International Coach
In the sub continent you know you are going to fill stadiums. Look at the game between Pakistan and South Africa. In the crowd there were Indian supporters waving South African flags. Also cricket is one of their favorite sports along with volleyball I think someone can just help me with that if that is correct but compared to NZ where rugby is a religion and Australia Aussie Rules and League is king where the Australian organizers have to do and schedule matches in certain ways to catch the publics interest. If two countries play that are not the home nations Australians would not probably give a crap about them. Also Australia have the World Series every year where a triangular tournament or at times a four nation tournament is held. 8000 People rocked up to see India demolish Sri Lanka if I could remember. WC 92 most of the matches had attendances of 5000 people. Not big numbers when you fit in 100 000 people into a stadium for a boxing day test match. So the Aussie people can be very picky with who they want to go and watch. Normally if its not Australia playing they do not give a damn. You will also not whenever SA is playing there they will make sure they use Perth a lot because it has almost more South Africans living there than Australians.
I'm not so sure about that, I agree for just regular series but for a global tournament they would have great crowds. You would get a heck of a lot more tourists in an Australian hosted tournament than you would in Sri Lanka so the non Australia games would be well supported.