Wrestling thread

Yes you are right holdenator.

Also MVP becomes tag champion on friday/

Randy Orton was supposed to win at Summerslam, but McMahon changed it at the last minute because he believed that the fans would like it that cena won after ortons big build up. it would make him look like he pulled it all out of the bag.

Batista was also supposed to win, but Vince didn't like any of the ideas from the creative team, so they stuck with Khali for now.
I had a feeling Cena would win again. Orton was way too dominant leading up to the match so naturally they were going to give the underdog the win.

Batista was also supposed to win, but Vince didn't like any of the ideas from the creative team, so they stuck with Khali for now.

Kinda of showed with the way the match ended. DSQ cmon should have given us something better than that.
yeh the original plan for unforgiven was a punjabi prison match between batista and khali but now mysterio is facing khali so i dunno what happened there?
No...its already happend. Mvp wins the title, but takes both and is unwilling to give the other to MVP, even though Matt beats deuce and domino and Mvp does nothing.
Some breaking news for you all. 10 WWE superstars have been suspended after being found out that they recieved drugs. 9 will be suspended for 30-days for a first time offense and one will be gone for 60-days for a second time offense. WWE hasn't named the 10, but investigations by other sources have come up with the following list of people who may be in the 10:

  • Charlie Haas (easy enough to take off TV)
  • Chavo Guerrero (again, not too hard to take off TV)
  • Edge (injured, wont effect anything)
  • Funaki (not on TV anyway)
  • Gregory Helms (injured)
  • John Morrison (ECW World Champion, could well lose the belt)
  • Mr. Kennedy (McMahon's illegitimate son. Tricky one)
  • Randy Orton (WWE Title Contender, hard to work around as well)
  • Umaga (IC Champion, another hard one to get rid of)
  • William Regal (Raw GM, so still a big loss)
(source: Spots Illustrated)
  • Batista (WHC Contender and SDs biggest face)
  • Chris Masters (Not a lot for him)
  • King Booker (Big ME star feuding with HHH, bad)
  • Santino Marella (Could be dropped easily)
  • Simon Dean (Not on TV anyway)
(source: list of clients of the signature pharmacy)

It has also been confirmed that an additional 2 wrestlers will be suspended.
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I dont like it tbh. I want WWE to be better than it currently is, I dont hate it. I think it is a shame that people find the need to take steroids or other drugs to get on well in WWE though
Unfortunately, they do have to, if they are not big musclemen, they will find it hard to get pushed by Vince.

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