Requests Accepted Waqaspk456 Graphics.::.Banner/Afridi Set::.

If i'd to judge it, i'd certainly give it a lot of marks for the efforts and the ideas. But it's very nice to see you tried to place whatever is in your mind onto the canvas, and to an extent, I applaud it's execution. But there are some basic points you need to look at after you think you're done with a part of the work. See how it looks like. Never get carried away with the effects you managed to produce, but see actually how it looks. If you manage to develop seeing what's going too much and what's left empty, you can do magic in your works balancing the right elements.

You've got no less experience using the techniques, all you have to do is observe the works a little more.

Nice work mate, Keep up the very good work! :)
some new wrk!! :) plz comment

Latest sig

Old sig forgot to post it!!

Last edited:
thanx ill try next time!! is more work.. i was just tryin to play around wit texture......plz comment

Gautam sig


Yousuf wally( i think its my best )

I liked Yousuf's wallie!
The reflected text wasn't needed though.
The fire-effect on his kit makes it look odd.
anyways,good one.
There's no doubt your works are better better - I really like that Yousuf Wallpaper. However I think you need to try some new blending options such as Linear Dodge instead of Colour Dodge. Also you should rub out parts of the texture which come onto the redner a bit too much.
Like the idea but still not that much eye catching.
i reallly like your yousuf wallpaper..request can you make shoaib malik sig nd avatar??

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