Will Ganguly come back to the heights he achieved before?

Man what the **** Kiran More think of his self. I am really hurt. Gangully has perorm in both the innings. And also he may not be picked for India Pakistan series. I am realy hurt right now. Screw Kiran More and the other selectors.
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We threw him out just because he refused to carry the drinks !

This sucks.
This is clear Pawar o nomics .
How can you throw the Bong out when he has scored ? And how do you get the Mumbai guy in ?( W Jaffer )
iceman_waugh said:
Latest from More:
We threw him out just because he refused to carry the drinks !

This sucks.
This is clear Pawar o nomics .
How can you throw the Bong out when he has scored ? And how do you get the Mumbai guy in ?( W Jaffer )
Especially picking him over Kaif, Raina and Rao. Makes no sense at all.

He is also 27(turning 28 soon). Don't see how you can count him as a future investment. A little late for that.
langerrox said:
27 is still quite young, players normaly play to 35 nowadays
Not when you compare that Kaif and Yuvi are both about 24, and that Raian and Rao are also in their low 20s.
EDIT: My bad, Kaif turned 25 a few weeks back...
cricket_lover said:
Well we'll need Chappell but not at the cost of Ganguly or Zaheer, in case they perform well.

Zaheer performed well in domestic and according to his coach, his attitude has changed as well. If Chappell still doesn't want him...he then has issues he needs to sort out.

Seriously, you can't come and change everything at once. Dravid not wanting Ganguly makes some sense but not Chappell's case.

You can smell something foul behind the scenes as well.

And to all Chappell lovers, beware....for now Chappell might be doing wonders with Indian team, but as we experienced before, not only in cricket, its better to stick with our own ways rather than relying on others.

What is happening now is, Chappell is creating a force of India out of nothing! That is not really good.
What Ganguly-Wright did was build a platform, a basement upon which India could build its momentum. I don't see that basement yet.

I'm neither a Chappell supporter nor Ganguly's. But you cannot simply kick out players because the coach is "uncomfortable" with them. It defies logic and common sense.


Continuing the argument in the "Sri Lanka in India" thread would not be good. So I bring it here!

How do you know that Chappell is UNCOMFORTABLE with the mentioned individuals? No article points to Chappell feeling uncomfortable with those players (Zaheer, Ganguly!).

How does the coach of Zaheer know what attitude he displayed within the Indian team? I dont think he will ever know that!

Regarding sticking to our own ways, whats our own way first? Giving importance to the individual more than the team? Seriously explain me what is 'our way' and then I will argue on that and will move this argument forward!

I feel the way Chappell is handling the team at the moment is the right way and there's nothing wrong that I can find about it! He doesnt give a damn to reputations! He goes by what he thinks is the best for the team!

How can Chappell build upon the basement when its not hard and is prone to collapse? Its almost like Chappell is building it from the scratch! We just look at those victories India achieved under Ganguly-Wright and once that partnership is over, we cling on to those victories only and pass off our judgement! But what is true is, the Ganguly-Wright era depended solely on individual brilliances of certain highly talented players! They did not click often as a team! The situations coupled with individual brilliances helped us achieve success under Wright. But we had amazing highs (India's beating of Australia in 2001, India's series in Australia & Pakistan, etc) and our amazing lows (defeat to Australia at home in 2004, defeat to Pakistan in the ODI's at home in 2004, etc).
SELECTORS please leave Dada alone!!! (My message to the selectors) :D
"There is no evolution without argument."

When we look at it from the point of view of neither a Chappel supporter, nor a Ganguly supporter, nor an Indian supporter what we see is a classic clash of ideas.

For as long as we can remember, Indian sports are all about emotion. Emotional victories, emotional losses, emotional players, emotional fans. Australian sports are all about professionalism (not that theres no emotion, but it IS less)

Our search for a good coach ended on the Australian Greg Chappell who is trying to do things his way. But we, as fans, are not used to his method of doing things and hence there is the reaction to everything he does. Reactions will take place everytime there is a change, as sure as change is necessary.

So finally the nationwide argument about Ganguly-Chappell will do no end of good to the evolution of Indian Cricket. If not, hey atleast we all know Ganguly's stats better now.

And thats also the reason why argument is good here at PC forums :D

Ok, Chappel keeps saying that Ganguly does not fit into his 'scheme of things'
So i'd love to know someday what his scheme of things is?
furyfoxx said:
"There is no evolution without argument."

When we look at it from the point of view of neither a Chappel supporter, nor a Ganguly supporter, nor an Indian supporter what we see is a classic clash of ideas.

For as long as we can remember, Indian sports are all about emotion. Emotional victories, emotional losses, emotional players, emotional fans. Australian sports are all about professionalism (not that theres no emotion, but it IS less)

Our search for a good coach ended on the Australian Greg Chappell who is trying to do things his way. But we, as fans, are not used to his method of doing things and hence there is the reaction to everything he does. Reactions will take place everytime there is a change, as sure as change is necessary.

So finally the nationwide argument about Ganguly-Chappell will do no end of good to the evolution of Indian Cricket. If not, hey atleast we all know Ganguly's stats better now.

And thats also the reason why argument is good here at PC forums :D

Ok, Chappel keeps saying that Ganguly does not fit into his 'scheme of things'
So i'd love to know someday what his scheme of things is?

I think Ganguly doesnt have too much to offer in terms of fitness! We all know that! He has just starting giving fitness more importance now because his place is at stake! But Chappell is in a hurry to build the team at the right moment so that it reaches a peak when the mega event, the World Cup comes in 2007. From now on, whatever cricket is played, the focus is on the World Cup! I think even if Saurav tries to improve his fitness now, he is likely to respond to it slower than before because he is at the wrong end of his age!

