My first role playI'll take Sheamus, The Bella Twins, Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry.
Let's see if I can make them all champions![]()
Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena.
The crowd start whispering and murmuring, not sure what is about to happen...
Jim Ross: Is it the Undertaker?
Jerry 'The King' Lawler: Maybe it's a newcomer making his debut?
Suddenly, we here a large BOOOOOOM across the arena! The fans shriek in surprise and fear, many cheer
A huge booming voice is heard over the speakers.
BOOOOOM! Another one!
Takes Me Nowhere by The Offspring hits the speakers, and the lights return. Standing in the ring are Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, The Bella Twins and Mark Henry. They are all holding mics. There is a lukewarm reception from the crowd, and Mark Henry speaks. We recognise his voice as the booming voice we heard earlier...
Mark Henry: Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen...
Cody Rhodes: To a new Dawn...
Nikki Bella: A new Era...
Sheamus: A new Legacy...
Brie Bella: A new Generation.
Mark Henry: For too long we've seen the same old faces dominate the RAW roster. The John Cenas and the Big Shows...
Cody Rhodes: The Shawn Micheals and the Triple Hs...
Nikki Bella: The Melinas and Maryses...
Sheamus: We'll we've had enough!
The crowds cheer a little bit, excited by this group of un-established stars standing up...
Mark Henry: We're tired of the same old people getting all the air time, leaving none for the guys like us.
Cody: And we're tired of them holding all the titles and getting all the title shots!
Brie Bella: We want to be heard. We want to be seen.
Sheamus: We want a change.
Mark Henry: So starting TONIGHT, we issue a warning to all the big names in RAW.
Cody: You guys are the past...
Nikki Bella: We are the present.
Brie Bella: We are here NOW, and we aren't going anywhere!
Sheamus: We are gunning for you
Mark Henry: So get all your titles ready, and kiss them goodbye, because they WILL be OURS!!!
For we...ARE EPIC!
Takes Me Nowhere by The Offspring hits the speakers again, and the five of them leave the ring to a mix of cheers and jeers...
Jim Ross: Epic? Is that what they're calling themselves?
Jerry 'The King' Lawler: Seems like it! Oh boy, this looks like fun!