WWE - The Golden Era Roleplaying League - Monday Night Raw..


Chairman of Selectors
Sep 13, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned

RAW and SmackDown! will be posted every week and there will be a minimum of 3 of each events before the Pay-Per-View.

Here are the rules and guidelines:
  • A member can be a maximum of 5 superstars from the below rosters of RAW and SmackDown(Max 1 main eventer and 1 upper midcard) as he or she wants, as long as you are active as them, more is expected if you choose a main eventer, less is expected if you are a midcarder, but you can work your way up. If you choose somebody who wants to go to a tag-team, you must act as both superstars, unless you have compromised with another member to collaborate and form a tag team.
  • The results of the matches will be completely determined from the quality of roleplaying a member displays with his superstar during a feud. More active you are more are the chances of you winning.

Here fill this to register:-

Superstar 1:
Superstar 2:
Superstar 3:
Superstar 4:
Superstar 5:

Below are the complete rosters of RAW and SmackDown.


Main Event
John Cena - WWE Champion - Yudi
Randy Orton - skrillex_x
Shwan Michaels - Surender - Unified WWE Tag Team Champion
Triple H - Amiya - Unified WWE Tag Team Champion

Upper Midcard
Big Show - yashwanth kumar
Jack Swagger
Kofi Kongston - Yudi
Mark Henry - ZoraxDoom
MVP - Ahad

Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters - nakul
Cody Rhodes
Evan Bourne
Santino Marella
Sheamus - ZoraxDoom
Ted DiBiase
The Miz - ZoraxDoom - United States Champion

Lower Midcard
Big Dick Johnson


Alicia Fox
Brie Bella - Divas Champion - ZoraxDoom
Gail Kim
Kelly Kelly - Ahad
Nikki Bella - ZoraxDoom

Stables and Tag Teams
The Bella Twins - Brie and Nikki Bella - ZoraxDoom
D-Generation X - Shawn Michaels and Triple H - yashwanth kumar - Unified WWE Tag Team Champions
Jeri-Show - Chris Jericho and Big Show
Sheamus and Mark Henry - ZoraxDoom
The Legacy - Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase
Epic - Mark Henry, Sheamus, Bella Twins and The Miz - ZoraxDoom


Main Event
Batista - WorldChampions
Chris Jericho - bcvstheworld
CM Punk
Edge - Ahad
Undertaker - Funknath- World Heavyweight Champion

Upper Midcard
Kane - Funknath
Matt Hardy
Rey Mysterio - Intercontinental Champion - yashwanth kumar
The Great Khali - Amiya

Curt Hawkins
David Hart Smith
Dolph Ziggler
Eric Escobar
Finlay - nakul
John Morrison - Funknath
Mike Knox
Slam Master J
Tyson Kidd

Lower Midcard
Charlie Haas
Drew McIntyre
Jimmy Wang Yang
Kung Fu Naki

Ranjin Singh

Beth Phoenix
Maria - Yudi
Michelle McCool
Mickie James - Women's Champion

Stables and Tag Teams
Cryme Tymer - Shad and JTG
The Hart Dynasty - Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith with Natalya
Jeri-Show - Chris Jericho and Big Show
Brothers of Destruction - Kane and Undertaker - Funknath

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Here fill this to register:-

Superstar 1: Dragon Master(Main Eventer)
Superstar 2: The King(Upper Mid Card)
Superstar 3: Bulldozer X
Superstar 4: The Giant

Our stable shall be known as 'The Dragons'
Here fill this to register:-

Superstar 1: Dragon Master(Main Eventer)
Superstar 2: The King(Upper Mid Card)
Superstar 3: Bulldozer X
Superstar 4: The Giant

Our stable shall be known as 'The Dragons'

No mate you have to chose from the above rosters of Smackdown and Raw. And you have role play them. :)
Superstar 1: Undertaker(Main Eventer)
Superstar 2: Kane(Upper Mid Card)
Superstar 3: John Morrison

Undertaker and Kane-Brothers of Destruction
Superstar 1: John Cena (Main Eventer)
Superstar 2: Kofi Kingston (Upper Midcard)
Superstar 3: Maria (Diva) :)

4th December, 2009.

Jim Ross: This is Friday Night SmackDown! The first SmackDown of the month, with Tables, Ladders and Chair(TLC) 2 weeks away, we have an action-packed night.
Matt Striker: Yah Jimmy, I hope we have a very exciting Smackdown today and I cant wait for it to start.
Jim Ross: Yeah! Let's start this show!

Segment One
Batista is backstage. He was out there to hype a match against Rey Mysterio. Good way to get the fans interested in what is coming up.

