Wrestling thread

My bet is Kennedy to not be suspended. He was listed in the sheet. But he is due a vey big push because he is going to be Vince's son. (well thtas the plan at the moment)
I was wrong Orton isnt being suspended. Hes the guy that wasnt going to be. Looks like Morrison is because if you check the WWe website there is an Article about CM Punk being the new ECW Champion. After ECW was taped on saturday night because of unupcoming tour of Africa.

Drugs List.
1. John Morrison

Smackdown was taped aswell and Chavo was defeated by Rey in an I Quit match. WWE normally use this to write people off. So we can probabl take from that Number 2

2. Chavo Guerrero

Also Chirs Masters didnt appear and after running away in last weeks edition of smackdown there probbaly would have been a match for him.

3. Chris Masters.

Source : pwmania.com ,wwe.com
yes Rey Mysterio is the number 1 contender

Cryme Tyme and Eugene were released today or yestaday
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I didn't know about Cryme Tyme. Shame really as they were set to become the new tag team champions.
i found out that the reason was because they did the lance cade hat angle and it wasnt scripted

source: pwmania.com
oh yeah when they sell Lance Cade Hat to a fan lol
Man I am going to miss Them cus they were funny

"I liked the Money, Money, Yeah Yeah"
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Small note: You can use spoiler tags on planetcricket too. Without the spaces of course it is [spoiler ]insert text here[/spoiler ]
Mr Kennedy is not Vince's illegitimate son, on Raw, he came out when the big McMahon saga unfolded, and said he was the son due to the name link etc. The lawyers then told vince he wasn't the son, and cant be and they will reveal who the real son is next week. Looks like they changed the plans in order the suspend him for his drugs thing etc. Shame as he would have then got a chance to be a main eventer but know hes blown it.

The reason for Cryme Tyme release is as follows : Cryme Tyme were released as a result of their actions following their Terre Haute house show match against Cade and Murdoch. According to the Torch report, the two teams had reportedly been developing heat with each other over the course of the past few weeks.

That built into an incident prior to the match, in which Shad Gaspard told Lance Cade that "what happens in the ring happens," essentially implying that there might be some stiff shots exchanged. Cade mocked Gaspard's threat in front of a number of wrestlers backstage.

In order to get back at Cryme Tyme for what they perceived as a threat, Cade and Murdoch met with the referee and arranged a rib. Essentially, the plan was to "fast count" while JTG was out of the ring, resulting in a count out loss for Cryme Tyme; Cryme Tyme was unaware of this plan until it was executed in front of the live audience.

In what sources say was a move to save face, Cryme Tyme then decided, without telling the referee, to execute their finishing move on him (they reportedly did so safely, but it was still unexpected). They also tossed his belt into the crowd.

Words were exchanged in the backstage area following the segment, and WWE management eventually made the call to release Cryme Tyme, who were reportedly on thin ice with management anyway due to what some backstage perceived as an attitude problem.

The duo were reportedly unhappy and surprised with WWE's decision.
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So who is Vinces son, the clue is "the future is looking up"...any ideas>

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