Windows Vista

How good will Vista be?

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Ritwik said:
I hardly "fell for it", seeing I've started using XP only with the new PC, which has been bought four years after its release;) I sometimes wish that I'd stuck to 98SE.

I would never go back to the 98SE days. The interface of XP is what I love, going back to the plain boring interface of the early windows just wouldn't suit me. Probably will be the same when I get Vista.
sorry guys i couldnt answer some of your questions as i was very busy giving my final exams.

I am free now & have just downloaded beta2 from connect. Will post my comments on beta2 after testing it out!

taimurasad said:
sorry guys i couldnt answer some of your questions as i was very busy giving my final exams.

I am free now & have just downloaded beta2 from connect. Will post my comments on beta2 after testing it out!


I have been actually searching for beta 2 reviews.
Waiting for your review!
I was reading about Vista today in PC World USA, and was shocked to learn that the first "projected release date" was in 2003 :eek:

The release date has been slipping for 3 years now and yet MS is not including all the features that were promised initially, like WIN FS:eek:

God help us!
That would be correct Ritwik. That was probably when it was called Longhorn, there was big talk about it a few years back and talk it would be released. But we've been waiting a dam long time.
Ritwik said:
I was reading about Vista today in PC World USA, and was shocked to learn that the first "projected release date" was in 2003 :eek:

The release date has been slipping for 3 years now and yet MS is not including all the features that were promised initially, like WIN FS:eek:

God help us!

here's a short para on history of WinFS:

The development of WinFS is an extension to a feature which was initially planned in the early 1990s. Dubbed Object File System, it was supposed to be included as part of Cairo. OFS was supposed to have powerful data aggregation features. But the Cairo project was shelved, and with it OFS. However, later during the development of COM, a storage system, called Storage+, based on then-upcoming SQL Server 8.0, was planned, which was slated to offer similar aggregation features. This, too, never materialized, and a similar technology, Relational File System, was conceived to be launched with SQL Server 2000, but as SQL Server 2000 ended up being a minor upgrade to SQL Server 7.0, RFS was not implemented. But the concept was not scrapped. It just morphed into WinFS. WinFS was initially planned for inclusion in Windows Vista, and build 4051 of Windows Vista, then called "Longhorn", given to developers at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference in 2003, included WinFS, but it suffered from significant performance issues. In August 2004, Microsoft announced that WinFS would not ship with Windows Vista; it would instead be available as a downloadable update after Vista's release.

On August 29, 2005, Microsoft quietly made Beta 1 of WinFS available to MSDN subscribers. It worked on Windows XP, and required the .NET Framework to run. It was refreshed on December 1, 2005 to be compatible with version 2.0 of the .NET Framework. WinFS Beta 2 is planned for some time later in 2006, and is supposed to include integration with Windows Desktop Search, so that search results include results from both regular files and WinFS stores. It is also supposed to make WinFS stores available via the ADO.NET API. A third Beta is scheduled. The final release is not likely to be available until late 2007. It is not clear at this time whether the final release of WinFS will be included with Windows Server "Longhorn" or not, but Microsoft has stated that WinFS will be included as a component of a future version of the WinFX developer framework.
A Microsoft executive has said that "partners have discovered issues with performance, features, testing and security" with Vista beta builds. What does that leave out ?:rolleyes:
Ritwik said:
A Microsoft executive has said that "partners have discovered issues with performance, features, testing and security" with Vista beta builds. What does that leave out ?:rolleyes:

user interface ;)
user interface is the only thing microsoft are good at , xbox360 dashboard anyone
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kmk1284 said:
user interface is the only thing microsoft are good at , xbox260 dashboard anyone

xbox 260? never heared of that one before?

Well, actually user interface is Windows selling point.its the reason why it captured all markets.
It connects with lowly people, I mean those who can't differentiate a monitor and a cpu. :)In other words laymans.
precisely why linux despite being superior is not known to half the ppl using computers
rickyp said:
what is linux? is it any good? how does it rate to xp?

Linux is way better than windows. I think so. The greatest feature of this OS is that you can continue your work in Linux even if a particular application hangs. I generally find this does not happening with XP.

Moreover the default music and video player for Linux (i.e. M Player) is much better than that for Windows (i.e. Windows Media Player).
kuttakumar said:
Linux is way better than windows. I think so. The greatest feature of this OS is that you can continue your work in Linux even if a particular application hangs. I generally find this does not happening with XP.

Moreover the default music and video player for Linux (i.e. M Player) is much better than that for Windows (i.e. Windows Media Player).

Linux doesn't have much credibility though and doesn't have support for Major Windows Applications or Games.
hondeyho said:
Linux doesn't have much credibility though and doesn't have support for Major Windows Applications or Games.

true, although it has full support of openGL DOOM, Quake 4, and all ID games and all games which use id's engine.

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