Segment Two
Charlie Haas vs Jimmy Wang Yang.
The Match: Yang takes a back suplex. Yang gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Haas! Vertical suplex by Charlie Haas. Big dropkick by Charlie Haas, who got a ton of air on the move. Yang ducks a wild right hand. Spin kick by Jimmy Wang Yang to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Yang crushes Haas with a huge legdrop. Covers for a quick two count. Haas flips out of a Jimmy Wang Yang bodyslam attempt. Charlie Haas hits a stalling suplex on Yang. There's a two count on the pin. Front legsweep slam aka The Stroke by Charlie Haas. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Yang ducks a wild right hand. Yang hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Haas ducks a wild right hand. Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by Haas. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. Charlie Haas has Jimmy Wang Yang down on the canvas. Haas Of Pain!!! Jimmy Wang Yang taps out!
Winner: Charlie Haas
Match Rating: *3/4

Segment Three
Cryme Tyme vs Hart Dynasty.
The Match: Tyson Kidd strikes Shad. Kidd uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! There's a two count on the pin. Kidd tags out to David Hart Smith. Hart Dynasty whip Shad into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. There's a two count on the pin. A Gut buster connects on Shad and hits hard. Shad ducks a wild right hand. Spinebuster by Shad Gaspard. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to JTG. JTG hits a sloppy double axe handle off the top. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Hard back suplex on DH Smith. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. JTG charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by DH Smith. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. DH Smith tags out to Tyson Kidd. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and JTG goes down. Tag between JTG and Shad Gaspard. Kidd hits a dropkick on Shad Gaspard and gets right back up. Hart Dynasty have Shad Gaspard to themselves. Heart Attack! 1....2....3! It's over.
Winner: Hart Dynasty
Match Rating: **1/4.

Segment Four
Chris Jericho is backstage. I'm actually looking forward to this and you should too! He was out there to hype a match against Batista. Good way to get the fans interested in what is coming up.

Segment Five
R-Truth vs John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler.
Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. John Morrison is the reigning WWE Intercontinental champion.
The Match: John Morrison just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Ziggler. Ziggler scoops and slams R-Truth. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? John Morrison avoids a Dolph Ziggler avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Ziggler takes a flying neckbreaker from John Morrison. Flying cross body off the top rope! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! BAAACK Body drop by R-Truth gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. R-Truth blocks a kick from Dolph Ziggler. Morrison \ R-Truth whip Ziggler into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. DDT from the top rope by John Morrison. That looked KILLER. R-Truth strikes Morrison. Morrison ducks a wild right hand. Second rope flying axe handle, Ziggler goes down. One day, Morrison might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Drew McIntyre comes running down the aisle with a chair! Morrison whips Dolph Ziggler into the ropes. McIntyre jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between McIntyre, Ziggler, and the chair! Dolph Ziggler staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over!
Winner: John Morrison
Match Rating: **

Segment Six
Kane vs Matt Hardy.
The Match: M. Hardy drives a HARD forearm into the chest of Kane. Big forearm by Matt Hardy makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Stun Gun from Matt Hardy! I still can't believe that was Austin's finisher at one point. Vertical suplex by Matt Hardy. Kane once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Flying shoulder tackle by Kane sends M. Hardy CRASHING to the mat. Spinebuster by Kane. Covers for a quick two count. Kane misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Vicious back suplex! Kane got nailed big time! There's a two count on the pin. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Matt Hardy just KILLS Kane! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Kane reverses a hip toss. Kane hits some punches. How generic. Matt Hardy is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Kane charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Matt Hardy moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Side Effect. 1....2...3, it's finished.
Winner: Matt Hardy
Match Rating:**

Segment Seven
Rey Mysterio is backstage. He continued their rivalry by getting on THE STICK~! and ripping into Batista. I'm happy that they're giving the feud enough time to develop.

Segment Eight
Batista vs Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio vs Undertaker.
Match Background: This will be a four corners bout. Mysterio and Batista have been feuding recently. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud. Undertaker is the reigning World Heavyweight champion.
The Match: Batista scoops and slams Rey Mysterio. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? BIG clothesline on Mysterio. Covers for a quick two count. Mysterio powers out of a headlock. Tag between Rey Mysterio and Undertaker. Batista charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Batista charges, Undertaker moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Death valley driver by Undertaker! No one executes that move properly anymore. Cover, but there's no one to count for Undertaker! Running knee lift from Undertaker. Undertaker charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Batista tags out to Chris Jericho. Spear by Chris Jericho. Undertaker tastes a high angle back suplex. If Spike Lee can sue TNN over the Spike TV nonsense, then Kurt Angle should be able to sue SOMEONE for that. Undertaker ducks a wild right hand. Undertaker slams Chris Jericho down and motions to the crowd. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Jericho! Tag to Batista. Flying shoulder tackle by Batista sends Jericho CRASHING to the mat. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Chris Jericho can barely stand. Batista Bomb! 1....2....3.
Match Winner: Batista
Match Rating: **3/4

Match of the Night: Batista vs Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio vs Undertaker.
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John Morrison won :) but Taker and Kane lost :mad: i want brothers of destruction to face Jeri-Show
I'll take Sheamus, The Bella Twins, Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry.

Let's see if I can make them all champions ;)
I will be Shawn Michaels, HBK! :)

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