Club Cricketer
Meh, matt should be the Godfather.
Spin, Abhas and BKB are probably ____,___ and ___. I won't say whom, but they're all confirmed in Night posts. Would like to see a claim anyways. This is based on Abhas being roleblocked tonight and a kill still going through.
I'm the Great Khali, bodyguard. At the beginning of the game, I was given a choice of going down one of 2 paths, a normal bodyguard with no post restriction, OR a 3 post-restriction per day but allowing me to gain night immunity on 2 nights of my choice. This is in addition to protecting someone, so both roles could be used on one night. Meh, fairly overpowered role, but I'm not complaining.
Already used it once, and that's stated in one of the Night posts - you should be able to figure out which night that was yourselves. Will probably use the other night immunity tonight.
Lynch: hedger_14
So that I won't be roleblocked tonight. If the Godfather has a kill, I can protect someone as well as myself.
Claim BKB, now.
Spin, Abhas and BKB are probably ____,___ and ___. I won't say whom, but they're all confirmed in Night posts. Would like to see a claim anyways. This is based on Abhas being roleblocked tonight and a kill still going through.
I'm the Great Khali, bodyguard. At the beginning of the game, I was given a choice of going down one of 2 paths, a normal bodyguard with no post restriction, OR a 3 post-restriction per day but allowing me to gain night immunity on 2 nights of my choice. This is in addition to protecting someone, so both roles could be used on one night. Meh, fairly overpowered role, but I'm not complaining.

Lynch: hedger_14
So that I won't be roleblocked tonight. If the Godfather has a kill, I can protect someone as well as myself.
Claim BKB, now.