Story West Indies Cricket: VS Australia (TEAM selection)

Can West Indies Regain there Fame?

  • Yes: with the new appointed manager.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Maybe: with new youngester coming up, they should be up there soon

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No: West indies have along way to go.

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters
West Indies Chase.

Both Gayle and Morton went early are Australia pick up both wickets in the 1st 10 overs.
They were 29 Runs in the 1st 10 overs.
Both Chanderpaul and Chattergoon,
Pose a very great Partnership of 200 Runs to get victory for the West Indies.

Chanderpaul score 101 (128)

Chattergoon score 95 (143)

Both did a very good job for West Indies. As West won by 8 wickets and Wrap up the series also, as they take 3-1 Lead in this 5 match series

Congratz to West Indies






West Indies VS Australia

West Indies XI
C Gayle, R Morton, S Chanderpaul, S Chattergoon, D Bravo, K Stoute, P Browne, D Sammy, F Edwards, D Mohammad, J Taylor.

Australia XI
M Hayden, M Hussey, R Ponting, P Jaquecs, M Clarke, A Symonds, S Watson, B Haddin, M Johnson, J Gillespie, B Lee.

West Indies have won the Series already, Australia will be looking to make it a 3-2. While W.I will be looking for a 4-1 Victory.

Gayle won the Toss and Batted.

Over 10.
West Indies Have started off good.
as the are 46/0.
Gayle score 31 (32)
Morton 14 (29)
As they go at 4.6 runs an over.

50 Runs Partnership between Gayle and Morton.

50 runs for C Gayle.
His 50 came off 51 balls.
Great batting by him.

100 runs Partnership.
which also brings up Morton 50 runs.

Morton 50 came off 61 balls.

Over 20.
Gayle and Morton is beating the crap of Aussie as they move to 123/0 at 6.1 RpO.

150 Runs Up for West Indies.
Great batting by Gayle and Morton, as they move W.I up without loss.

100 runs for C Gayle.
he got it off 80 balls.

200 Runs Partnership for West Indies.
Over 30.
West Indies are now 202 without loss.
With 20 Overs remain who know what can Happen with all 10 wickets in hand.
Moving at 6.7 RpO.
West Indies are looking for a big total in this final ODI against Aussies.

1st Wicket for Aussie.
Morton have gone for a good total, he will be disappointing about not reaching 100 runs.
He is Bowled by Johnson for 92.

West Indies are 225/1

As Chanderpaul comes to bat.

250 Run comes up for West Indies.

After 40 Over
West Indies are 284/1 at 7.1 RpO
they are way pass 300. now reaching 350+ could be possible, with 9 wickets in hand. 10 Over Remain.

C gayle 150 Runs.
What a performance.
his 150 came off 125balls.

300 Runs up for West indies at 43 overs.

50 runs came up for Chanderpaul.
As he score is 50 in 37balls.

350 Runs for West Indies.

C Gayle got 1 Over to score 10 runs to beat the World Record. by Saeed Anwar (Pakistan) against India in Chennai where he score 194 from 146 on 21 May 1997.

World Record ODI
1. Saeed Anwar 194
2. Viv Richards 189*
3. Sanath Jayasuriya 189
4. Gary Kirsten 188
5. Sachin Tendulkar 186*
6. Chris Gayle 185*

Only if Gayle had 2 over it could be possible of breaking Anwar's Record.

here we go.
He run the last ball of the prev over.
So is on strike for the last Over.

Last Over
symonds to bowl the last over,
Ball 1
Pull shot 4 runs.
Gayle move to 189 runs.
In the same Position Viv Richards 189* and Sanath Jayasuriya 189.
beating S Tendulkar 186* and Gary Kirsten 188

Ball 2
Pull shot again 4 runs.
193 Runs, rank no 2, just 2 run to break it the World Record.

Ball 3.
Block hole, No run, good try from Symonds made Gayle step back, Gayle was looking to go over the top, but end up defending the ball. No Runs.

Ball 4.
A quicker bowl Gayle try to cut it, everyone went up, but the umpire turn it down.
It was close, the Reply is shows that the ball is missing the bat by a little.
Gayle was lucky.

Pull the bowl run the 1st very quickly,
Gayle wanted the 2nd, but it isn't there. what a disappointment For Gayle.
Just 1 ball to go, and he is not on strike. C Gayle is now tied with S Anwer.

Ball 6.
S chanderpaul Cover drive it but a great save.
As no run came out of it.

West Indies Finish there Innings on 371/1
C Gayle 194* and Chanderpaul 76*.

Bad Bowling by everyone
everyone went Over 6 RpO.

Great Batting by West Indies.

so Australia will have to go at 7.4 RpO if they want to win this.

