Requests Accepted Waqaspk456 Graphics.::.Banner/Afridi Set::.

Entry 11 : Waqaspk456

Average Points :- 7+7+6+7+6.5+5.5/6 = 6.5

KBC : If there wasn't the text, it'd be super. Almost makes it look like dreamy. Good effort, execution can be better but it is good as it is.

Feelin Blue? : The lighting is good but I'm not sure on the truck. I've seen the tutorial on this and I know they have a truck there but I'm not sure the picture of Freddie suits it. The text could be better too.

Neo : its from a tutorial...the only thing he did is just posted the render on the backround and added some effects to it....poor text really...render is ok...well done for the effort though he tried to make the best and thats why he followed the tut so no problem...but own concept would have earned him more marks

Fatal Shot : This has so much potential, that I just want the PSD right now. He has a great start, but somethings are really off. The text is horrid. The BG is also blurred way too much. I like the bubble thing, and it's actually quite a good Manip.

KX : Nice render choice and nice render effects. If the blue thing on the left was the text, it would have looked really good. The main text needs to be worked on though.

Shravi : Good idea, walking off into the sunset, leaving on a high and all. Could have been executed a little better. The radial glow thing in the top left doesn?t look very good and neither does that egg-shaped thing that Freddie is enclosed in and the text could also have been better. I quite like the render effects. I don?t understand why the artist chose to have a random blue blur either. I can?t even make out what it says. My guess is that the entire background came with this blue and red text which makes no sense and the artist tried to blur it out and failed. If that is the case, I?m sorry, but that shows really little effort on his part.

did this a week ago

Shahid Afridi wally

Really awesome wallpaper's,can you tell me where is the tutorial you followed to make the first wallpaper.
Thanks Buddy,eager to see more works from you.KIU:)
Afridi Wallpaper : The render is not of top quality. Maybe you've increase the size. Also the flow of the object ain't matching the flow of your render.

Pakistan Wallpaper : I love it. Its simple and beautiful..

Aamir Sig : You should've blurred a bit around the main render. Its too much noisy around him.

Afridi Sig : Its nice and you've kept it really simple. Just that the lines are appearing at the left side of the render is a bit turn off, apart from that its good... Also you should've added a light source...

Nazir Sig : The background looks a lot better than previous two but the render here isn't blended properly into the background...

Refere more tutorials and you'll get better ideas how to blend your render better... You're good and can become a lot better... Keep Up!
It was one of my favourite signatures of this week loved it keep it up.:)

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