worst ever test cricketer?


Executive member
Feb 7, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Who in your opinion is the worst ever test player?

of late i would say Rikki Clarke
even that brian lara. who does he think he is?

PS: note the sarcasm.

i don't think batty has been given a fair chance yet, but them im biased as im a spinner.
Hm, well he (Batty) played against Bangladesh and Sri Lanka on turning wickets and hardly troubled anyone. In first class cricket he averages 30 with the ball and 35 in one dayers. Test average is 68.90 in 5 matches, with 10 wickets. In six ODI's he's got 4 wickets at 63.25.

Whilst he's a decent bowler in First Class cricket, he's nowhere near test material!
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if you mean worst as in who was bad for the game then i would have to say boycott and Chris travare(spelling). Both extremely slow and boycott especially for getting so many of his teamates runout - bad sportsmanship. He was his own little runout bug all by himself. And that chappell underarm - not good sortsmanship at all so i would have to include him too although he was very skillful.
so who should be the next england test bowler?

Giles is 31 so 4 years left maybe.

Bridge at durham is 24 i think.
i think if a player has made it to the test level he must have some talent and cannot a be totally crap
so there is no one as `worst test player' as such
its just that some people click right away and some take time but before they prove themselves they get dropped due to competition
Test cricket is tough , guys -- As the name suggests , Its a real test !
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if your going to talk about people who have had a negative impact on the game then what about the little matchfixers, azarudin (i know thats spelt no where near correct) and hansie. azarudin was a great player and so was cronje but how do we know how many of those runs they actually earnt.
i think mwaugh/sqiuz/aditya123 give excellent answers......aditya123 sums it up very well.
MWaugh said:
if your going to talk about people who have had a negative impact on the game then what about the little matchfixers, azarudin (i know thats spelt no where near correct) and hansie. azarudin was a great player and so was cronje but how do we know how many of those runs they actually earnt.
yeah they brought disrepute to the game...and my friend you ought to reframe your last sentence - they earned bucks by refusing to score - they didn't fix matches by scoring more...had azar decided he was gonna stick around and score like hell then he would have surpassed Border long ago but alas! ... and i donno if any sane person can ever think of fixing a test match by himself - its impossible to me...

worst test player - a difficult question considering the number of test caps in the world...how about andrew symonds? thats from the most recent memory...yeah i remembered - in the first Indian team to tour England (and play their first test match) there was a prince - Maharaja of Porbandar who had more Rolls Royce cars than firstclass runs but perhaps he opted out of the testmatches himself...but sure was good enough for being the worst?

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