WWE - The Golden Era Roleplaying League - Monday Night Raw..


14th December, 2009

Michael Cole: Welcome to Monday Night Raw, for the second show of the month. This months PPV, Tables Ladders and Chairs(TLC) will be on the coming Sunday. And Jerry I can't really wait it.
Jerry Lawler: Yeah Michael, I cant wait for it either. But lets start today show, hopefully we have sime great matches lineup.

Big Show is backstage. He was out there to hype a match against John Cena. Good way to get the fans interested in what is coming up.

Segment One
Sheamus vs Evan Bourne.
The Match: Second rope flying axe handle, Sheamus goes down. One day, Bourne might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Lightning kick by Bourne on Sheamus. There's a two count on the pin. Evan Bourne misses a clothesline. Bourne is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. BIG clothesline on Bourne. There's a two count on the pin. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Evan Bourne charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Bourne powers out of a headlock. SUPER frankensteiner on Sheamus, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Covers for a quick two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Sheamus goes down. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Bourne hits a dropkick on Sheamus and gets right back up. Evan Bourne connects with a back heel kick on Sheamus and gets back up quickly. Sheamus counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Bodyslam by Sheamus. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Sheamus just KILLS Evan Bourne! Sheamus moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Side Slam Backbreaker. 1....2...3, it's finished.
Winner: Sheamus
Match Rating: **

Segment Two
Bella Twins vs Melina and Eve Torres.
Match Background: Bella Twins used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. Melina is the reigning WWE Divas champion.
The Match: A kick from Nikki is delivered to the leg. Nikki hits a dropkick on Eve Torres. Actually, it barely touched! Hooks the leg for a two count. Nikki tags out to Brie Bella. Bella Twins whip Eve into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. There's a two count on the pin. Eve Torres takes a knee lift from Brie. *sigh* Running knee lifts always remind me of the late Curt Hennig. Eve blocks a punch. Flying elbow off the top rope by Eve Torres, getting as close to zero air as possible. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Melina. Badly executed second rope splash by Melina. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Melina arm drags Brie over and locks on an armbar. Brie Bella comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Brie hits a spinning back kick. All those spinning kicks look alike, don't they. Tag to Nikki Bella. Melina takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. A blind charge only gets an even HARDER kick. Tag to Eve Torres. Flying elbow from Nikki Bella, grazing the target slightly. Nikki Bella has Eve Torres down on the canvas. Here it comes - Small Package, forget about it. 1....2...3!
Winner: Bella Twins
Match Rating: **

Segment Three
The 3 members of Legacy are backstage. They were hyping up an upcoming match against Kofi Kingston. Hopefully it doesn't suck.

Segment Four
Hornswoggle vs Chavo Guerrero.
The Match: Horny hits a quick arm drag on Chavo. Chavo reverses a Hornswoggle hammerlock. Horny walks into a high dropkick from Chavo Guerrero, almost losing several teeth in the process. Chavo whips Horny into the turnbuckles...and the ref is crushed! Diamond Dust from Chavo Guerrero and Horny is out! Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Horny powers out of a headlock. Horny hits a wheel kick on Chavo. Badly executed second rope splash by Horny convinces me that I can do better. Covers for a quick two count. Hornswoggle with an enziguri. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Hornswoggle misses a clothesline. Horny takes a NICE hurrancarana from Chavo Guerrero. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Hornswoggle powers out of a Chavo Guerrero headlock. Hornswoggle floors Chavo Guerrero...and climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Tadpole Splash, forget about it. 1....2...3! Chavo Guerrero gives a murderous look toward Hornswoggle...and attacks! Horny gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. Chavo picks him up...and launches him over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken.
Winner: Hornswoggle
My Opinion: *1/4

Segment Five
The Miz vs Carlito vs Jack Swagger.
Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. The Miz is the reigning WWE United States champion.
The Match: Swagger is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Standing leg lariat by The Miz on Carlito. Swagger reverses a waistlock. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on The Miz by Swagger. Remember when that was a legit finish? Full nelson slam on Swagger. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying shoulder tackle by The Miz sends Carlito CRASHING to the mat. Carlito avoids a The Miz avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Swagger \ Carlito whip The Miz into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Belly to belly off the top rope! Carlito drives a HARD forearm into the chest of Swagger. Swagger pushes out of a Carlito hold. The Miz gets caught with a short powerbomb from Swagger. Jack Swagger moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Blue Thunder Bomb. 1....2...3, it's finished.
Winner: Jack Swagger
Match Rating: **1/2

