What is your internet connection like?

Which type of connection do you use

  • Broadband

    Votes: 28 93.3%
  • Dial up

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Go to Cyber cafe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I use Broadband. I use the Internet quite a lot so it is easier to be online all the time rather have to keep connecting.

It is also good that you don't have to pay different amounts of money for Broadband. You pay a set price each month.

With Dial-Up, you couldn't be on long because you'd be blocking the phone line, and only be online after 6pm because it is cheaper!
Most dial-up users are not dial-up users by choice. It's because of non-availability of resources, be it a broadband product in the vicinity or financial concerns (money). I am a very humble dial-up user.
even i'm a dial up user and since my balnce is very low i'll be ****ing to braodband soon.
Yes some people need big wires and connections put into their house to get Broadband. I've had it for a couple of years now.

Don't know where I'd be without it.
What I really want to get is the Reliance R-Connect card. It is not exactly broadband but it has wireless connectivity many times the speed of dialup. It costs 14k just for the card, though.
Yeah i have heard about reliance sort of broadband
Even BSNL is good.sify has a good rep among cyber cafes mainly for playing online games.
Whatever you do sohum,dont go in for VSNL.
1.5 Mbps down and 384Kbps upload.

My ISP is speakeasy.net for like 3 years now. Great ISP.
Mine is Earthlink Broadband Cable with 2Mbps download and 384 Kbps upload speed.

Ideal for downloading heavy files and watching online movies! I wish this type of broadband service comes to India soon and I hope it becomes popular soon too. I plan to shift back to India in another 6 to 7 years and I hope it would have creeped into most of the Indian cities (esp. Chennai). I cant live with broadband now.
my is Rogers dsl and its way better than dial up my dial up connection is .48 kbps and now my reaches at least 45 MB Per second so yeah but in india i always use to go to da cyber cafe because we didn't have a computer at home and also the cafe was owned by my dads good friend so it was all good
DSL at Dhs.250 per month :cool:

I don't know the exact speed, but its as fast as hell ;)
Mine is broadband with 500kbps downloads and 256kbps uploads. Have just upgraded to this with the price of it coming down to nearly the same as the 256 downloads and uploads I had previously. 1Mbps sounds good but seems far to expensive with unlimited access which I value the most over a speed increase.
my internet connection sucks as hell,This thing freezes then comes back and then freezes every minute,no body uses the internet in my family so my dad doesnt bother aplying for broad band and I can tell you that I am ****ed off,

I am the only one who uses the internet,

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