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  1. Freddi

    Australia in England

    He hits his pad...
  2. Freddi

    Australia in England

    Um... Langer was clearly out in the first innings, if the balls going on to hit leg stump then thats out, and Pietersons turned down appeal nobody is really sure what that hit. So Gillespie is the only unluck Australian, where as Bell and Pieterson were both not out... But hey that is all in...
  3. Freddi

    Anyone figured out how to change the bounce off the pitch?

    Has anyone found out what to alter in the gob file to change the pace/height of bounce of the pitch yet? Cheers
  4. Freddi

    Multiple help

    read the manual
  5. Freddi

    Edit Pitch Conditions

    Updated the list file for Prakash's editor to also allow you to make changes to the pitch conditions(outfield speed ect...)[also includes zim's stroke files, hope he doen't mind me amending it.] Not really sure what all the values mean, will have a play to see if I can clarify things. Expect...
  6. Freddi

    Stroke Editor

    Cheers Ste/prakash for fixing that...
  7. Freddi

    Stroke Editor

    (don't know whether I'm the only one experiencing this)
  8. Freddi

    Stroke Editor

    Yeah great work zim. Tho have found one small problem, when using original gob file the values for the following stokes don't get displayed: 1. Back cover(& 6 hit) 2. Cover drive def 3. Cover drive attack 4. Cover drive(6 Hit) 5. Straight Drive (main) Would be great if this could be...
  9. Freddi

    C2004 so far : Ravi, Zim, Sam...

    Ah good stuff, if we can find all the bugs then we can leave it down to EA. And then we can hope that they'll make a better patch than they did for c2002.
  10. Freddi

    C2004 so far : Ravi, Zim, Sam...

    Not that I actually have the game, but I must agree with this point. Editting the configs can only improve a bad bug ridden game, to make the game great, we need a patch from EA. So this is why I suggest instead of mail bombing andrew, hb studios, and ea, we take a couple of weeks to play...
  11. Freddi

    New gameplay update

    Sorry, probably would have been a good idea to tell everyone wha the patch did :o Basically, it just tries to make the game more reallistic (not hard) by changing the config files and shot files. Its basically an alternative to ravis patch. Has anybody been able to give it a go yet? I...
  12. Freddi

    New gameplay update

    Hi I have created this gameplay update, and though I should share it with you guys. It seems to work really well, and has made the game much more intereting, tho I haven't had much time to test it yet... Please leave any comments here...
  13. Freddi

    Test Cricket tweak

    Ravi, Hi, I would love to test your files, and have quite a lot of spare time so should be able to fit in quite a few matches. If you would loke me to test them mail me them at [email protected]. Cheers P.S Hope you're feeling better :)
  14. Freddi

    new configs out soon...

    Hey, Just to let you people know that I have been working on creating some new configs for C2002. Made a few changes so far, probably the most exciting being that you can now hit yorkers, with not having to play the sweep shot. Planning release in about a weeks time, may need a few testers...
  15. Freddi

    An excellent breakthrough I suppose - We can now control the gameplay

    Kiwi, which hex editor are you using, because when I search for TargetSizMax it comes up with none found... Thanks
  16. Freddi


    I remember ages a go I had a list every players name in BLC, in alphabetical order, and the team they played for, which made commentary making easier. I haven't got it any more, and can't find it on the site, if anyone has it can they email it to me at [email protected] Thanks...
  17. Freddi

    Sangaam for go through

    Hey Gagan512, if ya have the D3DTNT crack can ya sent it to [email protected] Thanks... Edited By Freddi on Jan. 04 2002 at 13:03
  18. Freddi

    No CD?

    I do have the game, and codemasters will send me the crack. The game was playing fine, until I changed my CD Drive, then it ceased to work. I emailed them, with the name of my new CD drive, and they emailed me back saying that the CD was a special type to try and stop people copying it, and my...
  19. Freddi

    No CD?

    I already have the game, anyway I remembered I got it from codemasters last time, so I've emailed them. Hopefully they'll send me it sometime after Xmas.
  20. Freddi

    No CD?

    Can anyone tell me where the No CD crack is located, or can anyone email it to me at [email protected], please. This is because I accidently deleted it off my computer, and I need it because my CD drive won't read the Brian Lara CD, Thanks