED) and a bit over 200kb when unzipped.

To install it u'll need prakash's patch maker(CFG EDITOR 2.0)

Open it, browse and open ur GOB file.

Now click on Import Patch and then select "tutsiver5.4.cfg" from where u unzipped it.

And.............VOILLA.........PATCHaaa INSTALLATIONaaaa COMPLETEaaaaaaa !!!!

!!! NJOY !!!
Erm don't get out? Hey why didn't i think of that (Heh heh heh)

I am actually very dissapointed at the quality of the game that ea has released. I am sure that they are aware of all the bugs but yet not doing anything about it.

But thank heavens for guys like Tutsi.

And still can't get the ball to seam or swing sigh.........
Well....swinging the ball is very simple.

**These are tried and do work in my patches.

These are for R/H bowlers

Out-Swinger - start the delievery with button 4. stop it at minimum power. move the ball marker to the extreme left.(the higher the power and lesser the swing).

In-Swinger - start the delievery with button 3. stop it at minimum power. move the ball marker to the extreme right.(the higher the power and lesser the swing).

For L/H bowlers

Out-Swingers - the first 2 steps are the same but this time move the ball marker to the extreme right.

In-Swingers - the first 2 steps are the same but this time move the ball marker to the extreme left.

AND VOILLA........SWINGaaaaaaaaa

But there is no sure shot way to seam the ball.

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