Let him have one such with Only Domestic players.
I support this. But with the condition above.
Let him allow only 5 internationalists in the tournament which runs in India. And the one in somewhere else, Let him have 15 Internationalists rather than 10. No one will question as many in South Africa don't actually know what is meant by "Deccan", "Mohali" (They might have known Mohali but I am sure that no one would have known the word Deccan as many people in India even doesn't know the word Deccan. Its a pleateu in south Peninsular India. I know it as I stay on that.
) Atleast, they'll enjoy the players and their shots..
I support this. But with the condition above.
Let him allow only 5 internationalists in the tournament which runs in India. And the one in somewhere else, Let him have 15 Internationalists rather than 10. No one will question as many in South Africa don't actually know what is meant by "Deccan", "Mohali" (They might have known Mohali but I am sure that no one would have known the word Deccan as many people in India even doesn't know the word Deccan. Its a pleateu in south Peninsular India. I know it as I stay on that.