Windows Vista

How good will Vista be?

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I was about to make a vista beta 2 thread but thought i should search first and actually found something!

Anyway, has anyone here got it? if so whats its like? any improvements?

also, what is the expected release date of the full thing?
MS says it will release to large businesses and PC vendors in november and will be available in stores in January 2007.
Ritwik said:
MS says it will release to large businesses and PC vendors in november and will be available in stores in January 2007.

u sure?
I have info that beta 2 is still too bug riden, and maybe further delay is possible.
Well I have two operating system on my computer.I use XP only to design my patches and stuffs and do all other works in Linux.So I am looking for next version of Linux.
Linux is a tremendous Operating system. It beats windows by along way in my opinion. There are many free versions of linux and I currently have two operating systems on my computer, Linux and XP.
blackleopard92 said:
u sure?
I have info that beta 2 is still too bug riden, and maybe further delay is possible.
I don't know about further delays. My info was based on an article in PC Magazine USA may edition.

However, knowing MS I would not at all be surprised if it gets delayed even further - and it doesn't really make much difference since they were definitely missing the december shopping season anyway.
After seeing taimurasad's pictures, I think I will go for Vista definitely but may be will wait for sometime after the release for the price to come down.

I cant pay hundreds of $$$ for an OS. Will wait for sometime for the price to get down but will definitely buy it. It looks very good according to me! Right now, I have Vista like interface on my Win XP but Vista looks more promising!
saisrini80 said:
After seeing taimurasad's pictures, I think I will go for Vista definitely but may be will wait for sometime after the release for the price to come down.

I cant pay hundreds of $$$ for an OS. Will wait for sometime for the price to get down but will definitely buy it. It looks very good according to me! Right now, I have Vista like interface on my Win XP but Vista looks more promising!
Even if price is not a consideration, you should wait for at least 6 months after the launch of Vista before upgrading. In that period MS would've fixed most of the incompatibilities and glitches that are sure to arise, since Windows Operating systems are built to achieve maximum compatibility which always results in problems.

Before upgrading, anybody should take stock of their hardware and software and determine for sure whether it will all function flawlessly under Vista.
Ritwik said:
Before upgrading, anybody should take stock of their hardware and software and determine for sure whether it will all function flawlessly under Vista.

also, vista offers no greater features than a perked up interface.I feel the only reson one would update to vista is when softwares started becomming vista only.( like many on today's softwares can't run on win98/ME)

the other reason is of course, Directx10.Games supporting Directx10 would only make appearance only after about 6-8 months after vista release.
No infact Vista is being billed as the biggest step forward in Windows since Win95 (that they said the same thing about XP is besides the point). It is expected to automate several routine tasks, make digital media more accesible and be more secure and speedy. In sum, it is going to be everything that XP should've have been.
Ritwik said:
No infact Vista is being billed as the biggest step forward in Windows since Win95 (that they said the same thing about XP is besides the point). It is expected to automate several routine tasks, make digital media more accesible and be more secure and speedy. In sum, it is going to be everything that XP should've have been.

fell for it, didn't u, despite pointing it out yourself ;)
that they said the same thing about XP is besides the point


ritwik said:
It is expected to automate several routine tasks, make digital media more accesible and be more secure and speedy. In sum,

If u look through all that wayward talk, u will find truth.i.e.
making digital media more accesible.How, may I ask, is accessing digital media related to OS?
secure and speedy.I suppose a OS which has been stripped of half of all radical features that it was to incorporate be called secure, an irony atleast.
and speedy, I mean y are surely jokin.Absolutely.

ritwik said:
it is going to be everything that XP should've have been.
It already is.
blackleopard92 said:
fell for it, didn't u, despite pointing it out yourself ;)

I hardly "fell for it", seeing I've started using XP only with the new PC, which has been bought four years after its release;) I sometimes wish that I'd stuck to 98SE.
Ritwik said:
I hardly "fell for it", seeing I've started using XP only with the new PC, which has been bought four years after its release;) I sometimes wish that I'd stuck to 98SE.

I had bought my sys in september.And I felt the same way ;)

but XP gradually draws u, not to mention hardly anything works on WIN98/ME

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