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It's really sad that politics must ruin sport again. When I liked the option to use the old flag for historical reason, I didn't want to offend anyone. I found it really sad that a lot of people are yet still too sensitive about this stuff. I idolize more my mature Jewish actor friend who can play a Nazi in an act, without feeling offended. But one of the comments on the blog was true. A Few English have proven in the past to spread sensitive propaganda stuff too gain political ground. So maybe it is too risky to use the old flag on behalf of all the too fragile & sensitive players. But I can tell you that the old flag was created 1928, without mentioning or degrading any race, under British rule. I know also that those seventies cricket players felt proud about their flag, but not about their governments policies. Just like a few Americans love their flag, but didn't agree with their government's role in the Watergate scandal. Sorry that the sensitive fan must spoil the mature cricketers? correct detail, but in the commercial life it could be too risky. We shouldn't discuss politics on this blog, back to the cricket. Has someone created Basil D?Oliveira? He was also a brilliant cricket legend who showed amazing timing on uneven pitches. I would love to play against or with Basil.

spot on! yes, i created d'oliveira. i don't recall if i uploaded it to the server or not, but i used him in my own all time england team, as my all-time selection differed a lot from the on-disk roster.

check under usernames mrdconnors and dmconnors - if not i'll upload him tonight.
Its something that I'd want to talk to black South Africans about. It wouldn't be a decision for a white Scot, a white Aussie or a white South African to take. Personally; I wouldn't, but the majority in South Africa was OK with it, then I'd feel free to include it.

I also wouldn't say that its simply people being "too sensitive" if they don't want it in the game. Its not our place to say that people are being "too sensitive" if we haven't lived through apartheid, and especially if we wouldn't have been victims of it (I'm making assumptions here, feel free to correct me).

Being "too sensitive" is debatable. We shouldn't discuss politics here. A coin has two sides of the story. That is the South African situation. Remember the good in the past and don't hold a grudge against the past, cause people do change. Black & white. I've met mature people who had all the reasons to be sensitive, but they didn't chose to be. And vice versa. It's a personal thing being sensitive.
"Sorry that the sensitive fan must spoil the mature cricketers? correct detail, but in the commercial life it could be too risky."

Sorry that I'm still going on with this, but maybe I was wrong. It looks like more Playstation fans are definitely drawn towards banned stuff like the Nazi flag and worse, than there are sensitive fans.
Just look at the latest Grand Theft Auto 5. That game is branded with racism and worse and is still one of the best selling games.

It's not that I want to offend anyone, but I definitely wouldn't complain or squeal if you unlock the old flag. I don't see that a big risk.
Omar Henry (first non-white to be selected for South Africa) played also historically under the old flag while he didn't agree with government's policies. Did anyone create Omar Henry?
The flag debate is an interesting one. You see the old flag now and again, in old school white bars, on the back of the occasional vehicle. If you bought one out in public, while it wouldn't be considered acceptable, it wouldn't go down as badly as the Nazi flag would. (We also had our own Nazi flag too). I have a mug with the old flag in my kitchen (I also have the new flag tattood on my arm), and my black friends have drunk out of it and generally not wanted to smash it in my face.

I saw some black guys at some traffic lights selling the old flag the other day. It's not the kind of thing you see burning if you get it out.

However, it is not the kind of thing you would get out at a national sporting event or release on a public game. It would probably attract unwanted attention in SA, and I know bigant are planning an SA release.

It's a grey area, like smoking weed, it's not good, but we all know its around, just don't do it at my house kind of thing. Best bet would be not to include it


Could people use it in an offensive way? Would it be offensive for people to make the current team with that flag? (As in not recognise the accepted national one?)

Obviously with Mandela passing it could also allow people to make something from nothing to get a headline. I am leaning towards keeping it locked.

I am unfortunately very ignorant of the debate (if any), SA is one of the very few countries I've never visited.

Yes it would be considered offensive to include any of the current team, representing the new SA, with the old flag. Or if it was shown at a depiction of Newlands or whichever SA stadia you have in the game..

