Wrestling Mafia- Game Over. Abhas Wins!

@ matt - If someone has any information I'll just change my lynch, it's just that ATM I don't have any suspicions.
The first part definitely points to an SK, I reckon
There's obv a whore in the house lol
The Great Kali is obviously a doc protecting Ollie
And we've lost a townie
Funknath :facepalm
The first post needs to be updated

I wouldn't say it's Khali that is the doctor, I imagine how could be something else. I think it's the woman that interrupted the SK when he was coming to get me that is the doctor.

I'm also tempted to roleclaim now but I might just wait a bit and see how it pans out.

Roleclaims are allowed at any time in this game, right?

Yeah you can roleclaim at any time.
Blake, dont role claim so early (mafia will have a role blocker) And guys i have read it carefully and its become obvious to me the there is a SK. Whatmore, i think the lady is the mafia role blocker (who prevented the SK from carrying out his role)
So clearly mafia have found the SK. I still think khali is the doctor. The Hindi makes it more than obvious.
Kurt Angle there somewhere? Olympics thing?

Why would Khali be a doctor though? The only thing that makes him the doctor would be his brute strength being able to defend someone.

Also ARay, not sure how you can say that the role blocker, which you can be pretty sure is the girl, is mafia.

There is the distinct possibilty that the girl could be the roleblocker with her good looks and charm, and then Khali could be the 'doctor' saving someone with his brute strength.
He's the only one who knows Hindi, right? Or he doesn't? I cannot understand what he speaks.

It was the giant again, speaking English in a thick accent. Ollie_H looked up, puzzled...

Yea, I'm fine...

The giant and the thick English accent. It all points towards Khali. Not sure though.
Ollie_H, read the 1st write up by Zoraxdoom.
There are 4 mafia memebers, and he gave a good description about them. One of them was an attractive seductive lady in his words. I am not sure if i am allowed to quote his write up, and hence i am writing it in my own words.
And in the 2nd write up the attractive lady stops the SK.
This is why i think the mafia role blocker stopped the SK
It's fairly likely that there is a mafia roleblocker in this game, so that's a good theory ARay.

Who was the Great Khali though? I understand everyone is saying the doctor, but the write-up about him just seemed strange. Might have to re read it.
He's the only one who knows Hindi, right? Or he doesn't? I cannot understand what he speaks.

No, I completely agree that Khali is in the game. But their is a distinct possibilty he could be mafia. When I watched WWE he was always heel.

Oh yeah, there is also Stone Cold Steve Austin in the game.
I am wondering why hMarka has nothing to comment on this game as of yet?
hMarka, Do you have no views on what is going on?
or are u going to actively lurk?? :p
Fairly sure Khali has turned face now, when I watched he was always heel... but apparently he is face now. Not entirely sure.

Also, just re-read it and it seems certain that he is the doctor, meaning that he's probably face. Doesn't make sense to have a mafia doctor.. unless he's actually the roleblocker.

Also, from the write-up, it does seem like Kurt Angle is in there... and the person who turned wrestling mainstream? Sounds like Vince McMahon.

So, who have we got now? Edge, The Great Khali, Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon (?).


Edit: Also a seductive diva I guess... although, there are probably too many to start guessing at names.
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Ok ARay, I agree, the woman is mafia. Which leave 4 mafia members as you said with Vince McMahon as the Mafia Godfather. Which leaves Khali as a townie and ARay's theory of the Mafia Roleblock correct. (Y)

EDIT: Edge is dead blake, so he isn't exactly there. And I reckon Steve Austin is there.
I am wondering why hMarka has nothing to comment on this game as of yet?
hMarka, Do you have no views on what is going on?
or are u going to actively lurk?? :p

Ok ill be honest. I do not give a ████ about wrestling and I got bored halfway through the write up. same thing happened with Lost mafia since I hate Lost.

Lynch me if you want, im too confused by all the names and characters and can't be arsed to find out. I dont know a Stone cold from a Khali or whatever, did not realize it would be so heavily wrestler plot involved.
I think ARay is right. There seem to be 4 mafias including a woman. A man with a leather coat is one of them. Undertaker?

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