WWE - The Golden Era Roleplaying League - Monday Night Raw..

I'll take Sheamus, The Bella Twins, Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry.

Let's see if I can make them all champions ;)
My first role play

Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena.

The crowd start whispering and murmuring, not sure what is about to happen...

Jim Ross: Is it the Undertaker?
Jerry 'The King' Lawler: Maybe it's a newcomer making his debut?

Suddenly, we here a large BOOOOOOM across the arena! The fans shriek in surprise and fear, many cheer

A huge booming voice is heard over the speakers.


BOOOOOM! Another one!

Takes Me Nowhere by The Offspring hits the speakers, and the lights return. Standing in the ring are Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, The Bella Twins and Mark Henry. They are all holding mics. There is a lukewarm reception from the crowd, and Mark Henry speaks. We recognise his voice as the booming voice we heard earlier...

Mark Henry: Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen...
Cody Rhodes: To a new Dawn...
Nikki Bella: A new Era...
Sheamus: A new Legacy...
Brie Bella: A new Generation.

Mark Henry: For too long we've seen the same old faces dominate the RAW roster. The John Cenas and the Big Shows...

Cody Rhodes: The Shawn Micheals and the Triple Hs...

Nikki Bella: The Melinas and Maryses...

Sheamus: We'll we've had enough!

The crowds cheer a little bit, excited by this group of un-established stars standing up...

Mark Henry: We're tired of the same old people getting all the air time, leaving none for the guys like us.

Cody: And we're tired of them holding all the titles and getting all the title shots!

Brie Bella: We want to be heard. We want to be seen.

Sheamus: We want a change.

Mark Henry: So starting TONIGHT, we issue a warning to all the big names in RAW.

Cody: You guys are the past...

Nikki Bella: We are the present.

Brie Bella: We are here NOW, and we aren't going anywhere!

Sheamus: We are gunning for you

Mark Henry: So get all your titles ready, and kiss them goodbye, because they WILL be OURS!!!

For we...ARE EPIC!

Takes Me Nowhere by The Offspring hits the speakers again, and the five of them leave the ring to a mix of cheers and jeers...

Jim Ross: Epic? Is that what they're calling themselves?
Jerry 'The King' Lawler: Seems like it! Oh boy, this looks like fun!

7th December, 2009

Michael Cole: Welcome to Monday Night Raw, for the first show of the month. With me I have Jerry Lawler today. Welcome Jerry!
Jerry Lawler: Thanks a lot Michael, hopefully we will have a great show tonight, couple of huge matches are lined up for us.

Randy Orton is backstage. He talked trash about Kofi Kingston, continuing their feud.

Segment One
Sheamus vs Festus Dalton
Match: Festus gets slammed. Sheamus fires off some right and left hands. Running knee lift from Sheamus. Flying shoulder tackle by Sheamus sends Festus to the mat. Festus pushes out of a Sheamus hold. Festus slams Sheamus down. Hard slam by Festus. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Sheamus reverses a Festus Dalton hammerlock. Festus walks into a spike slam. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Sheamus DDTs Festus Dalton. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Festus slips out the back of a Sheamus bodyslam. Sheamus receives some punishment. Sheamus ducks a clothesline attempt. Running knee lift from Sheamus. Festus Dalton can barely stand. Side Slam Backbreaker!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!
Winner: Sheamus
Match Rating: *1/2

Segment Two
Brie Bella vs Melina
Match Background: Melina is the current WWE Divas Champions.
Match: Melina with a running dropkick into the corner. Melina floors Brie Bella. Brie Bella gets locked in the California Dream! Submission victory! Nikki Bella comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Nikki Bella floors Melina. Nikki Bella signals - Small Package! Melina has been left down on the canvas.
Winner: Melina
Match Rating: *1/4

Segment Three
Kofi Kingston is backstage. He talked trash about Randy Orton, continuing their feud.

