Your streaks in the nets

Works fine for me. Have been able to play front and back-foot flicks towards fine-leg. As expected, it is all about timing. Play it early and your flick shot goes towards mid-wicket. Play it within the ideal timing-window and it goes towards square-leg. Play it late and it goes towards fine-leg. However, I have not been able to hit it very, very fine (like bastmen do in ODIs when bowlers get the line wrong).

That's what I meant, i.e. play the glance or flick fine when the bowler errs on the leg side. I want to play it as fine as possible so the fine leg fielder can't get to it. This is a pretty common shot when bowler strays on the leg stump.
That's what I meant, i.e. play the glance or flick fine when the bowler errs on the leg side. I want to play it as fine as possible so the fine leg fielder can't get to it. This is a pretty common shot when bowler strays on the leg stump.

The last game I played that got it right was graham Gooch cricket, however the keeper used to somehow summon up superhuman reflexes and catch you, was the one thing I was most interested in seein on DB14, you can get it fine by playing it late and slightly knicking it. But generally irl if you get it outta the middle it will go square or just behind so I'm pretty happy with it, also it will be interesting to see where the ball ends when playing in a match because the spin of the ball off the bat can take it finer than we can see from the nets.
The thing is there are several shots you can play in one area in real life. You can do it because your brain can differentiate between play a leg glance, play a sweep, play a reverse helicopter scoop with double twist dismount into pike etc. but you have a finite number of controls and animations, so there's bound to be some nuances missed. I reckon they have got it broadly right
The thing is there are several shots you can play in one area in real life. You can do it because your brain can differentiate between play a leg glance, play a sweep, play a reverse helicopter scoop with double twist dismount into pike etc. but you have a finite number of controls and animations, so there's bound to be some nuances missed. I reckon they have got it broadly right

Agreed and in addition every animation and nuance needs to be created which costs both time and money, the idea must have been to get the shots that are played 95% of the time, even if this is only 80% of all shots ever played. Some of the shots being called for (such as the helicopter, switch hit) are played so rarely that its hard to justify them.

We must remember that this is the first game of the series and BigAnt haven't got the budget of EA and so have a finite amount of things they can put in.
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The thing is there are several shots you can play in one area in real life. You can do it because your brain can differentiate between play a leg glance, play a sweep, play a reverse helicopter scoop with double twist dismount into pike etc. but you have a finite number of controls and animations, so there's bound to be some nuances missed. I reckon they have got it broadly right

Yep I agree block, this is a game, not a simulator as people have reminded us before, I have to say from what I've seen this game gonna be on a different level from anything before, and even things that aren't in the game don't seem to be missed!! Quite glad I bought a wired controller, cos its gonna be expensive with all the batteries I'd be going through.
Yep I agree block, this is a game, not a simulator as people have reminded us before, I have to say from what I've seen this game gonna be on a different level from anything before, and even things that aren't in the game don't seem to be missed!! Quite glad I bought a wired controller, cos its gonna be expensive with all the batteries I'd be going through.

absolutely - if the bowling is as "natural" as the batting, and they have a decent AI this is going to be not just "the best cricket game yet" - itself a big accolade - but is simply going to be "a very good game".
The thing is there are several shots you can play in one area in real life. You can do it because your brain can differentiate between play a leg glance, play a sweep, play a reverse helicopter scoop with double twist dismount into pike etc. but you have a finite number of controls and animations, so there's bound to be some nuances missed. I reckon they have got it broadly right

r u dilsc00p? r u helic0pter sh0t in net?

On a serious note, are there any videos without any of the batting aids on?
my highest defensive only is 21.

i could show you a LOT of leaves though. some of them were even intentional!

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