Segment Six
Montel Vontavious Porter vs Cody Rhodes.
The Match: MVP gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. MVP gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. BIG clothesline on MVP. Bodyslam by C. Rhodes. Montel Vontavious Porter avoids a Cody Rhodes avalanche by getting out of the damn way! MVP slams Cody Rhodes down and motions to the crowd. Montel Vontavious Porter hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. MVP charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Full nelson slam on MVP. Hooks the leg for a two count. Cody Rhodes scores with a big spinebuster. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! MVP blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Montel Vontavious Porter connects with rights and lefts and Cody Rhodes is down! C. Rhodes backdrops Montel Vontavious Porter out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes with a spinning neckbreaker on MVP. Ted DiBiase comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Montel Vontavious Porter turns around. Ted DiBiase spins MVP around. Ted DiBiase hits the Dream Street! Dibiase leaves the ring, the damage done! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Cody Rhodes pins MVP. Legacy are beating down on Montel Vontavious Porter! The music of Mark Henry hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. C. Rhodes and Dibiase bail out of the ring, leaving Montel Vontavious Porter down in the ring. Mark Henry may have saved Montel Vontavious Porter from a brutal beating.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Match Rating: ***1/4

Segment Seven
John Cena is backstage. He always delivers the promo goodness. He was out there to hype a match against Big Show. Good way to get the fans interested in what is coming up.

Segment Eight
Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton.
Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. Orton and Kingston have been feuding recently. Kingston has yet to get an in-ring victory in this feud.
The Match: Orton chair shots Kofi Kingston. Massive backbreaker on Kingston and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kingston kicks Randy Orton in the gut to reverse the momentum. Kofi Kingston kicks the leg, knocks Orton down, and goes to work on it. Kofi Kingston hits a rolling kick on Orton. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. There's a two count on the pin. Flying cookie sheet shot by Kingston, blasting Orton in the face with it. Pin, but Orton is out just before the three count. Implant DDT by Kofi Kingston! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Orton powers out of a headlock. Big piledriver on Kingston. There's a two count on the pin. Powerbomb on Kingston. Pin, but Kingston is out just before the three count. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Kofi Kingston by Orton. Remember when that was a legit finish? Whip into an upright table by Orton. Orton drops an elbow...but Kofi Kingston moves out of the way. Kingston hits a dropkick on Randy Orton and gets right back up. Diamond Dust from Kofi Kingston and Orton is out! Randy Orton is in trouble. Trouble in Paradise! 1....2....3. Kofi Kingston is still in the ring celebrating. Randy Orton pushes the referee away. Randy Orton spins Kingston around. Randy Orton hits the RKO!
Winner: Kofi Kingston
Match Rating: ***

Segment Nine
Big Show vs John Cena.
Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. John Cena is the reigning WWE champion.
The Match: Cena slams Big Show. Big Show is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Show slams John Cena. Big Show misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Big Show scores with a big spinebuster. Cover, but there's no one to count for Big Show! John Cena once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Frying pan shot by Cena. Big piledriver on Show. There's a two count on the pin. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Show! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! John Cena gets taken down out of nowhere! Show rams Cena into a table. Pin, but Cena is out just before the three count. Show charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Big Show is in trouble. Attitude Adjustment! 1....2....3. Edge comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Edge spins Cena around. Edge hits the Spear! John Cena has been left down on the canvas.
Winner: John Cena
Match Rating: ***.

Match of the Day: Montel Vontavious Porter vs Cody Rhodes

15th December, 2009

Santino Marella v Chavo Guerrero - Singles Match
Match Background: Hornswoggle will be the Special Guest Referee for the match.

Melina(c) v Brie Bella - Bra and Panties Match
Match Background: The match will for the WWE Divas Championship.

The Miz(c) v Jack Swagger v Evan Bourne - Triple Threat Match
Match Bacground: The match will be for the WWE United States Championship.