Segment Four
The Miz vs Jack Swagger vs Carlito
Match Background: The Miz is the current United States Champions and will take on Jack Swagger and Carlito in a triple threat match.
Match: Double arm suplex by Jack Swagger, The Miz hits hard. Swagger slams Carlito. The Miz reverses a waistlock. The Miz slams Swagger onto a video machine. Massive backbreaker, The Miz got planted. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Jack Swagger with a spinning neckbreaker on Carlito. Carlito blocks a suplex attempt. The Miz \ Carlito whip Swagger into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Diving headbutt from The Miz. Suplex onto two upright chairs by Carlito. The Miz blocks a kick from Carlito. Hard back suplex on Swagger. Jack Swagger charges, The Miz moves, the referee gets knocked out! Jack Swagger floors The Miz, then signals for the Doctor Bomb. Meanwhile, The Miz has something in his hands. Swagger comes over...and gets nailed with a set of brass knuckles! The referee wakes up to see the pinfall: 1....2....3! It's over.
Winner: The Miz
Match Rating: **

Segment Five
Chavo Guerrero vs Santino Marella
Match Background: Hornswoggle is the Special Referee in this match.
Match: Chavo Guerrero walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from Marella. Chavo reverses a Santino Marella hammerlock. Chavo Guerrero scores with a back heel kick on Marella. Chavo Guerrero misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Flying knee to the face from Chavo Guerrero. Cover, but there's no one to count for Chavo Guerrero. Marella blocks a punch. Gut buster, Chavo hits hard. Vicious back suplex! Cover! 1....2...kick out. Delayed brainbuster suplex. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Marella drops an elbow...but misses. Back heel kick from Chavo. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Marella backdrops Chavo Guerrero out of a piledriver attempt. Chavo Guerrero is in control. Hornswoggle comes up behind...low blow! Chavo collapses to the floor. Santino Marella takes the advantage. Santino Marella moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Rolling Cutter. 1....2...3, it's finished.
Winner: Santino Marella
Match Rating: **

Segment Six
Jeri-Show are backstage. They were building up the feud with DX.

Segment Seven
Henry and MVP vs Legacy
Match Background: Currently the both teams are having fued between themselves.
Match: Henry slams Ted DiBiase. Rude Awakening on Ted DiBiase by Henry. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Henry tags out to Montel Vontavious Porter. Mark Henry scoops up Dibiase. MVP bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Montel Vontavious Porter with a spinning neckbreaker on Dibiase. Montel Vontavious Porter misses a big legdrop. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, MVP hits hard. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag between Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Full nelson slam! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Fallaway slam by Cody Rhodes. MVP counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Running knee lift from Montel Vontavious Porter. MVP tags out to Mark Henry. Henry hits a right hand. C. Rhodes tags out to Ted DiBiase. Fallaway slam by Mark Henry. Henry and MVP have Ted DiBiase to themselves. Type Name Here! 1....2....3! It's over.
Winner: Mark Henry and MVP
Match Rating: **1/4

Segment Eight
DX are backstage. They were on hype duty tonight, this time for a match with Jeri-Show.

Segment Nine
Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton
Match Background: Currently Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston are having a fued between themselves, since the events which took place in Bragging Rights.
Match: Flying cookie sheet shot by Kingston, blasting Orton. Flying cross body off the top rope! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Orton blocks a kick from Kofi Kingston. Kingston takes a headbutt from Randy Orton. Big backdrop on Kingston, executed well. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Frying pan shot by Orton. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Orton looks shocked. Fallaway slam by Randy Orton. Kofi Kingston pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Kingston hits a high kick on Randy Orton. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Flying knee to the face from Kofi Kingston. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Kingston looks shocked. Orton takes a flying neckbreaker from Kofi Kingston. Running table shot by Kingston, sending it into Orton. Kofi Kingston misses a big legdrop. Bodyslam by Orton. Side suplex from Orton. Cody Rhodes comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Kofi Kingston turns around. Cody Rhodes spins Kingston around. Cody Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes! C. Rhodes leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover! 1....2....3! Ring the bell. Randy Orton pinned Kingston. Orton and C. Rhodes beat away on Kofi Kingston, leaving him spread-eagled on the canvas.
Winner: Randy Orton
Match Ratting: **3/4

