Windows Vista

How good will Vista be?

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BlackLeapard92 said:
true, although it has full support of openGL DOOM, Quake 4, and all ID games and all games which use id's engine.
Not in native form. These games' installation and file access rules have to changed or "ported" before they can be run on Linux. It is not possible to just buy Doom 3 and "install" it under Red Hat.
Ritwik said:
Not in native form. These games' installation and file access rules have to changed or "ported" before they can be run on Linux. It is not possible to just buy Doom 3 and "install" it under Red Hat.

I don't know about it.However, your argument seems logical, but some research is needed from my part :)
Ritwik said:
Not in native form. These games' installation and file access rules have to changed or "ported" before they can be run on Linux. It is not possible to just buy Doom 3 and "install" it under Red Hat.
Although it is a fairly simple download to get the files needed to play it, it isn't such a big deal to get them. I was able to play Quake on linux fairly easily, I downloaded
And for games that aren't native at all, many can be played with cedega.
Some commercial games include linux installers with the cd, Unreal Tournament being one of them.
whitehornmatt said:
Some commercial games include linux installers with the cd, Unreal Tournament being one of them.

that is is exact conclusion I got to.
However, gaming scene for linux looks bleak.Simply because opwnGL is not good enough for next gen gaming.IT is too limited for todays gaming scene, and compared to Directx 9/10, it looks miserable.
Blackleopard92 said:
that is is exact conclusion I got to.
However, gaming scene for linux looks bleak.Simply because opwnGL is not good enough for next gen gaming.IT is too limited for todays gaming scene, and compared to Directx 9/10, it looks miserable.

Although I agree with your assesment, things might change if a new version of OpenGL is released, and not to forget that the "ayatollahs of gaming" (read id software) support it.
Ritwik said:
Although I agree with your assesment, things might change if a new version of OpenGL is released, and not to forget that the "ayatollahs of gaming" (read id software) support it.

well, it amazes me why the still support it.
I think it's due to carmack's proficiency in OpenGL.
even unreal switched to Direct3D for their games

as for revision and a new version.I would say that their original makers sort of deserted it.
well, it amazes me why the still support it.
I think it's due to carmack's proficiency in OpenGL.
even unreal switched to Direct3D for their games

as for revision and a new version.I would say that their original makers sort of deserted it.

I don't think you can say that Carmack won't be able to work in directX if he wants to :) He's the worlds best programmer.

I think it is more to do with the fact that it is a lot easier to do cross-platform programming in Opengl and almost impossible in DirectX. That is why you'll find that id games and games based on their engines run under windows, linux and mac, unlike most direct3d based games.
Ritwik said:
I don't think you can say that Carmack won't be able to work in directX if he wants to :) He's the worlds best programmer.
It is difficult to make a switch from one API to another, sply when someon eis reconised as a god of one.
Ritwik said:
I think it is more to do with the fact that it is a lot easier to do cross-platform programming in Opengl and almost impossible in DirectX. That is why you'll find that id games and games based on their engines run under windows, linux and mac, unlike most direct3d based games.
true, though cross platform ain't as big as it looks.Simply because MS is a huge company.

Actually, u have to give it to carmack.He makes one breakthrough after another in OpenGL while all the rest have given up.However, I think he even knows he can't continue with it for long unless a major revision of openGl takes place.

Speaking of compatibility, does anybody know whether OpenGL is supported with Vista?
I have a feeling that it is supported.MS can't ditch it.Although how it would perform is another story.
even if it doesn't work well with Vista natively, I am sure that updated graphics card drivers will shore up the performance of OpenGL as they always do.
Ritwik said:
even if it doesn't work well with Vista natively, I am sure that updated graphics card drivers will shore up the performance of OpenGL as they always do.

Don't bet on ATI for OpenGL performance.I bet, if ATI had it's own way, it would simply ban OpenGL from their drivers.In fact had it not been for Id, they would have done it.
It's amazing that carmack goes with ATI in every presentation.:eek:

one intresting fact:
ATI's openGL drivers size: 4.64 Mb
nvidia's OpenGL driver size: 1.42Mb

And nvidia rules OpenGL.Wonder what extra ATI has in it's drivers? :p
blackleopard92 said:
It's amazing that carmack goes with ATI in every presentation.

I know for a fact that he did a technology demonstration for Doom 3 (id's biggest publicity event till date) on a Geforce 3 (!). He may go with ATI for his presentations, but all tests unanimously point to the fact that Nvidia cards are much much better at running id's games. According to tests at extremetech, Nvidia whips ATI when it comes to OpenGL and especially id software games, while ATI is on top (marginally) when it comes to HL 2.
blackleopard92 said:
Speaking of compatibility, does anybody know whether OpenGL is supported with Vista?
Yes, although it will be handled through DirectX as mentioned here about half way down the page.
Ritwik said:
I know for a fact that he did a technology demonstration for Doom 3 (id's biggest publicity event till date) on a Geforce 3 (!). He may go with ATI for his presentations, but all tests unanimously point to the fact that Nvidia cards are much much better at running id's games. According to tests at extremetech, Nvidia whips ATI when it comes to OpenGL and especially id software games, while ATI is on top (marginally) when it comes to HL 2.
the reason behind this is the the fact that ATI optimised their drivers for DirectX, while nvidia optimised it for OpenGL.
the problem is the fact ATi totally negelected openGL, hence they give poor results.
whitehornmatt said:
Yes, although it will be handled through DirectX as mentioned here about half way down the page.
although I don't know how to say it, but I didn't understand what was written :eek:
I will try reading slowly.

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