Not by me personally, but it would not go down well. Its not really an argument our generation have, but I know it wouldn't go down well..
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It's really sad that politics must ruin sport again. When I liked the option to use the old flag for historical reason, I didn't want to offend anyone. I found it really sad that a lot of people are yet still too sensitive about this stuff. I idolize more my mature Jewish actor friend who can play a Nazi in an act, without feeling offended. But one of the comments on the blog was true. A Few English have proven in the past to spread sensitive propaganda stuff too gain political ground. So maybe it is too risky to use the old flag on behalf of all the too fragile & sensitive players. But I can tell you that the old flag was created 1928, without mentioning or degrading any race, under British rule. I know also that those seventies cricket players felt proud about their flag, but not about their governments policies. Just like a few Americans love their flag, but didn't agree with their government's role in the Watergate scandal. Sorry that the sensitive fan must spoil the mature cricketers? correct detail, but in the commercial life it could be too risky. We shouldn't discuss politics on this blog, back to the cricket. Has someone created Basil D?Oliveira? He was also a brilliant cricket legend who showed amazing timing on uneven pitches. I would love to play against or with Basil.

AFAIK it's downright illegal, it might not be an issue of offending South Africans, I'm sure anyone with a chip on their shoulder and some umbrage to take could probably pursue things in a court of law RE the old flag.. I stand corrected though.

Rightly or wrongly there has been a lot of effort in South Africa to erase the memory of what happened. For example, Centurion where Supersport Park is used to go by an entirely different name (Verwoerdburg), and there are many other examples of this in the country.
What about keeping the old flag locked, and the only way for a fan of Donald Bradman Cricket to unlock the historical flag (for offline purposes only), is to pick a team and beat the 1970?s team in a 5 Test Series, on easy, or medium, or hard level? In 1970?s conditions or current cricket standards.
Then the only way you can offend someone sensitive, is if you unlock the flag and invite that person to your house.

The 1970?s team squad was BA Richards, TL Goddard, A Bacher, RG Pollock, EJ Barlow, BL Irvine, MJ Procter, D Gamsy (wktk), PM Pollock, MA Seymour, GA Chevalier, HR Lance, AJ Traicos, DT Lindsay (wktk), PHJ Trimborn.

At the moment I?m more interested in an Ashes series between Frederick Spofforth and WG Grace in their 1899 conditions.
here is my first try. did an edit of Mohammad aamer, prev. made by israr i believe.
still needs some work on the eyes and eyebrows.




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What about keeping the old flag locked, and the only way for a fan of Donald Bradman Cricket to unlock the historical flag (for offline purposes only), is to pick a team and beat the 1970?s team in a 5 Test Series, on easy, or medium, or hard level? In 1970?s conditions or current cricket standards.
Then the only way you can offend someone sensitive, is if you unlock the flag and invite that person to your house.

The 1970?s team squad was BA Richards, TL Goddard, A Bacher, RG Pollock, EJ Barlow, BL Irvine, MJ Procter, D Gamsy (wktk), PM Pollock, MA Seymour, GA Chevalier, HR Lance, AJ Traicos, DT Lindsay (wktk), PHJ Trimborn.

At the moment I?m more interested in an Ashes series between Frederick Spofforth and WG Grace in their 1899 conditions.

I don't see the difference in whether it is locked or unlocked. Either it is illegal content in a game, or it isn't?

Personally I don't give two hoots about it, and I don't expect our millions of previously disadvantaged people to start burning tyres in the street because of a flag on a cricket game, but it only takes a lefty rag in England or Australia to catch wind of it. Ross is worried about a game that was only out for five days having negative publicity leaking into his product, so why run the risk?
I can't make any claims about what will happen in South Africa. But there will certainly be articles and stirring caused by the media over here if someone makes a minor complaint or query about it. It's good for history and could fit in well with other themes in the game, but is possibly not worth the negative media coverage.
Here is the only evidence of the old flag being on a computer game I can find..

It comes from Ian Botham Cricket 92 which was released on the PC. This would have been released after Mandela was released and the ANC were unbanned, but before the first multiracial elections and before the new flag was created. I assume the cricket team were playing their first tour after re-admission at this time and would have been playing under the old flag still, even though they were allowed back into the fold.

I notice they have the England flag incorrect as well

I hope you have some of the old Botham flavour in this new game. Those were the glory days of PC gaming
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Umar akmal!



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