The Worst Ever World Cup....

I can't say whether this was the worst, as I've only been alive to see three, but it certainly lacked.
Games should have been played the next day instead of rain reduced.
The poor attendance were purely the ICC and WICB's fault. I read that I think about the average West Indian earned ?83 pounds a week, and a ticket cost ?75, those figures change into pouunds from West Indies currency.

It was a farce after Woolmers death, the carrying on was pathetic. It should have been paused.

Malcolm Speed was again displayed his ineptitude to run any kind of organisation, the schedule was ridiculous and has now put alot of pressure on teams calenders this year and the next. See England this year and Australia 2007/2008.

It's also time that the ICC was more fairly directed. Far too many Indians and Pakistani's on the board screwing up the Western teams scedule to make sure that India and Pakistan get the best of things.
well, I don't agree that it should have stopped or been paused after the tragic. The show must go on. And Bob Woolmer would probably want it to go on too. Lots of things went wrong but that one, you can't blame the icc for.
Thats all the World Cup is going to be remembered for though.
And that shouldn't been how a World Cup is remembered.
Animator! said:
It's also time that the ICC was more fairly directed. Far too many Indians and Pakistani's on the board screwing up the Western teams scedule to make sure that India and Pakistan get the best of things.
What about the fact that the Champions Trophy destroyed the best touring season in India last year? Of course that doesn't matter since it did not cause trouble to the schedule of the Western countries.

Animator! said:
Thats all the World Cup is going to be remembered for though.
I disagree. I think this World Cup will also be remembered for the time when Australia reinstated their dominance in the game. It will also be remembered for the time the lesser nations showed that they were starting to get better.
sohummisra said:
I disagree. I think this World Cup will also be remembered for the time when Australia reinstated their dominance in the game. It will also be remembered for the time the lesser nations showed that they were starting to get better.
I agree.

sohummisra said:
Interesting action may be initiated by the BCCI in the next meeting, if enough boards are thinking like they are: Speed could face no-confidence motion
not yet,
It was so heavily dominated by Australia it isn't funny.

It really is quite sad that if Australia play near there best, no one will beat them. Period.

The only way India and Pakistan can go is up.. they've both (especially Pakistan) hit rock bottom.
I remember this thread a long time ago. Looking on now(because at the time a lot of you were all influenced by defeat) do you think 2007 was the worst World Cup?
I remember this thread a long time ago. Looking on now(because at the time a lot of you were all influenced by defeat) do you think 2007 was the worst World Cup?

Yeah, I'd say it was the worst one I've ever seen.
I remember this thread a long time ago. Looking on now(because at the time a lot of you were all influenced by defeat) do you think 2007 was the worst World Cup?

Yeah, it was. Not because India faced exit in the first round, don't get me wrong here, but because of many a other reasons.
Firstly it was way too long- and towards the end, it became extremely boring, the whole thing about the Super-Eights- that a team should play 7 matches...the Newton who thought this unique thing should immediately be given a Nobel prize. Seriously, that spoilt the whole flavour of the WC.
Secondly, poor management by the WICB- and lack of professionalism- the WC final light fiasco, etc etc, these things really shouldn't have happened.
Thirdly, match-fixing rumours, controversies, Woolmer's death,.....etc etc, it was a total mess. These are just some main reasons, there are numerous side reasons as well.
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By contrast the two Twenty20 World Cups so far have been roaring successes.
It's all relative though - the 2007 World Cup was big in Australia because we were winning. Since we got knocked out of the Twenty20 WC, people have been asking me if it's still going on. I have absolutely no interest in it anymore. I had more interest in the England v West Indies test series.

It was the same thing when Pakistan and India did poorly in the 2007 WC - suddenly it was a terrible tournament that they couldn't care less about. Heck, before India won the last T20 WC, they didn't even know the format existed, had no domestic system and couldn't care less about it. Now it's the only format they seem to care about anymore and the IPL is massive.
I didn't really watch much of this world cup because of the time it was on in New Zealand and the fact I was still at school. But the games I did watch looked so boring because there was no one there, the crowds looked really small and it gave of a vibe that nobody cared about it.
had no domestic system

You are factually 100 percent wrong. There was an Indian T-20 domestic tournament well before the 07 WC. Just that the news of it didn't spread to the rest of the world.

King Cricket added 1 Minutes and 41 Seconds later...

the crowds looked really small

That's because the ticket prices were too high.

King Cricket added 1 Minutes and 30 Seconds later...

It was the same thing when Pakistan and India did poorly in the 2007 WC - suddenly it was a terrible tournament that they couldn't care less about.

You will not believe it if I tell you that I watched almost every Super-Eight match of the World Cup with utmost interest and so did many other Indians, will you?

King Cricket added 4 Minutes and 39 Seconds later...

they didn't even know the format existed

We knew very well that the format existed. There was a domestic T-20 tournament as well. But you're right, the format was not popular at all. It depends on certain things, you know. In the 07 T-20 WC, whether India won or lost, that news never made it to the headlines of any Indian paper, used to occupy a very very tiny paragraph at the back. But now? Papers are full of T-20 news. Frontpage, backpage, headlines, toelines, noselines- T-20 everywhere. I agree with you, it's quite natural, we are the World Champs and these things...they will just happen- it's nature's law.
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