Wimbledon 2007

Great game to watch, congrats Federer.. too bad Nadal couldn't do it :(. Ah well there is always a next time :).
a true final won by a true champion. nadal will eventually win one :)
I've been away this weekend, got back in time to catch the last set. From what I saw it was a fantastic match. The first point I saw, Nadal completely dismantled Federer, sending him wider and wider before finishing the point. The next point looked to be going the same way, but Federer unleashed an incredible forehand that was right on the line. The precision of the man is astonishing, and I think he deserved to win just for that.

I knew he was going to win when he broke Nadal's serve and just rolled him in the next game, with 3 aces and one that Nadal couldn't get back over the net. From then he only needed 1 more game, admittedly, but even if it was at the start of the set I couldn't see Nadal coming back from that.
Its actually frightening what Federer can do to a tennis ball, he can shoot it at 130MPH to the other side of the court, or back spin it nice and gentle, he can get it to swerve more than any other at the moment and his agility is impeccable. Nadal is just 80% of what Federer is but at 21 he is in a great position!

Well done to Murray/Jancovic, great, fun and enjoyable match to watch, the crowd were really involved.
It was an awsome match. I am in Australia and stayed up for the whole 3 hours to watch this match. The match didnt end 3am here in Australia, and it was worth staying up for.

Federer really gave Nadal the edge early, was 3-0 up before Nadal won a game. But full credit to Nadal, came back and won the 2nd set, and was looking to really trouble Federer.
Like many of you have said already, Fed seemed really angry at the Hawkeye system, and was certain that a ball was ouut, but the Hawkeye called the ball in, and that was a crucial stage of the game. Fed argued for atleast 3-4 minutes with the umpire, before getting back into play. And when Nadal had the injury break, because of a slight twitch in his knee, Fed found the time to argue again and talk about the Hawkeye system.

In some way, i rekon the knee injury to Nadal, made him loose some of the running power, and hitting power that he usually genetrates. Looking at his serves since he had the injury, it seemed Nadal was hitting the net alot of the time, got caught every serve, for 2 lets before he hit the ball into the court. And it didnt help Nadal, since he is left handed, he lands on his right foot wen he takes off for his serve, so thats where something went wrong for Nadal, other then that, i rekon Nadal could of Pushed Fed longer then what he did.

But overall, one of the best Wimbleton finals i have seen in a while, entertaining, and a huge struggle for both players, well done to Federer on the win and well done Nadal on the 2nd place.
Nadal is improving every year. Last year he did so very well to get to the final on grass, and this year to have almost ended Federer's winning streak. As true a champion Roger is, Nadal can only get better himself.
The Finals Are finals,it's really a great match.:D
I used to think Nadal will never beat Roger on grass, and vice vursar on clay, but this final has made me realise how great, and improving so quickly Nadal is on both surfaces, and will win one soon im sure of it
I used to think Nadal will never beat Roger on grass, and vice vursar on clay, but this final has made me realise how great, and improving so quickly Nadal is on both surfaces, and will win one soon im sure of it

Nadal is improving quicker on grass than Federer on clay!
Well he hasn't beaten him at Wimbledon yet, its not just about speed!!
Well i dont think his brother would have won...and then theres the mighty Tim...the first english champion for over 20 years.

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