Segment Ten
Jeri-Show vs DX
Match Background: John Cena is the special guest referee for the current fued match between Jeri-Show and the DX.
Match: Bodyslam by Jericho. Suplex into a front slam from Jericho. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag to Big Show. Jeri-Show whip HBK into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Big backdrop on HBK, executed well. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Show slams Shawn Michaels. Show only gets knees on a splash. Spear! Show is down and hurt. HBK tags out to Triple H. Big backdrop on Show, executed well. HHH hits a stump piledriver on Big Show. Show counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Tag to Chris Jericho. Big clothesline from Jericho. Belly to belly off the top rope, HHH may be dead! Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Stiff chop lights up HHH. Triple H hits a right hand out of nowhere. Triple H hits a bulldog off the ropes. Jericho grabs Triple H for Big Show, who swings...but HHH ducks, and the big punch floors Jericho! Triple H moves in for the kill. Pedigree! 1....2....3. DX go into the crowd, where they celebrate their win.
Winner: Triple H and Shawn Michaels(DX)
Match Rating: ***1/2

Match of the Day: Jeri-Show v DX, Special Guest Referee: John Cena
Rest assure, the Bella Twins will bounce back.

Nice wins for Henry and Sheamus though. Our eyes are on the titles!
Hmm. Henry and MVP in a tag team?

I can work MVP into the EPIC Stable, but I already control 5 guys...

11th December, 2009.

Jim Ross: This is Friday Night SmackDown! The second SmackDown of the month, with Tables, Ladders and Chair(TLC) just a week away, we have an action-packed night.
Matt Striker: Yah Jimmy, I hope we have a very exciting Smackdown today and I cant wait for it to start.

CM Punk is backstage. I went downstairs to get a beer. When i came back, i caught the end of this interview. I think he was building up the feud with Undertaker.

Segment One
Charlie Haas vs Kung Fu Naki
Match: Standing kicky thing by Kung Fu Naki on Haas. Kung Fu Naki scores with a back heel kick on Haas. DDT by Kung Fu Naki. Flying elbow from Kung Fu Naki. Haas reverses a waistlock. Kung Fu Naki takes a butterfly suplex from Haas. Funaki walks into a jaw breaker. 1 - 2 - kick out. Charlie Haas misses a big legdrop and lands ASS-FIRST on the mat. Super kick by Kung Fu Naki. 1 - 2 - kick out. Back heel kick off the second rope, Haas goes down. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. Haas kicks Kung Fu Naki in the gut to reverse the momentum. Big forearm by Charlie Haas, and it's BONZO GONZO....or something like that. Funaki blocks a suplex attempt using the power of gravity. Kick by Kung Fu Naki...to the facial regions. Break that nose! Yeah! Charlie Haas can barely stand. Crane Kick! 1....2....3.
Winner: Kung Fu Naki
Match Rating: *1/2

Segment Two
Mickie James vs Maria Kanellis vs Michelle McCool
Match Background: This is a triple threat match and Michelle McCool is the current WWE Women's Champion.
Match: Forearm to the face from Mickie on Michelle. Maria hits a quick kick on Mickie. Michelle counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Powerslam from Michelle McCool on Maria. Michelle McCool scores with a face jam on Mickie James. 1 - 2 - kick out. Flying knee to the face from Maria Kanellis. Japanese marks everywhere cream themselves as someone uses a Shining Wizard....it's only a knee for crying out loud! 1 - 2 - 2.999 Michelle reverses a Maria Kanellis hammerlock. Michelle McCool hits a bad delayed suplex on Maria. Mickie face jams Michelle McCool. Michelle McCool tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Mickie goes to the eyes! Mickie James quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! Michelle McCool collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Michelle McCool got screwed!
Winner: Mickie James
Match Rating: *1/4

Segment Three
Shad Gaspard vs Tyson Kidd
Match: Kidd hits a dropkick on Shad Gaspard. Weird kick by Kidd on Shad. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Shad Gaspard, like so many teenage boys, uses a right hand. Except in this case, it's for a punch. Kidd gets smacked around like a bitch. Shad Gaspard with a spinning neckbreaker on Kidd. 1 - 2 - kick out. Spear! Kidd is down. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. Flying shoulder tackle by Shad sends Kidd to the mat. Shad walks into a trip. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Shad is down. 1 - 2 - kick out. DDT from the top rope by Tyson Kidd....holy crap, that was sweet. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Shad takes a flying neckbreaker from Tyson Kidd. Dropkick connects...Shad goes down like a skanky hooker. Shad backdrops Tyson Kidd out of a piledriver attempt. Rude Awakening on Tyson Kidd by Shad. Kidd walks into a slammy shoulder thing. Tyson Kidd can barely stand. Thugnificent!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!
Winner: Shad Gaspard
Match Rating: *3/4