Sammy and Bravo Lead West Indies to victory.
As Australia were bowled out 36.4 Overs.

Here are the Scoreboard.
Man of the Match.
C Gayle.



West Indies Wrap up the Series 4-1, As West Indies Won both Test and ODI.
Could this be the turning Point in West Indies Future.

After beating the World Champs, Could West Indies Future be bright.
Or was this just a Dream.
Find out When West Indies will face New Zealand.
See Page 1 later as I update The Top Player and Team position.
West Indies Tour to New Zealand.

Conflict Between WICB Manager and Selectors.

Manager Randy Red is pleased with the Current team which have beaten the World's Best Australia.
All Agree on these players not to be Drop.

12 Men who played against Australia.
R Mortan, S Chanderpaul, R Sarwan, A Barath, R Hinds, D Bravo,
C Baugh, J Taylor, D Sammy, D Powell, S Benn, F Edwards

the Selector have chosen the above plus.
Some other player like S Findley, K Roach, K Pollard, A Jaggernath, B Parchment.
who will be with the Team.
Randy Red don't have nothing against them.
But here is that what he said, about each players.

S Findley. (batsman)
right now is First Class avg is terrible.
he avg 17 in FC and 75 in OD (8 matche)

K Roach (all rounder)

He is still young, let him play a little bit more Fc match and we can come back to him.
he Avg around 25 in FC and 30 in OD.
He Avg 49 FC and 50 OD

D Powell (bowler)
I personal had enough with him.

K Pollard. (all rounder)
I could choose him, for the Upcoming New Zealand match.
aVg 42 FC and 40 OD.
47 Fc and 15 OD.

A Juggernath. (bowler)

I will have to think over him, because we do need a young spinner in the team, which can be a hand full.
Avg 23 FC and 15 OD

B Parchment (bat)

is out of the Question right now.

Randy Red will study each and every FC and OD player in the Domestic team and decided who he would like to send NZ.
Randy and the Selector will be going thought all the team and player to find a unique Squad for the Tour.
Randy Red and the Selectors Panel Agree on this 18 Player to New Zealand.

After Many decision of who to send to New Zealand, Both Manager of WICB along with the selector agree to send a Mix team.

Some Player of the current winning Team were selected, some Were drop.

Here is a List of the 18 who were Selected .
We were looking at 7 batsman, 3 all rounder, 2 keeper and 6 bowlers for the tour.

7 Batsman. Coming up with 7 batsman was Easy.
We brought back all the batsman of the Aussie Tour with a New addition Young W Perkins
Randy Red, fell Perkins should be given a chance. He have played well for T & T
Gayle, Morton, Chanderpaul, Chattergon, Sarwan, Barath and W Perkins

R hind who was in an out standing could not make it for the tour. We needed 3 all rounders, D Bravo was the only one.
Name that are Officially know as All rounder in the Domestic game, amount the best of the Lot are.

Dr Smith
We had Plans in bring back DR Smith, but his Career isn't up to standard.

K Pollard
according to his Domestic career, he could be the one.

D Bernard

His Avg in FC is only 26.

K Stoute

Still young, but we can see if we can give him a try out.

T Willet
Looks ok. can give him a try.

G Mathurin.

Have a great OD Avg of 40. but played only a few match.
But we can give him a try.

After a Many Thought.
D Bravo, G Mathurin and K Pollard will be given a try with this series.

W Keeper.
P Browne regain his Place as W Keeper, with C Baugh.

Fast Bowlers.
J Taylor and F Edwards

Supporting them FM are.
D Sammy and K Roach.

And Spinner
D Mohammad and S Benn.

So here is the Team
1. C Gayle(Captain)
2. R Morton
3. S Chanderpaul
4. S Chattergoon
5. R Sarwan
6. A Barath
7. W Perkins

All Rounder
1. D Bravo
2. G Mathurin.
3. K Pollard

1. P Browne
2. C Baugh

1. J Taylor
2. F Edwards
3. D Sammy
4. K Roach
5. D Mohammad
6. S Benn

To Tour New Zealand
West Indies Tour NZ in 2006.
and Lost 0-2 in Test and 1-4 In ODI.
But with the current Progress in West Indies Cricket they will be looking to turn the Table.

Manager's Son Reveal.
Not Many Know, but the Manager of the West Indies Cricket board have a very talented son.

Goes by a Different surname of his dad.
His Name is Ryan Best. Age 18.
He is a Left Hand batsman, and a right hand Med Bowler.
he mostly Study on his batting.

He had Recently Played his 1st domestic Matches.
where he scored 40 Runs in FS, 41 in OD and 26 in T20.
When he was in school, he use to make some great runs.

Who Knows maybe in the Future he will be playing for the West Indies. :D

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