User2010's Kits for AC09


fantastic kits, but would you be able to re-upload them in the old format (tex files), as I can't get the Mod Manager to run (error messages). I'm running Beta patch 1 so don't know if that's why.

I know it's a lot to ask but if you could re-upload them that would be great:) (especially England's odi kit)

Hey there mate, thanks for the appreciation. And, as you yourself mentioned it is a 'lot' and will probably eat up my time. But, I'd like to help you in solving Mod Manager errors. Please if you could tell me what sort of error you're getting? Also, till then you can enjoy the non updated files in initial pages of the thread.
Thanks buddy,

Here's the error message I'm getting.

I've downloaded the fix, am running the latest java files and .NET etc, but still no luck...

Guess I'll stick with your original files:)


  • error.jpg
    51.9 KB · Views: 29
Umm, if you have everything right there shouldn't be any error as I don't get any. I'd recommend to post this in MM thread so that Kshitiz might be able to help. I'll also see if I can do something...
Umm, if you have everything right there shouldn't be any error as I don't get any. I'd recommend to post this in MM thread so that Kshitiz might be able to help. I'll also see if I can do something...

Mod Manager is dead and kshitiz clearly said there may be nothing to come so i recoomend not releasing in .amf format just release in dds,texpack format with a readme or make a installler.
With the current version of Mod Manager, we can easily install the kits. I've done that easily, Aditya has had no problems in it, maybe many more.
It hardly takes a second to install kits with mod manager. I am not sure why people are finding it hard to use mod manager.

Post your views. I'll take into consideration which I feel are necessary. Have no heart really to make download files at the moment. Replaces Kenya.
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With the current version of Mod Manager, we can easily install the kits. I've done that easily, Aditya has had no problems in it, maybe many more.

It hardly takes a second to install kits with mod manager. I am not sure why people are finding it hard to use mod manager.

It's not at all dificult to install kits but the mod manager is very buggy and not a reliable way to release kits
It's not at all dificult to install kits but the mod manager is very buggy and not a reliable way to release kits
The thing is for those it runs it is very easy and for those it doesn't it is irritating. I'll try to pack up the files in texpack format from now on.
Alright, people who cannot get MM to work please read this. Thanks to sachin_rocks for letting us know in other thread how we can open the amf files. Use 7-zip software to open the amf files. You'll then find the .dds files in it which you can replace manually. Hope this solves everything.
Hi, I am new to this, Please can you tell me how to use Mod Manager to replace old kits with new one?

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