Wrestling thread

Randy Orton is a thug taking out Cena's dad when he was in the crowd. You could tell it was fake, as most things on WWE. Anyway when are we going to find out who is Mr Mcmahon's son is?
Some breaking news for you all. 10 WWE superstars have been suspended after being found out that they recieved drugs. 9 will be suspended for 30-days for a first time offense and one will be gone for 60-days for a second time offense. WWE hasn't named the 10, but investigations by other sources have come up with the following list of people who may be in the 10:

  • Charlie Haas (easy enough to take off TV)
  • Chavo Guerrero (again, not too hard to take off TV)
  • Edge (injured, wont effect anything)
  • Funaki (not on TV anyway)
  • Gregory Helms (injured)
  • John Morrison (ECW World Champion, could well lose the belt)
  • Mr. Kennedy (McMahon's illegitimate son. Tricky one)
  • Randy Orton (WWE Title Contender, hard to work around as well)
  • Umaga (IC Champion, another hard one to get rid of)
  • William Regal (Raw GM, so still a big loss)
(source: Spots Illustrated)
  • Batista (WHC Contender and SDs biggest face)
  • Chris Masters (Not a lot for him)
  • King Booker (Big ME star feuding with HHH, bad)
  • Santino Marella (Could be dropped easily)
  • Simon Dean (Not on TV anyway)
(source: list of clients of the signature pharmacy)

It has also been confirmed that an additional 2 wrestlers will be suspended.

Is it my turn to name random performers to see if they leave TV soon? Let's face facts here, the WWE won't release the names so no one is going to know for certain, I don't see how sites can just list names as possibles, it's slander in my opinion and I don't think there is any space for that kind of thing here on PC.
Is it my turn to name random performers to see if they leave TV soon? Let's face facts here, the WWE won't release the names so no one is going to know for certain, I don't see how sites can just list names as possibles, it's slander in my opinion and I don't think there is any space for that kind of thing here on PC.

Oh yes, listing random guys. Here is a link for you. The details on drug purchases have come from reputable sources, including the pharmacies themselves. It isnt just random, its based on real evidence which is there to see. No, we arn't going to know for certain, but we can give a pretty good guess
tonight is going to be smackdown at 10pm on sky sports 3 I can't wait to see what will happen between Khali and Batista
and rey reture
Mr Kennedy isn't exactly a muscle man! How did he take these drugs. This sickens me, why do they feel the need. Stupid men!
The thing is, that list is hardly a big shock. Orton should be gone for 60 days as he is an idiot, regardless of how much over as a heel is his.

One thing to bear in mind is when were the drugs bought? This week, last month or a year ago? Will it affect how long they're banned for.
The thing is, that list is hardly a big shock. Orton should be gone for 60 days as he is an idiot, regardless of how much over as a heel is his.

One thing to bear in mind is when were the drugs bought? This week, last month or a year ago? Will it affect how long they're banned for.

It wont effect the ban, but the most recent were February 2007 including guys like Edge, Gregory Helms and Mr. Kennedy to name a few. Chavo was the longest ago, May 2006 being his last purchase.
It's all well and good dumping on these guys but we need to remember that they're only the monkeys for the organ grinder, Vince.

If he started to push guys with smaller physiques as well introducing lighter schedules it would reduce the amount of steroid abuse. There is only so much you training you can do when you have to travel x amount of days a year so it's no wonder they often turn to the chemist for help.

Just as example of his stupidity, he's totally vetoed a plan to allow his wrestlers an 'off season'. Surely, he's going to lose far more in revenue from the affects of the scandals in terms of lost fans than from going easy on his workforce for a few weeks.

It would also allow time for injuries to heal as well as give the creative teams time out to plan longer term angles.
Is it my turn to name random performers to see if they leave TV soon? Let's face facts here, the WWE won't release the names so no one is going to know for certain, I don't see how sites can just list names as possibles, it's slander in my opinion and I don't think there is any space for that kind of thing here on PC.

Its gonna become pretty obvious when certain Wrestlers dont appear on TV. And it certainly isnt Guessing.

If you wouldd like some more links.
And Here
So 3 pages good enough for proof?

A_A - i think Orton will be gone for 60 days because he has already been suspended before. As Chez(i think_ said somebody was being suspended for 60 days)
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Simon "Micke Bucci" Dean has been released by WWE today guys just incase nobody knew.

Source: pwmania.com
Its gonna become pretty obvious when certain Wrestlers dont appear on TV. And it certainly isnt Guessing.

If you wouldd like some more links.
And Here
So 3 pages good enough for proof?

A_A - i think Orton will be gone for 60 days because he has already been suspended before. As Chez(i think_ said somebody was being suspended for 60 days)

There are 20 names, 15 still with the company, with 10 confirmed as suspended and 2 more people likely, so say 12 out of 15. Hence, not all of those listed have been suspended, that is why it is down to guess work. Wrestlers don't appear on TV for many different reasons, to just label a wrestler as being on steroids because he doesn't appear is just totally stupid.

I've found a paragraph on another site that sums it up:

"Sources are saying that at least one wrestler named in the media stories as turning up in the Internet pharmacy client list will not be suspended by WWE. That should show that everyone named by the media is innocent until proven guilty. Granted, most of them probably are guilty, but every single wrestler listed isn't. Thus far, fourteen people under contract to WWE have been named in the media -- an additional one was fired yesterday in Mike "Simon Dean" Bucci. According to WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt, eleven wrestlers in all have been suspended by WWE."
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Well this will sure mess up WWE with so many stars missing, i hope it will teach Vince and such like a lesson, and it will make the company much improved, and they need that due to the advances of TNA!

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