Why Can All Pakistan Bowlers Bowl Over 150km/h?

ajay2k5 said:
Just in a match against Pakistan and getting my arse kicked, why?

Well Ahktar Can Bowl 165 kph
Akram bowls up to 155 kph
Younis can bowl 155 kph
Razzaq was getting just over 150 kph

Why can all these bowlers bowl that pace and I can bowl better than 149 kph with brett lee?

None of these bowlers bowl that quick IRL

They definately bowled these paces in real life at some time or another !!! Shoaib does it even now !!! Wasim and Waqar did it for a decade and Razzaq just lost his pace a couple of years back !!! No offence but just go and check some history of cricket dude to find out that the fastest bowlers in the world have always been from Pakistan !!!
Hariz said:
...just go and check some history of cricket dude to find out that the fastest bowlers in the world have always been from Pakistan !!!

An West Indies (Wes Hall, Colin Croft, Michael Holding, Joel Garner, Andy Roberts, Courtney Walsh, Curtley Ambrose, Malcolm Marshal)
Australia: Dennis lille, jeff thompson, Fred soforth, Ray lindwall.
England: Freddy trueman, Bob Willis (at his best) Harold Larwoood.
new zealand ahh ahhh ahhh bond? ahhh ahhh ahhh prolly not as quick :)
what hes getting to is that pakistan is famous for there pace.. thnk about it how many spinners are on top of your head when you look at the history of pakistan?
im not sure why it is....but i dont mind!

(100th POST!!!!)
I don't care what what these bowlers could bowl 10 years ago, we all know wasim and younis were fast and good bowlers but in the last 3-4 years I have not seen them get over 150kph.

Also I was playing another tournament last night and Watson only bowls 105kph, i'm like wtf he can bowl 145kph at his fastest, normally averages about high 130's. Also Brett Lee can only bowl 150kph at his highest speed, but in the ashes series just gone he bowled a ball at 157kph.

And Razzaq? from what I can remember his max speed is about 140kph not 155kph.
Drewska said:
I think most of the bowlers who bowl 160 Kph have a "Slingy" action like Shoaib. :)

u mean they chuck? :p

Pak_cricketer said:
what hes getting to is that pakistan is famous for there pace.. thnk about it how many spinners are on top of your head when you look at the history of pakistan?

Mushtaq, ahmed.....some guy with a Q....thats it :D
Yea,well i managed to bowl at at about 167km/h with Craig White.lol.it was crazy.but it helped..
Cricketman93 said:
u mean they chuck? :p

here we go again....Cleared by the ICC and according to rules bowls with a legitimate and lawful bowling action. Quite frankly I think we should stick to the topic instead of starting all of this again!
its called a JOKE.
Did u notice the smiley next to it? :D ? Do u think that really needed me to get a bad rep?
Jeff Thompson was the fastest of all time. He previously held the record before Aktar broke it. the only difference aktar had a chance to break the record every time he steps out on the field. Thompson only got a couple of chances to bowl in front of a speed camera. Literally. Im sure he's had spells that were faster than Lee and Aktar but they didn't have speed guns.
Mack's comment about Craig White bowling at like 90-95 mph is totally true, is thier any medium pacers that can constantly bowl what a fast bowler would be happy with, i was playing South Africa, and i got 6-85 of 10 overs from White, he is one of the best bowlers when used correctly, i use Flintoff, Giles, Harmison but none of the "better" bowlers got substantial wickets, they are on skill levels of 80+ yet, Craig White and Tresco got a great wicket to run rate, why is the medium pacers bowling at a fast bowlers pace??
ajay2k5 said:
Also I was playing another tournament last night and Watson only bowls 105kph, i'm like wtf he can bowl 145kph at his fastest, normally averages about high 130's. Also Brett Lee can only bowl 150kph at his highest speed, but in the ashes series just gone he bowled a ball at 157kph.

And Razzaq? from what I can remember his max speed is about 140kph not 155kph.
Ya, Razzaq never ever reached 155, but I reckon he ocassionly touches 145-146kph. wat do u think??

Energizer said:
Jeff Thompson was the fastest of all time. He previously held the record before Aktar broke it. the only difference aktar had a chance to break the record every time he steps out on the field. Thompson only got a couple of chances to bowl in front of a speed camera. Literally. Im sure he's had spells that were faster than Lee and Aktar but they didn't have speed guns.
Totally agree wid u. We all r saying Akhtar & Lee r fastest bz we hav d luxury of speedometer these days but wat abt great W.I. bowlers of 70s and 80s.
Man! they were furious weren't they??
Hariz said:
They definately bowled these paces in real life at some time or another !!! Shoaib does it even now !!! Wasim and Waqar did it for a decade and Razzaq just lost his pace a couple of years back !!! No offence but just go and check some history of cricket dude to find out that the fastest bowlers in the world have always been from Pakistan !!!

What nonsense. Pakistan have had some very fine and fast bowlers in their history, but as for, ". . .the fastest bowlers in the world have always been from Pakistan." You clearly have very little knowledge of the history of cricket before 1985.

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