What sports do you play?


ICC President
Apr 15, 2006
I'm assuming the majority of other people here play cricket.

Here's a thread about how you can brag about how good (or bad) you are at other sports.

Personally I play golf and hockey to quite a high level representing my school and outside teams. I also play badminton and football for fun
I play Cricket of corse,also play rugby and basketball apart from this year because ive been injured for a year or so.
Cricket, Basketball, did play Aussie Rules. Have played Roller Hockey and Soccer.
1. Cricket, I've only played for one year so kinda a beginner. I'm more a bowler than batter.

2. Aussie Rules, Been playing for about 7 years I think. I wasn't really too good for most of my paying times but this year I've really improved

3. Athletics, My best sport for sure. My pet event is 800m and will be trying for state.

4. Golf, Just a social event really. Play with Dad about once a month and more in summer.
Can you even watch it over at Scotland? Or over net? What team do u go for?
Get it on Sky Sports, and I support the Adelaide Crows because I went to Adelaide once.

Thread moved. Any suggestions on what we should change the name of the sports forum to so it is more clear that it is about sports?

The name is OK it is the description. I think the bit about world beaters and stuff makes it sound more proffesional sports than anything else
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Football since I started kicking around a balloon when I was 1
Cricket since 2003
Golf every few weeks since since maybe March
Tennis - I played my Dad yesterday, I won the first game of the set :D

Then he beat me 6-1
Used to play Basketball but it is not my sport
Badminton when I was at school
I find athletics VERY boring although I won the Yr.9 triple jump at Sports Day
Poker :p
softball, good sport.. it's actually great..
i played football from U8-U14 but packed it in... I left one of my clubs because of an argument with the manager (at age 12 lol)
play rugby for ipswich club and a one-cap-wonder for suffolk last year
represent school for hockey
and with the school we won the suffolk U15 twenty20 cup :D
also played one club cricket game where i bowled 4 overs 2-18 (2* off 2 when in bat)
also, i play indoor cricket for great bentley
I play Cricket. Bowl legspin when using the hard-ball, offspin or medium with the tennis ball. Can't bat too well but can do a decent enough job. Bowling is inconsistent but good when I get going. Also a decent all-round fielder, prone to dropping high catches though.

I also play soccer. A decent goalie due to speed and reflexes, but I don't even do the basics of goalkeeping well so play defender. Good there, with a rumour of being one who doesn't mind injurying anyone coming his way. A few strikers are scared of me :p

But I play niether for any teams, not good enough. Just play them for fun or at school.
- Been playing cricket since January
- Play football (soccer) with my mates, i'm not great though :p
- Play the odd bit of Golf with friends/Dad aswell.

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