Your Cricket Your fastest delivery

manee said:
Incredibly fast for your age, expect a county trial soon.

87mph! I am sure you would have got in unless your accuracy was shocking, what county was that?

Lancashire,missed out because of injury,and yeah i did spray it around a bit

Punk Sk8r! said:
Offdriven how old are you?

87mph surley all you need now is line and lenght?

I'm 17,so it shocked me aswell,i remember standing there with one of the coaches,and it was a case of wtf??
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Wow, are you accurate?? Or is that just when you bowl as fast as you can?? If your accurate your going to be in a top County side pretty soon.
How tall are you, offdriven?
i'm 13, clocked 122kmph, (around 72mph i think) I think its pretty fast.
I'm 5'5 btw :( I can bowl everything except the bouncer and a slower delivery I"m not tall enough for a bouncer and when I try a slower delivery it just sprays for 4 wides :p-Maybe i'm doing it wrong?
i discovered a decent technique for bowling slower balls today, bowled loads to my dad, he just couldnt pick them :P. What i do is i have only my index finger (one to the right of my thumb incase that isnt index finger :P) on the seam and then when going through my action just rub my finger across the seam and it applies spin to the ball which really slows it down. Try it out.

I've never been tested on a speed gun but my dad reckons i am bowling about mid 70's and i am pretty accurate aswell, which is awesome. I'm 17 btw and about 6ft.
I'm 13 and bowl 105 to 110 km/hr sometimes an odd ball which clocks 120 km/hr.I'm pretty accurate and good at bowling yorkers. I have a Shane Bond type of action.
Harrypotter_fan said:
I'm 13 and bowl 105 to 110 km/hr sometimes an odd ball which clocks 120 km/hr.I'm pretty accurate and good at bowling yorkers. I have a Shane Bond type of action.
Are you a bowler? or Allrounder?

I"m an allrounder i bowl flat out fast if i'm told to open the bowling/1st change.
But if i'm put on in the middle overs I bowl stump to stump Scott Styris like medium pace with the keeper up and let the runs down, and keep the pressure up :)
Harrypotter_fan said:
I'm 13 and bowl 105 to 110 km/hr sometimes an odd ball which clocks 120 km/hr.I'm pretty accurate and good at bowling yorkers. I have a Shane Bond type of action.
Whats that in mph??
I'm only mid-60s. But, I'm primarily a spinner. Leg-spinner turned off-spinner.
How old r u?

This thread should say Ur fastest Delivery(please state your age)
15. Footballer primarily though. Only started playing a couple of years ago
sd92 said:
Wow, are you accurate?? Or is that just when you bowl as fast as you can?? If your accurate your going to be in a top County side pretty soon.

accurate,when i'm not trying to bowl as afst as,i won't be in a county side though,dodgy knee,and i'm about 5 ft 9

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