Jack Morrison(c) v Rey Mysterio v Kane - Triple Threat Match
Match Background: The match will be for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Randy Orton v Kofi Kingston - First Blood Match
Match Background: The match will be a First Blood Match.

Undertaker(c) v Batista v CM Punk - Triple Threat Hardcore Match
Match Background: The match will for the WWE Heavyweight Championship.

Henry & MVP v Legacy v D-Generation X v Jeri-Show - Tables, Ladders and Chairs
Match Background: The match will be a TLC match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship.

John Cena(c) v Edge - Texas Death Match
Match Background: The match will be a Texas Death match for the WWE Championship.
I want to stop controlling Cody Rhodes if possible.

Meanwhile, another RP:

The scene moves backstage at TLC, where EPIC are gathered and speaking...

Mark Henry: Now that we have gotten rid of the deadweight in the form of Cody Rhodes, we can move onto our main aims for tonight. Brie, are you all set for your title match?

Brie Bella: Yes I am. Melina won't know what's hit her!

Nikki Bella: And I'll be watching from backstage, waiting to lend a hand when needed.

Sheamus: Yea, and I'll be watching too...albeit for different reasons...;)

Nikki and Brie give Sheamus a dirty look while Mark Henry slaps him across the back of his head

Sheamus: Ouch! Ah...alright, sorry.

Mark Henry: Good lad. Since you are the only one without a match tonight, be prepared to make your presence felt when we need you. MVP and I have come up with a few plans on how we can lay our hands on those Unified Tag Titles, and when we give you 'the signal', get out there as quickly as you can. The rest will be revealed there.

This is our chance. Tonight, we have the opportunity stake our claim to WWE greatness. Nothing will stop us. Because we...are EPIC!!

The scene fades away.

20th December, 2009

Michael Cole: Welcome ladies and gentlemen for this year's last PPV, Tables Chairs and Ladders. I have Jerry Lawler along side me. Hello Jerry!
Jerry Lawler: Thanks Michael, what an event this is gonna be all titles are up for the grab and we have some huge and exciting match waiting for us. So lets begin.

Santino Marella vs Chavo Guerrero.
Match Background: This will be a special guest referee bout. Hornswoggle will be the referee for this match. Marella and Chavo have been feuding recently. Chavo has yet to get an in-ring victory in this feud.
The Match: Santino Marella snap suplexes Chavo. Santino Marella gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Marella. Chavo tastes a high angle back suplex. If Spike Lee can sue TNN over the Spike TV nonsense, then Kurt Angle should be able to sue SOMEONE for that. Vertical suplex by Santino Marella. Marella walks into a drop toe hold. Spin kick by Chavo Guerrero to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Flying cross body off the top rope! Covers for a quick two count. Marella reverses a waistlock. Chavo walks into a jaw breaker. There's a two count on the pin. Front legsweep slam aka The Stroke by Santino Marella. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Chavo Guerrero comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Chavo just WAFFLES Marella with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Santino Marella reverses a hip toss. Chavo Guerrero takes a butterfly suplex from Marella. Santino Marella moves in for the kill. Rolling Cutter! 1....2....3. Santino Marella remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.
Winner: Santino Marela
Match Rating: ***1/2

Segment One
Melina vs Brie Bella.
Match Background: This will be a bra and panties bout. This match is for the WWE Divas title.
The Match: Badly executed second rope splash by Melina. Melina misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Brie hits a quick kick on Melina. Brie Bella arm drags Melina over and locks on an armbar. Melina takes a knee lift from Brie. *sigh* Running knee lifts always remind me of the late Curt Hennig. Melina comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Back heel kick from Melina on Brie. Melina with an enziguri. Melina arm drags Brie over and locks on an armbar. Brie Bella avoids a Melina avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Brie hits a soaring kick on Melina. Slingshot clothesline by Brie, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Nikki Bella comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Melina turns around. Nikki Bella floors Melina. Nikki Bella signals - Small Package! Nikki leaves the ring, the damage done! Melina is in trouble. Small Package!!! That shook the ring. Brie Bella pulls the clothes off Melina to leave her in her bra and panties for the win! Brie and Nikki tie Melina up in the ropes, then start punching away at her until referees run down and break it up.
Winner: Brie Bella
Match Rating: **

