Wrestling thread

P.S- does anyone know whats Y2J?
Y - Year
2 - 2000
J - Jericho
y2k was a famous Computer bug in the late 90s. And WWE decided to have Y2J as his nick name. Dunno why.

@MasterBlaster - Y2J is a heel as far as things look. He came, he trolled the crowd and he left. There is some mastermind behind his return which is being referred to as 'she' in those promos.
Yeah, I really wanna know who the 'she' is.


Haha Chris such a troll. Should be interesting seeing how they explain all this since he was fired and he was a massive heel at the time. This was a crack up too.
It's been almost a decade since I was able to watch an entire Raw or Smackdown. Nowadays I still kind of keep up through various shoot interviews and checking out who the current champions are, but it's been impossible to stay interested since the demise of WCW and lack of competition/creativity. TNA had some momentum at some point, but shot themselves in the foot by bringing in guys like Russo, Hogan, Nash etc.

What really killed my interest though, was the massive push given to guys who were mid-carders at best. Seeing guys like Cena, Edge, Lesnar, Guerrero, Orton, Mysterio, Miz, Jericho etc. etc. as the frontrunners of the company seemed like a massive joke to me. Edge and Jericho were great secondary title contenders, but nothing more.

Anyway back to shoot interviews. Two managers from my era in particular that do enjoyable shoot interviews are guys that I hated back in the day (credit for great heel personas) - Bobby Heenan and Jim Cornette.

Anyone have any other interviews that reveal more about the business or dish up some dirt?
I like this new direction that Kane has taken - I hope WWE keep him like this. No 'marriage' nonsense please (Kane/Lita/Edge from a few years back).
I like this new direction that Kane has taken - I hope WWE keep him like this. No 'marriage' nonsense please (Kane/Lita/Edge from a few years back).

Second that. Having an evil and demented Kane is so so much better than having a dodgy Kane.

On another issue, what was up with Brodus Clay?? He looked like badass guy in his promo video but he then appeared like a joke with all those hilarious dancing moves!
Lol Brodus. People demanded for more larger than life, funny characters and here we have one!
Second that. Having an evil and demented Kane is so so much better than having a dodgy Kane.

On another issue, what was up with Brodus Clay?? He looked like badass guy in his promo video but he then appeared like a joke with all those hilarious dancing moves!

Exactly! I remember him being in WWE briefly a while back as someone's enforcer (can't remember who), then when he appears after all the hype and all the delays to wind him up, he's this muppet in a tight red romper suit!

What happened to Umaga? He was really fearsome.
Jericho is certainly not acting like a heel - he's interacting with the fans, and most importantly, he's on the 'face' side in the match that's on now.

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