Your Player Cards

Not quite as straightforward as that, it basically requires linking more than once, using more than one creation.

Lets say we both make a John Smith.

I link your John Smith, but only use the Identity.

I then link my John Smith over the top, using everything except Identity.

Then I upload it, it can't have original creator as Blockerdave AND SnowyCasanova, so effectively one person loses 'credit'

Hell, it is perfectly reasonable that this is exactly what happened.
This John Smith sounds like a good player. How good is he against short, quick bowling? And is he a disruptive character?
I've already said I have absolutely no problem with anyone uploading my creations. Not one bit.

I'm not saying anyone is infringing upon my rights as a creator, I've simply stated I feel that someone has copied my creation and that it's f***** me right off. Whether people think they have or not is a matter of personal opinion, I'm happy to agree to disagree.

Yes, I am pompous. Us creative autistic types are, sadly for the rest of you.

Please see my post above. They haven't copied it. It's just a quirk in how linking multiple creations to one player works.


I am a bit lost.

Did i just get blamed for "stealing" kasabian's steyn?

No. What has happened is someone has originally downloaded your Steyn, and it has linked to D. Stephensen or whatever it is on disc.

They've then downloaded Kasabian's unlinked Steyn, seemingly tweaked the appearance a bit, and then linked the identity over the top of the already linked Steyn (from you). When they upload it, it keeps you as the original creator, because you were the original linker.
Well, I feel like a bit of a dick now. But I'm sure we can kiss and make up.

*If not, you can all get bent.
I don't mind if I'm the 'original creator', but unfortunately this isn't the case. Very easy to download the player, make note of the exact levels for things etc...and then re-upload as your own - this has happened and I'm not arsed with that at all.

There are plenty of other quality creators on here, like you for example, so the community won't be short!

That's really happened??
Happy to take suggestions on fixing this if there is an issue. I added the original creator to try and give credit where due.

Last time there was an issue we pulled the server down and fixed things, we do take it seriously as we know a lot of effort has been spent and we certainly don't take it for granted.
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