Your Player Cards

The hair probably needs to lighten up a bit. Apart from that, it looks good and it shows how realistic it is that I still want to punch that face.
great warner Raj!


what was the consensus about the players not looking as good in the new version? was it to wait for a patch or was reinstalling looking like solving it?
great warner Raj!


what was the consensus about the players not looking as good in the new version? was it to wait for a patch or was reinstalling looking like solving it?

I think the consensus is that Israr had me "Merry Christmas" the Art Staff for no good reason :p

It was local to his machine. There is an issue with the pose for the card.
I dunno i was looking at some tonight, and they didn't look as good as before. As if the age effect has been turned up or something? I didn't look thoroughly, i had to get back to some important playing and missing in the nets, but something looked off on a lot of the players.
The age effect is certainly more apparent - I think might be a product of the new lighting system though
I think the consensus is that Israr had me "Merry Christmas" the Art Staff for no good reason :p

It was local to his machine. There is an issue with the pose for the card.

All sorted for me too. Re-installed and all seems to back okey.
The age effect is certainly more apparent - I think might be a product of the new lighting system though

Ah ok. Yeah something just seemed a bit off to me. Age but also something else too... I'm not a very good "visual" person so it's tough to describe. Odd to say about computer avatars, obviously, but they looked somehow less human? Like skin textures were a bit off, as if they had bad plastic surgery. Not all of them, but some.
I guess we won't really know until we see the players out on the field.

It's a bit sad that I'm looking more forward to that than the actual gameplay.
Certainly wouldn't go as far as to say I'm looking forward to it more than the gameplay, but am certinly looking forward to seeing how they look in game.
Yeah, thinking we should remove the shaders, dumb the textures down and take their eyeballs out for "legacy mode".
I think the consensus is that Israr had me "Merry Christmas" the Art Staff for no good reason :p

It was local to his machine. There is an issue with the pose for the card.

Hey was not ENTIRELY my fault...

Plus someone here got too trigger happy!
i have a few questions/suggestions to improve the CA player creator.
1. almost all the created players have this anorexic/ bone-y feel to their faces. its the cheek bone that stick outs even when its set to its lowest. there is no way to bring it to a lower value cuz not every player has tat cheek bone sticking out. so i suggest maybe ross can look into this perhaps add another value in the cheek section named "fullness". it would affect the overall fullness of the cheeks and not merely just the jaw (like it is right now). a player like Nasir Jamshed doesnt have a defined face. so its impossible to make him if the cheek bone is always visible. second concern is the nose. the tip of the nose always sticks out. and from the top of the nose to the tip, its impossible to get a straight nose. it may start of as stright but as it reached the tip it bumps out so much, looks very irregular. i tried tinkering with all the setting, couldnt get it to decrease in depth or such. maybe you can help me there

3. my final query is on the overall length/width of the face. some players have a "pressed" feel to their faces, which is impossible to achieve in CA cuz the only values we can change are the temple width or the jaw width. there should be an overall width option of the face. where the whole face ( not just a few parts) can be expanded to acquire the right size.

i love the CA. very in depth and i love it. but just a few concerns that i thought id share with everyone. if ross is busy maybe someone else can help me.
Hey was not ENTIRELY my fault...

Plus someone here got too trigger happy!

I may have gone off a little soon however the email to the Art staff started with "I trust Israr, and he's indicating we have major issues, so what...." :)

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