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  1. L

    when it will release in dubai?

    To be honest who gives a fcuk? its rubbish
  2. L

    further to my previous comments

    this game is very very poor! there are so many issues with it that i cant believe any cricket fan was ever involved in making this game. having played both BLIC and C2k5 i have to say i am putting my pads back in my coffin and taking a hiatus for a couple of years until someone produces a decent...
  3. L

    PS2 Review

    you can have my review! enjoyable but there are some bugs: 1) Occasionally the ball will be very leg side but will hit the pads and will still be given as a wide. 2) you cant be run out on a no ball 3) too many shots end up being drives - definitely misses a back foot / front foot shot...
  4. L

    Will we ever get a decent cricket game?

    i find it amusing that people are writing off BLIC already and its still 3 days until release date. Personally i don't like EA's attempt but that may be down to my dislikng of EA anyway. With regards to BLIC i have found the demo entertaining but of course there are areas which can be improved...
  5. L

    Can demo be copied on to CD?

    i will, of course i now need to find someone to download it and copy it for me!
  6. L

    Can demo be copied on to CD?

    This may be a stupis question but can it be copied on to a cd or does it need to be copied on to a dvd?
  7. L

    BLIC Reviews

    The one thing that ruins cricket 2005 above all else is not its difficulty its the fact that every single outfield is obviously like concrete, as soo as the ball is past the infield when you have played a drive or cut then it is four!
  8. L

    BLIC Reviews

    i still haven't played BLIC demo but i did buy Cricket 2005 and it was rubbish. As i have said before my main gripe isnt due to the batting being difficult it is to do with the fact that the minute the ball is past a fielder it is 4 runs. in limited overs cricket it is virtually impossible to...
  9. L

    Which Format?

    thanks. i got cricket 2005 on the ps2 and thought it was dreadful - Graham Gooch's on the Amiga was a more enjoyable game - as batting was difficult but i am sure i would have got used to it but it really annoyed me that it was always a single or a boundary!
  10. L

    Which Format?

    PS2, Xbox or PC? what do those of you who have played the demo recommend? if anyone would like to be kind and send me a copy of the demo then let me know (no broadband, coverdisk didn't work and all out in Game!)
  11. L

    BLIC Demo Opinions and Reviews

    does anyone know if any other shops are selling the demo? all the Games in East London dont have it, i bought pc gamer but the disc didn't work and i am not getting broadband for another week! i need to play this demo aaarrrgggghhhh
  12. L

    Manual Appeal Button

  13. L

    Manual Appeal Button

    or for the ps2?
  14. L

    PC, PS2 or Xbox?

    What would you recommend buying it on and why?
  15. L

    Cricket 2005 Hints and Tips

    batting is very hard, i have so far scored 4, 9, 12, 24, 34 and 37! the only time i seem to score runs is when they have pushed mid on and mid off to long on and long off or by playing a leg glance. someone must have some advice........
  16. L

    Cursor when batting

    I think not being able to move after the cursor is set is much better. The reason why you may want to move your batsmen prior to the ball being delivered however is if you prefer to bat say on leg stump, middle stump, or you may just want to give yourself more room on the off side etc, but by...