Segment Two
The Miz vs Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger.
Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. This match is for the WWE United States title.
The Match: Swagger takes a headbutt from The Miz. The Miz kicks the leg, knocks Bourne down, and goes to work on it. The Miz misses a clothesline. Swagger drives a thrust kick into the chest of The Miz. Super kick by Evan Bourne. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Flying shoulder tackle by The Miz sends Bourne CRASHING to the mat. Bourne pushes out of a The Miz hold. Swagger \ Bourne whip The Miz into the corner. Jack Swagger whips Evan Bourne in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Jack Swagger plants The Miz with an EXPLODAH~! suplex. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Swagger goes down. Jack Swagger fights out of a grapple. The Miz takes a butterfly suplex from Swagger. The Miz is in trouble. Doctor Bomb!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!
Winner: Jack Swagger
Match Rating: **1/4.

Segment Three
Kane vs John Morrison vs Rey Mysterio.
Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WWE Intercontinental title.
The Match: John Morrison kicks the leg, knocks Mysterio down, and goes to work on it. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Kane goes down. Rey Mysterio pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Flying trash can shot from the top rope! Spear by Kane. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! John Morrison hits a rolling kick on Kane. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Kane reverses a hip toss. Mysterio \ Kane whip Morrison into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Vicious kick to the teeth from Rey Mysterio. Kane hits Mysterio with a plastic dinosaur! Rey Mysterio pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Spin kick by Rey Mysterio to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Rey Mysterio has John Morrison down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Torpedo Splash! 1....2....3.
Winner: Rey Mysterio
Rating: **1/2

Segment Four
Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston.
Match Background: This will be a first blood bout. Orton and Kingston have been feuding recently.
The Match: Orton slams Kofi Kingston. BAAACK Body drop by Kingston gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Bodyslam by Orton. Kofi Kingston avoids a Randy Orton avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Flying cross body off the top rope! Orton counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Full nelson slam on Kingston. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Randy Orton just KILLS Kofi Kingston! Randy Orton gets taken down out of nowhere! Kofi Kingston kicks the leg, knocks Orton down, and goes to work on it. Kofi Kingston misses a clothesline. Fallaway slam by Randy Orton puts down Kofi Kingston. Randy Orton misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Kingston quickly grabs a chair...and hits Randy Orton with it, drawing blood! Orton recovers quickly, and hits a low blow...then wipes the blood off his head and smears it on Kingston and exits the ring. The referee recovers, sees the blood....and calls for the bell, awarding the match to Randy Orton!
Winner: Randy Orton
Match Rating: **3/4.

Segment Five
Undertaker vs Batista vs CM Punk.
Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. Punk and Undertaker have been feuding recently. So far, Punk hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Undertaker since the feud started. This match is for the World Heavyweight title.
The Match: CM Punk connects with a back heel kick on Batista and gets back up quickly. Standing leg lariat by CM Punk on Undertaker. Batista counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Punk gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Spinebuster by Undertaker. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by Punk. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. Undertaker blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Batista \ Undertaker whip Punk into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Batista just KILLS CM Punk! Undertaker chair shots Batista. Undertaker misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Bodyslam by Batista. Batista gets a roll-up...and grabs a handful of tights as well! The referee doesn't see it: 1....2...3!!
Winer: Batista
Match Rating: **

Segment Six
Henry and MVP vs Jeri-Show vs DX vs Legacy.
Match Background: This will be a TLC bout. DX used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. Jeri-Show and DX have been feuding recently. DX hold the edge, as they have yet to be beaten in the ring by Jeri-Show during the feud. This match is for the WWE Unified Tag Team titles.
The Match: Chris Jericho charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Spinebuster by Triple H. HHH goes for a splash but Jericho puts the knees up. Spear by Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. BAAACK Body drop by HBK gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Ted DiBiase with a whip into the ladder. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Ted DiBiase, is executed so well, it hurt MY back. MVP takes a headbutt from Chris Jericho. Flying shoulder tackle by Jericho sends MVP CRASHING to the mat. Jericho uses a table as a ram on Montel Vontavious Porter. Full nelson slam on HHH. HHH gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Henry is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Big Show throws Henry into a ladder in the corner. Ouch! Dibiase just got flapjacked off the ropes through a table. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Montel Vontavious Porter connects and Ted DiBiase is down! Ouch! C. Rhodes just got flapjacked off the ropes through a table. Jeri-Show hook up Henry, then hit a double suplex. Belly to belly off the top rope! Show gets a face-full of ladder. Triple H and Shawn Michaels climb the ladder and grab the prize for the win.
Winner: D-Generation X
Match rating: ***

