Two Best Friends Become Manchester Enimies. A Giggity Giggity and PaulNixon1 Story

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May 25th 2008 contunied again :p
'Hi Kieron I've got great news'
'Hi Dan bet you its not as good as mine'
'Ive been offered the job at manchester'
We said it at the same time, i dont know what my mind was going through me and my friend had both fulfilled our dreams but its happened at the same time i really cant believe it.Deep down i had a bad feeling about how our lifelong friendship could get torn up just because of being enemies within our job.
' Well done Kieron'
He just slammed the door. I really couldnt quite believe what i was seeing my best friend had shut the door on me, not only shut slammed on me. It hurt me alot to think that our friendship could possibly be over. Right now its time to prove that he made the wrong decision. Ill get my revenge by Manchester City coming higher than Manchester united in the league. Thats it Operation Beat Man U. I trudged home in the dark still thinking why he did this to me. I Reached home and sat down on the couch contemplating what had just happened. I looked at the clock 9;45 pm. Better Get a good nights rest before a big day tommorow.

Find out how he gets on at the interview in the next update...
Well after I slammed the door on Dan, which was just a bad reaction to good news. I didn't really mean to slam the door on my best mate tbh like I said, bad reaction. Well anyway I went into my bedroom and put on Setanta Sports News


I was surprised, ?35 million! I hope he goes and ruins his carrrer like Ronaldo if he goes to Madrid, maybe we should p*** off Chelski and Madrid and swap Kak? for Ronaldo with a bit of cash as well.
I rung Dan to apologise...........

Find out what happens in the next update.
Good written Kieron , nice and small . Good story by both of you . Keep them coming . Kaka wont be good for Ronaldo .
an impressive start by both of you, looking forward to future updates
Don't expect frequent updates now as me and Dan are back in school so keep posting and enjoy it whilst it lasts :p
Well guys, I am sorry it has come to this, after long discussions and hard thought1. We tried to avoid this but sadly we cannot. Jue to masses of schoolwork. This story is over2.
Mods close the thread.
[1] a short chat
[2] until we have enough free time.
Okidokie, will close the thread. If you want it re-opened then just PM either myself or another Other Game Stories Moderator. :)

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