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  1. BONED!

    Should Ponting stay captain?

    So you think he's a w*nker? I think Shaun Tait is a w*nker (I don't like his attitude when he was angry at not being selected numerous times). But that doesn't mean I don't think he should play for Australia. He is a good player (when he doesn't leak runs like a hemmorage)! But you are entitled...
  2. BONED!

    Should Ponting stay captain?

    Not to mention THE most successful Ashes campaign to date! :D
  3. BONED!

    Should Ponting stay captain?

    You let this one test besmirch an incredibly successful career, numerous amazing catches and batting performances? Shame on you! This is possibly the strongest Australian team seen in quite a while, and Ponting certainly contributes alot to the team.
  4. BONED!

    Best batsman today ?

    fag! Nah, jokes! ;) My vote goes to Hayden. Whether test or ODI, he certainly wrack's up the runs.
  5. BONED!

    Steve Bucknor Dropped from third test

    Billy Bowden should launch a complaint against you!! lol jokes!! He's a tops umpire, gotta love him. Shame about his personal health/disabilities. Don't make fun of that, because he is a really nice person!
  6. BONED!

    Should the ICC handle serious charges which fall under Civil/Criminal Law?

    That is an entirely different situation. That involves Grevious Bodily Harm. Stemming back to the original part of the question, I think the ICC does have the right to intervene in situations such as any claims of racism etc. Murder or manslaughter is obviously a totally different ball park (you...
  7. BONED!

    Is "monkey" offensive

    Personally, I don't think ANY of us can speculate as to whether he said it or not. But I agree that without evidence, and only the words of players who were standing far enough away to be as unable to hear as the umpire, the verdict should be thrown out due to lack of evidence. I don't know...
  8. BONED!

    Should the ICC handle serious charges which fall under Civil/Criminal Law?

    I wasn't trying to start a fight. And I don't particularly mean for this to seem like a fight. I am just making my point that holding racist beliefs is not illegal. The KKK is legal (just the group is legal, not the burning crosses and killing people part). Skinheads are legal. Neo-nazism is...
  9. BONED!

    Should the ICC handle serious charges which fall under Civil/Criminal Law?

    it doesn't. It's freedom of speech, and a human right to hold whatever belief you choose, including the dislike of any race. maybe you should have a look at the history of racial aggitation between australians and ethnic immigrants during the 80's-90's. There is no law against not liking or...
  10. BONED!

    Should the ICC handle serious charges which fall under Civil/Criminal Law?

    Being a racist is not illegal. The display of Nazi symbols is a public offense due to the country's history. You can openly hate asian people if you live in Germany. You just can't go and wave "anti-asian" flags in the street without being arrested for disturbing the peace and causing civil...
  11. BONED!

    Should the ICC handle serious charges which fall under Civil/Criminal Law?

    Last time I checked, racism wasn't illegal. Sure, it is not accepted by 'proper' society, but being racist is not against the law. Now if you go and physically attack someone for a racist reason, that is illegal because it is assault, not because it is racist. I'm not defending racism, I'm just...
  12. BONED!

    The 'What If' Thread

    Spot on my son! Spot on! Buy yourself a beer!
  13. BONED!

    The 'What If' Thread

    Ouch! ...Burn! :whip
  14. BONED!

    A nice change of topic

    haha, then consider yourself prematurely bald. :D It seems the fashion that such high class Australian players retire after the completion of an Ashes series. Especially if we win again. And Gilly is still an agile thing, even in his medium age! I apologise. I miss-interpreted the tone of...
  15. BONED!

    Is "monkey" offensive

    the way your response was worded, it seemed like you were saying that Andrew Symonds had no right to complain about the crowd in India, based on what I had said. Perhaps I misunderstood you. I was just trying to re-iterate that Symo DID have the right to complain, just it should be dealt with by...
  16. BONED!

    A nice change of topic

    Nope, I think Gilly will stay until the end of the next ashes and then retire, just like Warne and McGrath did.
  17. BONED!

    India in Australia

    I get what you mean, but I am sure you also know what I mean. P***ing the Australian team is only motivating them to throw everything they have at you. I'm not saying they WILL bowl like that, but it is certainly a possibility that your batsmen may get hurt because of the current feeling of...
  18. BONED!

    A nice change of topic

    did you see the celebrations when Australia won the Ashes. Trust me, this whole test series will blow over, and Australia will once again be awaiting the Ashes and hopefully beating England again. To us, The Ashes is THE most prestigious event in cricket. Whilst every tournament holds its own...
  19. BONED!

    India think they're bigger than the game

    All opinions aside, I think this thread should be closed before even more damage is done. Enough users are already bickering, we don't need yet another thread on the same thing that everyone else is arguing about. And this certainly isn't contributing towards making everything 'blow over'...
  20. BONED!

    India think they're bigger than the game

    This post is a good way to start another argument and deepen the current disdain for the two countries involved! just saying!