Wrestling thread

The other option, is bring back Jericho to the match but make it a Triple threat, so Jericho can stay heel. Maybe something like Orton vs Jericho vs

The other option, is bring back Jericho to the match but make it a Triple threat, so Jericho can stay heel. Maybe something like Orton vs Jericho vs Jeff Hardy
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Amazing start to the No Mercy PPV. Vince comes out and announces the new champion as Randy Orton who then comes out and shows it off to the crowd. Then starts making a speech about who he will choose to defend against tonight. Then out comes the game, and annoys vince badly saying he won't give Triple H the match because he has no balls. Vince then gives him the match to proove he has balls. A very strange opening as the first match of the night is a WWE Championship match which is normally the main event.

OMG, Triple H has won and has become the new WWE champion. That also means Orton's reign was the shortest in history, living for about 15 minutes.

Then we had a thrilling, exciting and fast flowing match between London & Kendrick and Jeff Hardy vs. Cade & Murdoch and Mr Kennedy. The winner turned out to be Cade & Murdoch and Mr Kennedy after they looked beaten.

Then Mr McMahon met the new champ Triple H, and announced that the match between Umaga and Triple H would still go ahead but it was for the WWE Championship. Could we have a third champion in the same night?

Now its time for CM Punk vs Big Daddy V. Daddy was all over Punk but Punk finally got Big Daddy down, but then Striker attacked Punk from behind causing a DQ. Thankfully the match was short lived.

Then we had Tazz hosting a pizza eating contest between MVP and Matt Hardy. Hotties Melina and Maria kept score. Matt won and then puked all over MVP for the pleasure.

Now time for the Umaga vs. Triple H match. Triple H just gets through and in a great performance he retains the championship.

Now the match between Finlay and Rey. Rey was beginning to take the upper hand and Finlay fell head first from the ring onto the mat. He was then taken away by paramedics, but jumped off the stretcher and attacked a concerned Rey from behind.

Yet another championship match for Triple H. Mr McMahon announces Randy Orton will take his rematch tonight, and it will be Triple H vs Randy Orton, Last Man Standing.

In a short, uneventful match Beth Phoenix won the women's championship. Nothing exciting.

There was not a lot of fighting. Khali looked to be winning, he was half was up the second structure when Batista was in the middle of the ring without climbing the first. He quickly climbed the first and jumped to the second before dropping down for the win. Batista retains.

In his third championship match in the one night,Triple H lost the bloody contest and lost his championship to Randy Orton. Another title change tonight.
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Yeah No Marcy was great and I think the last man standng was the best
but the punjabi prison match was not that good
and yeah the shortest regin ever was 45 sec by André the Giant
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Yeh, Orton's was the third shortest. Triple H's fourth shortest :p

Overall it was good. Last Man Standing was great and the Punjabi prison was dissapointing.
Yeah there were no action in the punjabi prision match
but the last Punjabi Prision Match was wicked which had Undertaker in it
YES HBK's BACK classic Monday Night Raw this week Sweet Chin Music to Randy Orton. And to be quite honest i thought No Mercy was Cr** well maybe cos i was annoyed about Cena not being Champ anymore!
Spoiler for this weeks smackdown:

Here are the SD! results for this Friday's show:

Dark Match:

Jacob Duncan defeated Funaki.


Chuck Palumbo rolled up Chris Masters for a pinfall. Palumbo controlled most of the match. Afterwards, Masters attacked him and out Palumbo with the Masterlock.

Big Daddy V promotional video airs.

Jesse & Festus defeated Jay Adams & Conrad Carr (Eddie Venom and Conrad Kennedy III from Michigan indy scene).

There is a backstage vignette with Jamie Noble, Deuce and Domino.

Drew McIntyre (Drew McDoland from Scotland), with Dave Taylor) defeated Brett Major.

Diva search segment.

Backstage promo with WWE Tag team champions Matt Hardy and MVP.

The Undertaker and Kane defeated WWE Tag Team champions Matt Hardy and MVP after Taker drilled MVP with a tombstone. This was a non-title match.

In a backstage promo with Vickie Guerrero and Jamie Noble, leading to Vickie signing Noble vs. Khali next.

Great Khali beats Jamie Noble with the head squishie.

Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Deuce and was attacked and laid out by Deuce and Domino. Cherry even slapped Yang.

Rey Mysterio vs. Fit Finlay for the #1 contendership of the WWE World title went to a no contest after a chair was used. The lights in the arena went out and by the time they returned, both men were laid out in the ring. Undertaker was inside, making a motion with his hands for the belt, motioning to Batista, who was at ringside doing commentary.
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By the way the ending of Smackdown is under some dispute. They re-filmed it without undertaker coming out. So nobody knows which ending they will use.
That sure was a history making night, I was hoping Triple H would retain the title but had a good feeling he wouldn't. If he had made the 10 count on that last RKO it would have been obvious Triple H would win.

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