weird , the ones who are discussing about the SafeDisk protections are talking about closing the thread , lol !
Oh and btw , burning a Disc with SafeDisk protection in Alchohol 120% with safedisk profile and mounting it with daemon tools isnt L33T AT ALL neither its some amazing discovery u have found nor its illegal ....
Oh and about the SafeDisk 4.00.001 protection , its becos of its new APi protection + its becos of the busts things are slowing down no one's giving it a shot + this game aint popular as the other genre of games although SafeDisk 4.00.003 has been pwned by a Group of a recent game's update v1.1 version (i dont want to say more than this or this post will be a totally warez related post ) , and that protection is obviously better than Cricket 2005 ....
i think i cleared all of the above posts doubts....