Segment Four
John Morrison vs R-Truth vs Finlay vs Dolph Ziggler
Match Background: The match is a Fatal Four Corners match and John Morrison is the current WWE Intercontinental CHampion.
Match: Dropkick connects...R-Truth goes down like a skanky hooker. Legsweep. There's probably a Japanese name for that....like Golden Dragon Nuclear Spike....that'll do, i'll call it that from now on. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Morrison walks into a trip. Tag between R-Truth and Finlay. Gut buster, Morrison hits hard. Finlay whips Morrison into the turnbuckles...and the referee gets sandwiched. Finlay hits a great swinging DDT on John Morrison. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Morrison eats a suplex like a fat man eating a waffle. Man i could use a waffle right about now. Morrison blocks a kick from Finlay. Morrison tags out to Dolph Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler hits a bulldog off the ropes. Big backdrop on Finlay, executed well. Finlay counters a backdrop with a kick to the face. Gut buster, Ziggler hits hard. Lariat, apparently Finlay thinks he is Stan Hansen. Tag to John Morrison. Flying elbow from John Morrison. Really cool stunner-type thing out of the corner from John Morrison, Ziggler might be dead. Dolph Ziggler can barely stand. Moonlight Drive! 1....2....3.
Winner: John Morrison
Match Ratting: **

Segment Five
Chris Jericho is backstage. I got bored so didn't listen to this bit...if you don't like it, go read Scott Keith's commentary instead...but i managed to deduce that he wanted to rip into Undertaker. Looks like we'll be seeing them fight then.

Segment Six
Kane vs The Great Khali
Match: Kane slams The Great Khali down. Full nelson on Khali...i remember when Warlord used to do that. God he sucked. 1 - 2 - kick out. Khali powers out of a headlock. The Great Khali strikes Kane. The Great Khali uses a neckbreaker on Kane. 1 - 2 - kick out. The Great Khali turns Kane inside-out with a clothesline. 1 - 2 - 2.999 Weak bodyslam on Kane by Khali. Kane pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Kane hits a piledriver on The Great Khali. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Death valley driver by Kane, The Great Khali got planted hard...that was cool. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Flying shoulder tackle by Kane sends Khali to the mat. Khali gets slammed. Khali counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. The Great Khali uses a neckbreaker on Kane. The Great Khali scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Kane is in trouble. Punjabi Plunge!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Kane slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Khali turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.
Winner: The Great Khali
Match Rating: **

Segment Seven
Batista vs Rey Mysterio
Match: Batista hits a right hand. Batista slams Rey Mysterio. Rude Awakening on Rey Mysterio by Batista. Running knee lift from Batista. Mysterio counters a backdrop with a kick to the face. Rey Mysterio hits a rolling kick on Batista. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Batista is down. 1 - 2 - kick out. Batista reverses a waistlock. Mysterio walks into a slam. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Mysterio walks into a slammy shoulder thing. 1 - 2 - 2.999 Mysterio counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Kick from Rey Mysterio...to the leg! Oh the humanity! Batista powers out of a Rey Mysterio headlock. Big clothesline on Mysterio. Batista moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Batista Bomb. 1....2...3, it's finished. Batista offers a handshake to Mysterio...and he accepts it!
Winner: Batista
Match Rating: **1/4

Segment Eight
Undertaker vs Chris Jericho vs CM Punk
Match Background: This would be a triple threat match, and the Undertaker is the current WWE Heavyweight Champion.
Match: Chop hits Undertaker...that was stiffer than a 14 year old at a stripper convention. Suplex by Punk. Undertaker ducks a CM Punk clothesline. Chair shot. Powerbomby thing by Chris Jericho. 1 - 2 - 2.999 Rude Awakening on Chris Jericho by Punk. Jericho gets out the back of a CM Punk bodyslam attempt. Undertaker \ Jericho whip Punk into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Death valley driver by Undertaker, CM Punk got planted hard...that was cool. Face-first suplex onto a trash can by Jericho. Jericho only gets knees on a splash. Flying shoulder tackle by Undertaker sends Punk to the mat. Undertaker moves in for the kill. Tombstone! 1....2....3.
Winner: Undertaker
Match Rating: ***

Match of the Night: Undertaker vs Chris Jericho vs CM Punk.
Yes!!Undertaker and Morrison won :D :D

but kane lost :(

Undertaker and Kane's message to Jeri-Show and the GM of SD- We want a match for the unified tag team championship against the ████ team comprising of Jericho and The Big Show in this months ppv and we want it.
Time for another RP.

