Wrestling thread

Well that was the worst Royal Rumble ever!
Am i the only one who thinks that the storyline makers are in favour of faces?
I like heels so it's annoying to see the heels being left out
On westlemania 22 these mataches are under considered,

The current plan is for Triple H to face John Cena at WrestleMania 22, as one of the two main events. The other main event will be Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton. Rey Mysterio is not expected to appear in one of the main events, so expect an angle to be done where he loses his title shot.

- There is no doubt at last nights PPV that WWE will be going with the Shawn Michales vs. Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 22.

- Mick Foley vs. Edge has been talk about, but is not confirmed for a match at WrestleMania.

Source= Rajah.com

FOR ROYAL RUMBLE2006 Click below(A small Video)
Source= wwe.com
Whats up with Vince thinking he is still 20 and can wrestle. Shawn will kick his ass but knowing the WWE they will some how keep Vince in the match.
Will Stone Cold return at Wrestlemania? i think it'll be a triple threat match between Angle, Mysterio and the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. also it could be Triple H vs Cena..
I've completely stopped watching WWE cause my Gf prefers watching movies when its on.:p otherwise I was quite a fan back in India.
There is Raw replays on Sky, on Saturday morning if you aren't playing cricket or sleeping in. And Smackdown is on just before the movies time so you could get back into it Siddharth.
The best days was when it was on TV 4 for free including all the PPV. Dam Sky buying the rights.
well stonecold will return on wrestlemania to face hulkhogan, as hulk hogan challanges him when wwe return on usa network.
faraz haider said:
well stonecold will return on wrestlemania to face hulkhogan, as hulk hogan challanges him when wwe return on usa network.
You're a few months behind the times. WWE has already returned to the USA network, and Steve Austin has had a falling out with WWE management and won't be returning any time soon.
andrew_nixon said:
You're a few months behind the times. WWE has already returned to the USA network, and Steve Austin has had a falling out with WWE management and won't be returning any time soon.
this is the 2nd time austin has had a fall out with WWE management. it also happened in 2002 when he walked out on WWE. then Eric Bischoff brought him back. but who's gonna bring him back now?

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