I dont know what the other reasons might be, but I guess this must be one! Chappell might be right or wrong but I go with whatever he does because we have selected him and I wish all what he does is only for the good of Indian cricket!
saisrini80 said:

Continuing the argument in the "Sri Lanka in India" thread would not be good. So I bring it here!

How do you know that Chappell is UNCOMFORTABLE with the mentioned individuals? No article points to Chappell feeling uncomfortable with those players (Zaheer, Ganguly!).

How does the coach of Zaheer know what attitude he displayed within the Indian team? I dont think he will ever know that!

Regarding sticking to our own ways, whats our own way first? Giving importance to the individual more than the team? Seriously explain me what is 'our way' and then I will argue on that and will move this argument forward!

I feel the way Chappell is handling the team at the moment is the right way and there's nothing wrong that I can find about it! He doesnt give a damn to reputations! He goes by what he thinks is the best for the team!

How can Chappell build upon the basement when its not hard and is prone to collapse? Its almost like Chappell is building it from the scratch! We just look at those victories India achieved under Ganguly-Wright and once that partnership is over, we cling on to those victories only and pass off our judgement! But what is true is, the Ganguly-Wright era depended solely on individual brilliances of certain highly talented players! They did not click often as a team! The situations coupled with individual brilliances helped us achieve success under Wright. But we had amazing highs (India's beating of Australia in 2001, India's series in Australia & Pakistan, etc) and our amazing lows (defeat to Australia at home in 2004, defeat to Pakistan in the ODI's at home in 2004, etc).

Chappell is not building a basement, from my POV. If Ganguly gave importance to himself i'm sure India would not have come forward. YOu think Ganguly's selfishness helped India score wins against Aus or get to 2003 WC Finals or wins against Pakistan etc?

What on earth makes people say ganguly is not a team man or his attitude is different? It is annoying when people fall to the trap of media propaganda.
My view is, don't believe what the Indian media says...be it nice or not nice.

What made Chappell rule Zaheer out of the team? Based on two test matches against Zimbabwe? Was he able to identify Zaheer's "attitude" so fast?
When you play well in domestic matches, you deserve to be in the side. Zaheer is one case!

oh btw, Zaheer's coach is happy with his attitude in domestic matches. I hope you understand the context of my message...

What is"our way"?
Simple. It should be fair. So far it has been under Ganguly's captaincy. When yuvi or kaif or sehwag were in bad form, he was behind them. he know their abilities and went for them. That fair!
When Srinath still had something in him to deliver for India, ganguly persuaded him to play.
Thats being fair.
Same goes with Laxman, or Harbhajan or any other former rookies from Indian cricket.
Not only Ganguly but BCCI and the selectors, to some extent have brought changes in the state cricket boards. That was one reason why we had players like V. Rao or L. Balaji or M. Karthik who got a chance to play.

That is being fair.

What has Chappell done so far?
He has done few things that anyone would appreciate. He was harsh on players who did not perform, and encouraged new, innovative ideas.
Nothing wrong with that at all.

How fair was Ganguly sacking? Despite scoring gritty knocks in both innings? helping Dravid with field placements or hints. advicing bowlers and cheering them?
Is this fair?
If you call this "bad attitude", then tell me what one is.

Coming to Zaheer:
What on earth made Chappell say Zzheer had or has attitude problems...judging by two test matches against zimbabwe.
What about Zaheer not being included despite strong performances in Afro-Asian cup? despite wonderful spells in domestic cricket?
Is that fair?

Chappell is a good cricketer, and may be a good coach. But just because he is the coach..doesn't mean he can do whatever he feels like doing "for the sake of Indian cricket".

Mind you, its just not chappell, its also BCCI sponsored politics that has been hampering the spirit of cricket for a while now.
We can believe whatever Chappell or the media tells us, but we'll need to know one thing
"Don't judge the book by looking at its cover"

Added later:
How do you know that Ganguly isn't fit enough for 2007? We're not his personal coach or something.
Yes! Ganguly is improving his fitness for his place in the team and i guess that is what everyone is doing! No body will be fit to sit on the bench watching others play!

When the physio is happy with Ganguly's fitness and the doctors as well, why care what one person "feels"?
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Then why do you (as in, BCCI) select him as coach when he cant do what he wants for the sake of Indian cricket?

Dont look at all what Saurav did on field. It is said that he doesnt mix much in the dressing room.. you keep repeating his field placements for dravid and his support for bowlers.
saisrini80 said:
Then why do you (as in, BCCI) select him as coach when he cant do what he wants for the sake of Indian cricket?

Dont look at all what Saurav did on field. It is said that he doesnt mix much in the dressing room.. you keep repeating his field placements for dravid and his support for bowlers.

it is said by whom? media? who says so? coach? how do we know it is true?
If you can't "mix" well with the team, it'll show on the field.
BTW, aren't they "professionals" as chappell says, and aren't "professionals" supposed to ignore such things and build a good environment.

How can a person change over few months and not "mix" well with the team, after he led the team to astounding wins? almost everyone liked him in the team, his "attitude". Since when did we get this problem?

Well right after Chappell took over the job. It is from that point when reports started to flow on the so called "rifts" between Ganguly and Chappell.
Does this mean...Chappell "mixed" well with the team but Ganguly, who has been part of the team for 10 years "did not mix well".

It defies logic and i'm sure even a kid would laugh at it.

We try to say "oh there is a problem" but not "why is there a problem"
Let us (as in, BCCI and players) figure that out.

I have to repeat the same thing my friend! i don't know why people fail to understand what i'm saying.

THink about this, we select a president or a PM, because we want him/her to do something good for the country. The result sometimes is good or sometimes bad.
I'm not faulting Chappell entirely, but i just fail to understand Ganguly and Zaheer's exclusion.

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