Wrestling thread

If Y2J does come back, I hope he comes back with his proper Rockstar look and as a face - that heel version of Y2J was really annoying. Y2J as a face was hilarious - I'd definitely welcome that back. Maybe he can renew his rivalry with Christian. ;)

In case anyone is unaware, Thursday afternoon on Sky Sports (can't remember which channel) is going to be dominated by WWE specials, including a look back at 2010 and a look back at WM 27.
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Lol I actually liked that annoying hypocrite Y2J that you're talking about. :p But he wont come back with that character for sure. He might come back as either the Ayatollah Of Rock n Rollah gimmick or something else.

Besides Y2J, the only possibilities are,

Shane and Steph (representing the two kids in that promo)
Goldberg (Searching for the Undertaker; wanting to break the Streak)
Ryback (Skip Sheffield, the one which I talked about some time back)

And btw, Randy Orton just injured his back at this week's SD! tapings while wrestling Barrett in a Falls Count Anywhere match. He injured himself when he was thrown down the stairs. And he wont be appearing at this year's Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania as he'll be out for 6 months.
If Y2J does come back, I hope he comes back with his proper Rockstar look and as a face - that heel version of Y2J was really annoying. Y2J as a face was hilarious - I'd definitely welcome that back. Maybe he can renew his rivalry with Christian. ;)

In case anyone is unaware, Thursday afternoon on Sky Sports (can't remember which channel) is going to be dominated by WWE specials, including a look back at 2010 and a look back at WM 23.

The annoying version of Y2J is far better IMO. That's what made me a fan of his. Yeah, I have been hearing about Punk vs Jericho at WM. Also heard that it might be Stephanie who's bringing back his brother to the WWE.
Besides Y2J, the only possibilities are,

Shane and Steph (representing the two kids in that promo)
Goldberg (Searching for the Undertaker; wanting to break the Streak)
Ryback (Skip Sheffield, the one which I talked about some time back)

How could I forget to add the Undertaker there!

Chances of Goldberg and Batista returning are highly unlikely but still, anything can happen. And I wouldnt be surprised if it is not Ryback because the promos said - "A Familiar Force Shall Arrive" and Ryback isnt familiar, he is yet to debut. Just like Funknath said, it can be Steph and Shane. They might come back to reclaim their post as the COO and GM respectively.

I follow Ryback on Twitter and he had once tweeted something like sitting on the table - looking at the ladder - having a Nexus armband. And then he ended that tweet with #weareone. Remember Nexus' theme song? It was We Are One! So this is yet another possibility. Remember, the Nexus didnt disband officialy. It was just that CM Punk left them aside since MITB PPV and then, it was only the team of Otunga and McGillicutty which appeared.

Which means there are millions of possibilities. :p
I am not big on wrestling but i watch when i go on holiday to pakistan as that is the only thing on. Not in an offensive way but what is the difference between RAW and Smackdown. they have the same wrestlers (may be wrong). The only wrestler I can watch is Mysterio as he is too cool with his 619 ( I think that is what it is called)
You can only watch Rey Mysterio? You think 619 is cool :lol. You're such a kid.
Instead Of Goldberg, I'd seriously want Brock Lesnar to come in!

He is going against Overeem tonight, gotta catch that one. BTW if you didnt know, he is a UFC fighter now. And he wont be back anytime soon. If he comes back, it will be for Wrestlemania and Wrestlemania only.
Instead Of Goldberg, I'd seriously want Brock Lesnar to come in!

Yeah, I'd much rather see Brock Lesnar back! I'd like to see Batista back as well - as a face, I preferred him as a face. Lesnar if he comes back can only come back as a heel, but as mentioned, he's in UFC now.
Brock Lesnar announced his retirement from UFC!

UFC tweeted on twitter - Brock says he's retiring - do you think we'll see him again in the Octagon? How about in another type of ring - guesses on WWE?

And as soon as Brock lost, RVD tweeted - Looks like we'll soon see a familiar face in the WWE.

And here is Y2J's tweet which makes it obvious that it is Y2J - So obvious the 1/2-02 mystery man is Brock Lesnar. That fight was a joke #ufcisfixed @speewee #memphis
That definitely sounds very promising!


Lol I actually liked that annoying hypocrite Y2J that you're talking about. :p But he wont come back with that character for sure. He might come back as either the Ayatollah Of Rock n Rollah gimmick or something else.

Besides Y2J, the only possibilities are,

Shane and Steph (representing the two kids in that promo)
Goldberg (Searching for the Undertaker; wanting to break the Streak)
Ryback (Skip Sheffield, the one which I talked about some time back)

And btw, Randy Orton just injured his back at this week's SD! tapings while wrestling Barrett in a Falls Count Anywhere match. He injured himself when he was thrown down the stairs. And he wont be appearing at this year's Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania as he'll be out for 6 months.

No Orton for six months? Great. Randy Orton is one of the best superstars in my opinion.


I am not big on wrestling but i watch when i go on holiday to pakistan as that is the only thing on. Not in an offensive way but what is the difference between RAW and Smackdown. they have the same wrestlers (may be wrong). The only wrestler I can watch is Mysterio as he is too cool with his 619 ( I think that is what it is called)

Why's that then? Sure, Mysterio is exciting to watch, but what would the WWE be without the 'smash-mouth' style (as JR used to call it)? And what about Sin Cara (spelling)? That guy is even more exciting to watch than 619 for me. No, for me WWE has to have a good mix of wrestlers otherwise it would be very boring. You need the high fliers, the musclebound He-Man types, the slightly unhinged ones, the completely unhinged ones - the list goes on. :D
Exactly, they got nuts like Santino Marella to heavy duty musclepowers like Mason Ryan, crowd pullers like Orton, Cena also Punk! And stupid GMs like Laryngitis( spelled it wrong on purpose :p). Awesome divas like Kelly Kelly to powerpuffs like Beth Pheonix...... That builds up to a very good roster......

Sad to know Orton goes off for 6 months..... Maybe Smackdown will get a smack down!
Exactly, they got nuts like Santino Marella to heavy duty musclepowers like Mason Ryan, crowd pullers like Orton, Cena also Punk! And stupid GMs like Laryngitis( spelled it wrong on purpose :p). Awesome divas like Kelly Kelly to powerpuffs like Beth Pheonix...... That builds up to a very good roster......

Sad to know Orton goes off for 6 months..... Maybe Smackdown will get a smack down!

Yeah, I'm amazed that WWE haven't caught on to the 'Mr Laryngitis' idea yet - that's exactly what I think whenever I hear the guy talk!! :D I think I preferred the computer - mind you, at least now we don't get 'And I quote' any more from that prat Cole!

I didn't like the S.E.S CM Punk, but this new one is hilarious!

I would've kept Kane silent the way they did when he first appeared. It makes him more 'human' to hear him talk, especially when he's leading the crowd in a 'Cena Sucks' chant. Although he's good on the mic. I think characters like him should speak little, or not at all.
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