Segment Seven
John Cena vs Edge.
Match Background: This will be a texas death bout. Edge and Cena have been feuding recently. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the WWE title.
The Match: John Cena hits some punches. How generic. John Cena throws Edge into a shopping trolley. BIG clothesline on Edge. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Edge by Cena. Remember when that was a legit finish? Edge reverses a waistlock. Cena gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Spear by Edge. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Edge pins Cena. The referee is counting: 5....6....John Cena is back up. Cena ducks a wild right hand. Big piledriver on Edge. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. John Cena pins Edge. The referee counts: 2....3...4....but Edge stands up. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Edge! ONE...TWO...THREE. Cena defeats Edge. The referee counts: 6....7...8....but Edge stands up. Edge kicks John Cena in the gut to reverse the momentum. Cena takes a headbutt from Edge. John Cena is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Edge by Cena. Remember when that was a legit finish? Edge is in trouble. Here it comes - Attitude Adjustment. 1....2...3, it's finished. The referee counts to 10, this match is over! Randy Orton comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Randy Orton spins Cena around. Randy Orton hits the RKO! John Cena has been left down on the canvas.
Winner: John Cena
Match Rating: ****

Match of the Day: John Cena vs Edge.

WWE Champions Update after TLC

WWE Champion - John Cena
WWE Heavyweight Champion - Batista
WWE United States Champion - Jack Swagger
WWE Intercontinental Champion - Rey Mysterio
Unified WWE Tag Team Champions - D-Generation X
WWE Divas Champion - Brie Bella
Ringside. The Titantron flashes to life...



'Takes me Nowhere' by The Offspring hits the speakers, and EPIC make their way out from backstage. Mark Henry leads the way, followed by Sheamus and the Bella Twins, with Brie carrying her Diva's Championship belt. There is a nice reception from the crowd as the four make their way to the ring...

Once in the ring, Mike Henry asks for a Mic, and begins to speak...

Mark Henry: And a New Era, has Begun!

Our assault on the RAW Champions has begun with Brie Bella capturing the Diva's Championship for her own!

A loud cheer breaks out as Brie waves to the crowd, with Mark, Nikki and Sheamus applauding her. Brie takes the mic from Mark Henry, and begins

Brie Bella: Yes, a new dawn has begun here on RAW. And as a proud member of EPIC, I have to say I couldn't have done it without their support, especially without Nikki! This title is as much hers as it is mine!

More cheers from the crowd and more applause as Brie hugs her sister. She then returns to her speech

Brie: And now that I've laid my hands on the Divas Championship, let me say I am NEVER letting this go! So girls, watch out!

More cheers as Brie hands the mic back to Mark Henry

Mark: Yes folks, this is just our first step towards a new hierarchy in RAW! Which brings me to my next point...

MVP. I'm sorry, but you just aren't cutting it out. You are NOT fit to be a part of EPIC, and we will have to let you go.

Instead, I would like you to meat EPIC's NEWEST addition...The former United States Champion...


EPIC's theme song hits the speakers as The Miz makes his way out from backstage, playing to the crowd as he swaggers towards the ring.

He enters the ring, and takes the mic from Mark Henry...


Huge cheers!

The Miz: I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I am a perfectionist. I settle for nothing less than the best. This group here? They're well on their way to being the best of the best, the cr?me de la cr?me, the pinnacle, the leaders, the icons, the CHAMPIONS of RAW!

And nothing will stop them. Nothing will stop us. Nothing will get in our way as we aim to become the greatest thing to grace this show. Because WE...

ARE EPIC!!!!!!

