Wrestling thread

Yeah Jericho has been away for 2 years now
because he lost to John cena in a "your fired" match I think
Chris Jericho has signed for WWE and will be returning shortly

Also Edge may run in in the punjabi prison match but if he doesnt he will return at the next pay per view.

Source: pwmania.com
Do you mind sending me the link to that article regarding Edge, because i havent seen it.

Jericho has signed a deal, this is why the save us 22 things keep showing. He will either return in the WWE championship match or at the next PPV.
That's Survivor Series, not No Mercy. I doubt he will run in on the Punjabi Prison match.
I really hope he don't run in
in the Punjabi Prison because I hate it when wrestling run in and ruined a great match
According to WWE.com

Details at this time are unclear. One thing is certain, however: There will be a WWE Championship Match this Sunday at No Mercy, and a new WWE Champion will be crowned. Although it will involve Randy Orton.
randy orton will be invovled jericho is a possibility but if not i would say kennedy and jeff hardy will be involved
I doubt Jefff Hardy and i doubt Mr Kennedy.

The reasons are ebecause Jeff is the IC Champion. Mr Kennedy is a heel, and heel vs heel is bad. It's more likely to be Jericho because they can bring him back as a face much easier than turn Kennedy or Orton. Another possibility is changing the HHH vs Umaga match and making it Orton vs Triple vs Umaga for the title.

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