wwe is based upon fake?

  • yes

    Votes: 49 81.7%
  • no

    Votes: 11 18.3%

  • Total voters

The timing of the WWE Draft Lottery has been carefully planned with the company wanting to get through Backlash first, especially since Shawn Michaels & Hulk Hogan will be teaming together.

It is rumored that the two biggest exchanges will see Shawn Michaels heading to SmackDown! and Kurt Angle transferring to RAW. If this were to happen, it would be very interesting given the rivalry between Kurt Angle and Triple H. In Michaels? case, he has a close relationship with Vince McMahon and a friendship with Triple H, so him moving to the SmackDown! side would see them aquiring a ?star.? If HBK were to switch, it is possible he would turn heel and feud with John Cena, which would likely benefit the WWE World Champion?s in-ring ability. Angle on the other hand would be able to feud with Batista in the future.
vibs89 said:
I don't watch wrestling anymore. Tired of watching wrestling its all fake.

Same here, I used to love it, but I found the story lines were getting repetitive.
Faraz why don't you just give them a link to the news so that it is not a spoiler. Some people may not want to know whats going to happen so why not just provide a link?
Wrestling is a stuff That only kids or some strange adults are into,It has nothing into it really I mean why would you watch some thing that is already planned?Nothing interesting I can find about it,It is also sexual releated Two men with no shirts and no pants on I mean come on I rather watch The "cops"Then wrestling.
Wrestling is faked and all planned out .No doubt bout it .

How come all the matches on Raw an SD finish in 2 hrs . Havent witnessed a single show going on for more than 2 hrs and none ending well within 1& 1/2 hrs.

Anybody care to explain ?????
Look...the first portion of this thread had an argument about this issue.

Now we just discuss wrestling in the thread.

We know its fake.

And Faraz,I agree with Straw-Just post a link...
ronny_kingsley said:
Wrestling is faked and all planned out .No doubt bout it .

How come all the matches on Raw an SD finish in 2 hrs . Havent witnessed a single show going on for more than 2 hrs and none ending well within 1& 1/2 hrs.

Anybody care to explain ?????
We know it's all planned out. Why would that spoil our enjoyment of it. When I go to watch a movie, I know thats all planned out in advance, but I'll still watch it.

fardin said:
Wrestling is a stuff That only kids or some strange adults are into,It has nothing into it really I mean why would you watch some thing that is already planned?Nothing interesting I can find about it,It is also sexual releated Two men with no shirts and no pants on I mean come on I rather watch The "cops"Then wrestling.
Why would we watch something that is already planned? So you never watch movies or TV then?

And if you find something sexual about it, then that's fine. Whatever turns you on.
Also,while wrestling is planned,we dont know the plans..so its not like you know what is going to happen next.There is the element of surprise,which makes watching it fun.

Ofcourse,some matches can be predictable.

Same thing goes for Movies and TV Shows.
I request the mods to remove the poll...
Everyone knows WWE is just an entertainment...

This thread should just be for discussion about WWE... Not asking if it's fake or not...
kurt angle would kick shawn michaels anyway so, stupid match
fardin said:
Wrestling is a stuff That only kids or some strange adults are into,It has nothing into it really I mean why would you watch some thing that is already planned?Nothing interesting I can find about it,It is also sexual releated Two men with no shirts and no pants on I mean come on I rather watch The "cops"Then wrestling.

I love watching wrestling and i also know its fake and i also know that it is planned and the wrestlers already know the outcome.But people who watch wrestling dont know what the outcome is going to be.So for us its like a sport,u dont know whos goanna win.
Who do u think is gonna go and become no 1 contender.
Kane,Benoit,Shawn Michaels or Edge.
wow great news as RAW first pick discovered as JOHN CENA. now chain gang goes to raw with his belt.
On other hand SMACKDOWN icked up back the man which they lost last year none other than CHRIS BENIOT.

WELL i will update you guys as uptill thee are 4 picks left for RAW and Smackdown

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