Why do cricket sport other sports?


Club Cricketer
Nov 16, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned

I mean, look at it. Cricket commentators sports baseball soccer etc...like- thats over 3rd base and...thats a baseball shot...etc..and great football work there...etc(may be not exactly like that but get the point)

Then you see cricket players warming up with other sports like soccer,rugby, volleyball etc and then sporting baseball gloves. Why? we don't see soccer,rugby,baseball players or any player from a different sport warming up with cricket or sporting cricket in anyway then why is it that cricket sport other sports?

Why can't we just warm up with some simple drills or a simple jog/run like other sports do?...why cant commentators just use cricket terms than use baseball ones?...never heard a baseball commentator even say the word cricket...no wonder the whole world at least knows the name baseball while other people think of cricket as an insect...So why do we sport other sports instead of sporting cricket?
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I see what you mean. Its really quite annoying to me as well. But I've seen baseball commentators refer to football terminology when appropriate. I guess it just depends on what other sports do the commentators watch. Still, its annoying, I agree.

Though, I have to say that cricket isn't the most athletic of sports out there, so cricketers will to play soccer or basketball to stay in shape rather than work out. I don't quite get that picture you posted though. Why would a cricketer need to practice catching with a baseball glove?
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In my cricket team we warm up with a throw with the baseball glove and sometimes a mini soccer match. Soccer does bring life to a team.
I think most sports commentators use terminology from other sports at times. Look how often you hear "They're going to win by a cricket score" in other sports when a side is getting thrashed.

As for warm-ups, what's wrong with warming up with different sporting games. Firstly there are probably very good physio reasons and secondly variety is the spice of life. I think baseball gloves also have a very simple purpose - its easier to catch the ball, so more time spent practicing and less time fetching balls.
Kev said:
I think most sports commentators use terminology from other sports at times. Look how often you hear "They're going to win by a cricket score" in other sports when a side is getting thrashed.

As for warm-ups, what's wrong with warming up with different sporting games. Firstly there are probably very good physio reasons and secondly variety is the spice of life. I think baseball gloves also have a very simple purpose - its easier to catch the ball, so more time spent practicing and less time fetching balls.

Good point Kev. It does jazz the team up.
etho11 said:
In my cricket team we warm up with a throw with the baseball glove and sometimes a mini soccer match. Soccer does bring life to a team.
Well I don't know, why would you need baseball gloves? isn't catching with your hands part of cricket and should be part of your practice? That's what i'm talking about soccer brings it to life is kind of sporting soccer..
LA ICE-E said:
Well I don't know, why would you need baseball gloves? isn't catching with your hands part of cricket and should be part of your practice? That's what i'm talking about soccer brings it to life is kind of sporting soccer..

The baseball is used by keepers when doing fielding drills.
You will see some footballers (Rugby/League or AFL) doing boxing in their warm ups (which isn't usually part of the game), possibly a bit of cross-code kicking of a round ball.

Warming up with a baseball mit can be a reasonable idea, because, as you can see in the photo, Jacob Oram injured his finger earlier in the year. Cricket balls are hard and many players have succumbed to them in training. The mit does preclude such an unnecessary injury and the players still gets a warm up and some reflex practice.
Kev said:
I think most sports commentators use terminology from other sports at times. Look how often you hear "They're going to win by a cricket score" in other sports when a side is getting thrashed.

As for warm-ups, what's wrong with warming up with different sporting games. Firstly there are probably very good physio reasons and secondly variety is the spice of life. I think baseball gloves also have a very simple purpose - its easier to catch the ball, so more time spent practicing and less time fetching balls.
I have never heard that quote.

Nothings wrong with it, it just promotes the other sport in a way...Other sports doesn't need "variety" and doesn't use other sports as a warm up and they are professionals, plus how about a mile jog as a warm up? we do that for football(american) practice here. Shouldn't catching with you hands be part of the practice too?
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Good point mate. It does help people out during injuries.
but you see players who are not injured sporting baseball gloves...
Sometimes the coaches use them. They use the baseball glove to catch the ball during fielding drills. I mean, players hurling the ball at them full speed, and no keeping gloves, so this is good. More convenient and safe.
It is alot easier sometimes and can reduce the percentage of injury.
LA ICE-E said:
but you see players who are not injured sporting baseball gloves...

its just used for making practice a litle easier, when players are wrming up or in practice they use baseball gloves because it reduces the risk of injuries. instead of catching the ball with your bare hands in warmups and risking a broken finger or somthing like that, you use a beaseball glove.
It makes it easier for people like John Buchanen who cant catch lol.

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