Huge Cheers as the members of Epic leave the ring, taking in the large support from the crowd.

So yea, I'm controlling The Miz now as well to complete 5 superstars, and would like the Mark Henry/MVP team broken up to form a Mark Henry/Sheamus team instead.

Also, if possible, can you make a stable with these 5?
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Undertaker comes to the ring...

Undertaker- I have lost my championship last night. Batista took the Holy Grail from Hell and he will pay for what he did. I challenge Batista tonight for my holy grail the World Heavyweight Championship belt in a submission match and if I don't get my opportunity I will be the deadliest man in Smack Down so if Teddy Long is seeing this either give me and my brother a title shot at the unified tag champions or give me a Heavyweight title opportunity.
Special guest host...you speak with Vincet Kennedy McMahon.
Undertaker wants his rematch as well as John Morrison
Backstage, at Teddy Long's office. We see Mark Henry, The Miz, and the Bella Twins standing outside, waiting. After a moment, Sheamus walks into view, dressed in a suit. He nods to the other four members of the team, and knocks on the door. Without waiting for a response, he opens the door and marches in, followed by his stable.

Teddy Long: What the...

Sheamus: Excuse me Mr. Long, I know you're a busy man, so I'm going to keep this short.

As a representative of EPIC, I have a few requests on the behalf of my team matest.

First of all, The Miz would like to invoke his rematch clause, and would like to face Mr. Swagger for the US Championship.

Secondly, Mr. Henry and I would like a shot at the WWE Unified Tag Titles. We feel that we are a younger, more vibrant, more exciting prospect that those relics DX, and all of us here agree that MVP was holding Mr. Henry back. I am not one to blow my own horn, but without a doubt I feel that the pairing of Mr. Henry and I have a lot more chemistry, and are definitely championship material.

And finally, Brie Bella has chosen her first challenger for the Diva's Championship. It is Nikki Bella. They would like the match to be held ASAP.

I feel these are all very, very reasonable requests, and we are not a group to take No for an answer. So if you have any issues, I happy to talk it over.
Undertaker- Mark Henry and Sheamaus you two think you can defeat DX and become the Unified Tag Champions but you have made a mistake by coming infront of our way. Kane and I challenge you two in a tag team match and who ever wins becomes the no.1 contender for the unified Tag Champions and if Teddy Long can not arrange the match for us my brother here...

Kane- I will burn you Teddy Long in the fire of hell and your so called stable known as EPIC doesn't stand a chance against us.

Funknath added 3 Minutes and 28 Seconds later...

BTW shantanu I want to control Drew McIntyre
Sheamus: Now now, Brothers of Destruction. We have nothing but the utmost respect for what you both have achieved and are capable of, but we do not want to spend our time fighting qualification matches when it is abundantly clear that we are the best contenders for this title.

Now, once we are the WWE Unifed Tag Team Champions, we will be happy to give you guys a shot at our title.

ZoraxDoom added 17 Minutes and 35 Seconds later...

Oh, and a quick request. Can I change the name of the finishers of my characters? Make Sheamus's 'Irish EPICness' (Cause his name sounds Irish), and the Bella Twins the EPIC Ending. Mark Henry's can become 'The World's most EPIC Slam!', and The Miz's 'EPIC Fail'.
Kane- Hold on a second there Sheamaus...are you trying to say that you guys deserve a title shot more than us...if thats what are you thinking...in the next episode of RAW we have a match between us and if we win in SD we will face again to determine the no.1 contender and match will take place regardless of Teddy Long's and your's decision
Sheamus: *sigh*

Listen, Mr. Big Red monster. No member of my group is going to engage in an non-sanctioned match, so you can scratch that idea out.

Secondly, yes, I do feel Mr. Henry and I are more worthy contenders for the WWE Unified Tag Championships than you and Mr. Undertaker. We are fresher, newer, younger, more exciting and frankly more athletically gifted. It makes more sense that we hold the titles than two old has-beens who parade around WWE intimidating anyone who gets in their way.

We aren't scared of you, and we are better than you. And honestly, I don't think we need to be wasting our time fighting you.

But if Mr. Long insists, we will face you. We respect whatever decision he makes. I just hope he realises the futility of such a match up.

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