Backstage. The scene shifts to a door. On the door we see the signs [AUTHORISED STAFF NOT ALLOWED] [DO NOT ENTER] [HIGH VOLTAGE].

However, we can hear a bunch of voices from inside the room.

Mark Henry: Well done Gentlemen...and Ladies. Sheamus, that was a good win. Nikki, nice way to stand up for your sister. Don't worry Brie, you'll get her next time. Cody, warm up, I believe you are in action today.

We are well on our way folks. We have taken the first steps to making ourselves known on this show. We're right on track to show the world what we are made off. We are one step closer to showing these fans what champions are TRULY made of. This Era...is going to be EPIC!

Suddenly, MVP walks into view. He stands in front of the door, and raps his knuckles on it in a strange pattern.

Mark Henry: What's the password?

MVP: Fish Leg.

Mark Henry: Come on in.

MVP walks opens the door, and walks into the room.

Feel free to continue from there Ahad.
Here is my RP :D:D

Undertaker standing with the World Heavyweight Championship belt

Undertaker- Big Show and Chris Jericho have been the Unified Tag Champions for months. They have defeated teams like Mark Henry and MVP, Batista and Mysterio and DX but most of them aren't real challenges. Now they need some real challenge and in order to get it they have to face me and my brother Kane and if we don't get the opportunity then I shall take their soul.

Kane appears..

Kane-You have listened to what my brother have said about the Unified Tag Championship belts and if we don't get it in the next ppv i will burn all of you and I am serious

Dont worry Maria, I am sure that you will have a great comeback in the next fight :)
Here is my RP :D:D

Undertaker standing with the World Heavyweight Championship belt

Undertaker- Big Show and Chris Jericho have been the Unified Tag Champions for months. They have defeated teams like Mark Henry and MVP, Batista and Mysterio and DX but most of them aren't real challenges. Now they need some real challenge and in order to get it they have to face me and my brother Kane and if we don't get the opportunity then I shall take their soul.

Kane appears..

Kane-You have listened to what my brother have said about the Unified Tag Championship belts and if we don't get it in the next ppv i will burn all of you and I am serious

That sucks :p
All RPs suck compared to mine. :cool:

ZoraxDoom added 3 Minutes and 18 Seconds later...

Wait - I just noticed, you're making Henry and Cody feud against each other!

Can you cancel that please?
Here is my RP :D:D

Undertaker standing with the World Heavyweight Championship belt

Undertaker- Big Show and Chris Jericho have been the Unified Tag Champions for months. They have defeated teams like Mark Henry and MVP, Batista and Mysterio and DX but most of them aren't real challenges. Now they need some real challenge and in order to get it they have to face me and my brother Kane and if we don't get the opportunity then I shall take their soul.

Kane appears..

Kane-You have listened to what my brother have said about the Unified Tag Championship belts and if we don't get it in the next ppv i will burn all of you and I am serious

Suddenly Theodore Long Intro theme starts...

Theodore Long: I am sorry the Undertaker and Kane, but you wont get your title shot for the Unified WWE Tag Team championships in Tables Ladders and Chair. But don't worry I have something else more exciting in store for you two.

The Crowd Cheers..

Theodore Long: First, Kane will face John Morrison and Rey Mysterio in a hardcore triple threat match for WWE Intercontinental Championship. And secondly, the Undertaker will defend his WWE Heavyweight Championship at next weeks PPV in his Triple Threat Match against CM Punk and Batista.

The Crowd Cheers..

Theodore Long: Thats it from me, enjoy..

Jim Ross: Oh, wow! What a match at TLC, the Undertaker will defend his title against Chris Jericho, CM Punk and the Animal Batista. I can't really wait for next week's Tables, Ladders and Chairs.
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